Data and Reporting

​​​​​​​The Stairs Report

The Public School Code Amendments (Act 61 of 2008) set forth requirements for Pennsylvania public institutions (Penn State UniversityTemple UniversityLincoln UniversityUniversity of Pittsburgh, and the State System universities) to continue the annual reporting requirements previously required as part of the annual appropriations acts relative to those institutions.

These reports, known as the Snyder Report and the Stairs Report, are based primarily on data reported by Pennsylvania's public universities to the Pennsylvania General Assembly.

The Stairs Report focuses on the financial disclosure reporting required of the state-related universities for the reporting year.

The Pennsylvania Department of Education is charged with posting data from the reports from these institutions on its website for a period of no less than 5 years from the date of submission. The full Stairs Reports can be obtained from the Joint State Government Commission​​ of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

For more information, please contact the Division of Higher Education, Access, and Equity at

Lincoln Un​​ive​​rsi​ty​​

Pennsylv​​ania College of ​Technology

Pennsylvania S​​tate University

Temple University

Universi​​ty of Pittsbu​rgh
