Investing in Best Management Practices

Clean Water Procurement Program

Under Section 1603-S of Act 54 of 2022, PENNVEST was directed to establish the Clean Water Procurement Program to provide for the purchase of verified nutrient or sediment reduction through a competitive bidding process.  The long-term objective of this program is to improve water quality in the Commonwealth through the purchase of verified nutrient (nitrogen/phosphorus) or sediment reduction, resulting from the installation of best management practices to help the Commonwealth achieve the most current total maximum daily load limits for nitrogen, phosphorus and sediment established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under the Chesapeake Bay Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) planning tool.

Funding Availability

Funds available under the PENNVEST Clean Water Procurement Program (CWPP) include funds appropriated to PENNVEST for the purpose of the program, amounts made available from the Clean Streams Fund under Section 1712-A.2(c)(2), federal money appropriated to or authorized for the purpose of the program, money received from another governmental agency through an interagency agreement or memorandum of understanding, a gift or other contribution from a public or private source, or returns on money dedicated to the program, including interest on loans, investment interest or refunds.

In 2022, the Commonwealth appropriated $22,000,000 for the PENNVEST Clean Water Procurement Program, and an additional $6,000,000 was appropriated in 2024.



Qualified Bidders

Qualified bidders include persons or entities that facilitate or coordinate the implementation of Best Management Practices for nutrient or sediment reduction provided that the bidder:

  1. Has a written plan that details the method to be used to verify performance of the Best Management Practice for nutrient or sediment reduction (“Verification Plan”), as further defined under Act 54, which has been approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (“DEP”);
  2. Is not listed on the Debarment and Suspension List maintained by the Pennsylvania Department of General Services;
  3. Is not in default of a loan or funding agreement administered by PENNVEST or any other Commonwealth agency; and
  4. Does not have a history of notice of violation of the Act of June 22, 1937 (P.L 1987, No.394), known as the Clean Streams Law or DEP regulations, including but not limited to, any unresolved violations or current Consent Order and Agreements, Administrative Orders or Field Orders.



Eligible Projects

Eligible projects include Best Management Practices that can be quantified using the Chesapeake Bay Nutrient Trading Tool (CBNTT) found on the PA Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Nutrient Trading Program webpage unless such Best Management Practices are otherwise excluded under the Ineligible Projects Section set forth in the Clean Water Procurement Program Guidelines.



Request for Proposal Multi-Award Competitive Sealed Procurement



Bidding Instructions

  1. 1

    Create an Account in the Chesapeake Bay Nutrient Trading Tool (CBNTT)

    Create an account in the Chesapeake Bay Nutrient Trading Tool (CBNTT) and enter the project information to calculate the potential nutirent and sediment reduction. Submit the Summary (pff) from the CBNTT and the verification plan via the email button to the right to obtain prior approval needed for the application submittal.

  2. 2

    Obtain a Project ID Number

    Prior to submitting a bid, a Project ID number is required.

  3. 3

    Download and Complete Required Documents

    The following four (4) documents must be uploaded with the completed CWPP bid:



    Failure to complete these documents may result in your bid being found non-responsive or technicaly insufficient.

  4. 4

    Submit Bid

    To submit a bid, complete the Clean Water Procurement Application within DocuSign that will be linked here when the next CWPP procurement opportunity becomes available.


    As part of the bid submission, applicants must upload the following documents in the DocuSign application process:


    • Verification Plan
    • Approval Letter of the Verification Plan from DEP
    • Iran Free Procurement
    • Domestic Workforce Utilization
    • Worker Protection and Investment Certification
    • Lobbying Certification


    By submitting a bid, you represent that:


    1. You are making a formal submittal in response to a procurement issued by PENNVEST pursuant to the Commonwealth Procurement Code (62 Pa C.S. Section 101 et seq.);
    2. You are authorized to submit the information on behalf of the person or entitiy identified;
    3. This electronic submittal is deemed signed by you and you are authorized to bind the person or entity identified to the terms of the solicitation and this submittal; and
    4. All information submitted is true and correct to the best of your knowledge, information, and belief. Any false statements made by you in this submittal are subject to the penalties of 18 Pa. C.S.  §4904 - Unsworn Falsification to Authorities.




Technical and cost scoring will be completed in accordance with the Ranking Criteria set forth in the Clean Water Procurement Program Guidance.  (See CWPP Guidance, Ranking Criteria, Pages 4-5.)  All technically qualified submittals will be awarded up to a maximum of 100 total points, including a maximum of sixty (60) technical points, categories 2-7 of the Ranking Criteria, and forty (40) cost points, category 1 of the Ranking Criteria.





Questions can be directed to PENNVEST's Contracting Officer.