Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission

Robert Lindsey

Philadelphia Regional Office Director 

Robert Lindsey serves as the director of the Philadelphia Regional Office of the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission. In addition to managing the operations of the office, this role allows Lindsey to continue his personal and professional path of serving and functioning in core human relations domains – specifically equal employment opportunity, diversity and inclusion, civil rights, and social Justice. 

Lindsey has held positions within the public and private sectors which he says has heightened his desire and commitment to address biased and unfounded prejudicial assumptions which unfortunately have led to discriminatory paradigms throughout the world we live in today. 

Director Lindsey’s academic background includes earning a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Tennessee with a major in philosophy concurrent with a commission in the U.S. Army. He started his career at what was at that point his most rewarding assignment, working as the Operations and Chief Test Management Officer of the Philadelphia Military Entrance Processing Station. 

Since that time Director Lindsey has held positions of increasing authority and responsibility within the Human Resource Management field. Prior to joining the PHRC team, he served as the Strategic and Operations Human Resource Business Partner/Consultant for Next Generation Corporation, a diversified management consulting/advisory firm.  

Recently, Lindsey completed a Master of Science degree in Human Resource Management from Southern New Hampshire University, focusing on course work as it applied to cultural diversity, law, and ethics, thus reaffirming interest and commitment to addressing the factors that enable and sustain our social contract of living in a society centered in justice, equality, and fairness. 
