Register for the Victim Notification Program

If you are the victim of a personal injury crime and your offender is convicted, diagnosed with a mental illness, and requires treatment in a state hospital for people with mental illness, you have the right to be notified. 


Registration in the Victim Notification Program is voluntary. 

If you enroll in the Department of Human Services’ Victim Notification Program, you will be notified of your offender's transfer, discharge, or unplanned departure from a state hospital.

No information about you or your enrollment will be disclosed to the offender or anyone other than criminal justice officials without your written consent.

Enrollment in the program may occur in several ways:

  • If an offender is hospitalized, the local district attorney or victim notification coordinator will notify you and help you complete the enrollment form.
  • If the offender is hospitalized while under sentence in a jail or prison, the correctional agency will tell you where the person was admitted and will provide you with the link to access the enrollment form online. If you do not have web access, you can ask the correctional agency to send you the form.
  • If the offender was hospitalized before 1994, you may call or write the victim notification coordinator at the admitting hospital to enroll.

You will be enrolled until the offender is released from jail or prison.

Submitting an Enrollment Form

You can enroll in the Victim Notification Program by completing an enrollment form and mailing it to the proper state hospital.

Download, Complete, and Mail Your Form

  1. Complete an enrollment form after you have been informed of the offender's hospitalization.
  2. Mail the form to the hospital where the offender has been admitted.

Hospital Address and Phone Numbers

    1451 Hillside Drive Clarks Summit, PA 18411-9505
    Phone: 570-586-2011 (Info.)
    Phone: 570-587-7307 (Coordinator)

    200 State Hospital Drive Danville, PA 17821-9198
    Phone: 570-271-4510 (Info.)
    Phone: 570-271-4568 (Coordinator)

    1001 Sterigere Street Norristown, PA 19401-5397
    Phone: 610-313-1000 (Info.)
    Phone: 610-313-5763 (Coordinator)
  • 10058 South Mountain Road South Mountain, PA 17261-0999
    Phone: 717-749-4001 (Info.)
    Phone: 717-749-4022 (Coordinator)

    P.O. Box 111 Torrance, PA 15779-0111
    Phone: 724-459-8000 (Info.)
    Phone: 724-459-4412 (Coordinator)

    33 Main Drive North Warren, PA 16365-5099
    Phone: 814-723-4415 (Info.)
    Phone: 814-726-4144 (Coordinator)
  • P.O. Box 300 Wernersville, PA 19565-0300
    Phone: 610-670-3411 (Info.)
    Phone: 610-670-4160 (Coordinator)

Frequently Asked Questions

When an offender convicted of a personal injury crime is diagnosed with serious mental illness and has been determined to be a danger to themselves or others, the court may recommend that the individual receives treatment in a state hospital for people with mental illness. Offenders receiving treatment in state hospitals are usually treated in forensic centers. These centers are hospitals and maintain conditions to provide appropriate behavioral health services and support. They maintain a level of security equal to that of a medium secure facility. Forensic center patients may not leave the secure centers except for medical care or court hearings. However, the court may decide to recommend state hospital treatment to some offenders in the civil portion of the hospital, rather than the forensic center.

When hospital treatment is completed, the offender is returned to jail or prison to serve the remaining sentence. If the sentence expires or if pardon or parole occurs during hospitalization, treatment will continue to be provided in the civil portion of the state hospital. When the offender is ready for hospital discharge, the county mental health program will provide follow-up treatment services.

Your enrollment will continue until the offender is released from jail or prison. It is important that you notify the admitting hospital's victim notification coordinator if your name, address or telephone number changes while you are enrolled.