Data and Reporting

Act 82 of 2018: Report on Educator Preparation and Certification

In October 2018, Governor Tom Wolf signed Act 82 of 2018, which amends sections of the Public School Code of 1949 pertaining to Pennsylvania’s teacher preparation and certification requirements. Under Act 82 of 2018, the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) is required to provide a report to the Governor, House Majority and Minority Education Chairs, and the Senate Majority and Minority Education Chairs by March 1, 2019, and every year thereafter, regarding trends in teacher preparation and certification in Pennsylvania from 2010 and each year following, including certificates issued reciprocally for out-of-state teacher preparation programs. 

The 2025 Educator Preparation and Certification Report​ (Excel), which was compiled by PDE’s Office of Postsecondary and Higher Education (OPHE), Bureau of School Leadership and Teacher Quality (BSLTQ) using data submitted to PDE by Pennsylvania’s educator preparation programs, LEAs, and applications submitted by candidates for certification. Note: there are multiple tabs within this report.   

The report includes data on the following items: 

  • Instructional I certificates issued, in total and subdivided by field of certification and teacher preparation program; 
  • Instructional II certificates issued, in total and subdivided by field of certification and teacher preparation program; 
  • Administrative certificates issued, in total and subdivided by field of certification and teacher preparation program; 
  • Emergency certificates issued, in total and subdivided by the local education agency (LEA) by which the individual is employed and by field of certification; and 
  • Data regarding the number of individuals who have taken the assessment under Section 1202.1.(b)(1) and who attained qualifying scores on the assessment is pending a review of these data for validity and accuracy with the testing vendor. This information will be provided in the near future.