Firefighter Education and Training

PA State Weekend

Join us for the next Pennsylvania State Weekend at the National Fire Academy in Maryland.


A state weekend for emergency services personnel at the National Fire Academy in Emmitsburg, Maryland. Held in the summer annually, the goal is to strengthen fire communities through education, personal networking, and shared experience.

About the Program

  • It's free
  • Courses are usually held Saturday and Sunday, with orientation on Friday
  • On-campus lodging
  • Complimentary meals
  • Memorial service for those we've lost in the line of duty

Courses Offered

Course lists can change from year to year, but have included:

  • Building Organizational Support for Community Risk Reduction (W0636)
  • Command and Control for Company Level Operations (W0296)
  • Exercising Leadership Ethically (W0532)
  • Fire Investigation: First Responders (W0770)
  • Incident Safety Officer (W0729)
  • Leadership in Supervision: Perspectives in Thinking (W06647)
  • Residential Sprinkler Plan Review (W0142)
  • Safety for Hazardous Materials Incidents (W0256)
  • Strategy and Tactics for Initial Company Operations (W0455)
  • Supervising Emergency Medical Services (W0146)

View course offerings for 2025 closer to the date of the program.


Applications typically open in March for emergency service personnel who are at least 18 years old. Three years of emergency service experience is recommended.