For Individuals

Report Property Damage from a Storm

Reporting storm damage is crucial to obtaining funds for communities impacted by disasters.

Aerial view of a Pennsylvania neighborhood.

Why Report Damages?

When you report storm damage to your property, it makes it easier for your local emergency officials to get funding to help you and your neighbors recover from disaster.

Let's say, for example, that your community experienced flooding. If property owners do not report their damage, emergency officials have fewer reports of damage. This means they have fewer funding opportunities to apply for to get you help. The more people impacted, usually the more opportunities for help.

How to Report Damages

Usually after a disaster, emergency officials will be available within your community to help you recover. Oftentimes, they'll even go door-to-door to survey damages and apply for recovery funding to help everyone return to normal.

If your home is damaged after a disaster and you have not talked with an emergency official, call your local emergency management agency and let them know that your property has been damaged.