Apply for the Medicaid Infant, Toddlers, and Families Waiver (ITF)

The Infant, Toddlers, and Families (ITF) Waiver is a Medicaid program that provides services to children ages 0-2 years with intellectual disabilities or developmental disabilities.


The ITF Waiver provides funding for services, specifically special instruction, to infants and toddlers who experience developmental delays.

Available Services

Special instruction is the only service available through the ITF Waiver. Special instruction includes:

  • Designing your child's learning environment and activities to promote skills development, including cognitive processes and social interaction;
  • Curriculum planning, including the planned interaction of personnel, materials and time and space, that leads to achieving the outcomes on the individual family service plan;
  • Providing your family with information, skills and support related to enhancing your child's skill development; and,
  • Working with your child to enhance their development.
Early Intervention

Is your child experiencing a delay in their development?

Pennsylvania's Early Intervention program provides coaching support and services to families with children with developmental delays and disabilities.


Functional Eligibility

Infants and toddlers are eligible for funding from birth until their third birthday.

Developmental delays are evidenced by a minimum of

  • a 50 percent delay in one developmental area, or
  • a 33 percent delay in two areas, and who need Early Intervention Services.

Developmental areas assessed include:

  • Physical development, including vision and hearing
  • Cognitive development
  • Communication development
  • Social or emotional development
  • Adaptive development

Infants and toddlers must require an Intermediate Care Facility (ICF/ORC) for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities and related conditions.

Financial Eligibility

Income limit 300% of the Federal Benefit Rate using Federal Poverty Income Guidelines.

Apply through your County Assistance Office (CAO)

Call your County Assistance Office to apply



The CONNECT Helpline assists families in locating resources and providing information regarding child development for children ages birth to age five.

Call 1-800-692-7288


Email your referrals or questions to CONNECT at


Submit a Referral Form Online

Use the Early Intervention Referral Form to submit referrals online.

Submit Online

Related Services

If you are interested in getting services for your child through the Medicaid Infant and Toddler Waiver, but you are not yet enrolled in Medicaid, you can enroll now.