Commonwealth Response Coordination Center

The Commonwealth Response Coordination Center, or CRCC as we call it, is truly the room where it happens.

Aerial view of the Commonwealth Response Coordination Center shows lines of empty desks and chairs overlooking large screens.


The CRCC is where everyone gathers during times of disaster, and even to practice for any kind of disaster that could happen in Pennsylvania.

Located at Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency headquarters on Elmerton Avenue in Harrisburg, this is the room where everyone has a place to work comfortably and coordinate efficiently when time is of the essence.

The CRCC also is where Pennsylvania's watch officers monitor developing situations every day to keep Pennsylvanians safe.

A Seat for Everyone

There's a place for everyone in our response center — Emergency Management Agency personnel, representatives from state agencies, volunteer organizations, and even private partners.

When there's an emergency in Pennsylvania, it's all-hands-on-deck.

PEMA Headquarters

A Watch Officer monitors a bank of screens in the CRCC.
Always Keeping an Eye on Things

We work to maintain situational awareness 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. This way, we are able to respond proactively to developing situations and heed requests for help from Pennsylvania's 67 counties, other states, and the federal government.

Activation and How It Works

On regular days, the CRCC is at a steady state. This means that things are business as usual.

Regular meetings are held, and Watch Officers monitor things like road conditions, traffic accidents, major events, weather threats — even social media feeds.

If something happens to threaten the safety of Pennsylvanians, the CRCC will activate and quickly become a hub of activity.

The governor, through the PEMA director or designee, can order an activation.

Necessary responders are notified to report to the CRCC. The response center quickly fills with experts, and won't empty until deactivation.