General Policies
The Bureau of School Leadership and Teacher Quality has the responsibility to determine creditable service towards the requirements of the regulations and these guidelines.
Requirements and Process
Basic requirements for issuance of supervisory/administrative certificates and letters of eligibility:
- All requests must be made by submitting the appropriate application and fee.
- All candidates for supervisory and administrative certificates and letters of eligibility must submit evidence of the requisite service; and
- All service evaluated for any certificate/letter identified in this Certification Staffing Policy Guideline (CSPG) must be rated as satisfactory.
Supervisory Certificates
Single area supervisory certificates require five years of certified school service in the area for which the certificate is sought.
Curriculum and Instruction and Pupil Personnel Services supervisory certificates each require five years of certified service on a state issued public school certificate in the school program area for which the certificate is sought. A Curriculum and Instruction Supervisory certificate requires the service to be in an instructional area; a Pupil Personnel Services Supervisory certificate requires the service to be in an educational specialist area. The service for each must be (i) valid for the assignment in the state in which such service was performed, and (ii) comparable to Pennsylvania's Type 01 or 04 emergency permit or Intern, Level I or Level II certificate.
Candidates for a Supervisor of Comprehensive Career and Technical Education certificate shall provide evidence of three years of satisfactory service as a state-certificated teacher of secondary-level Agriculture, Business Education areas, Distributive Education, Health Occupations, Family and Consumer Science, or Trade and Industrial Education (including cooperative education activities and occupational/technical curricula within such fields of career and technical education).
To be counted toward the service requirement of any supervisory certificate, out-of-state service must have been in school entities recognized by the respective state educational agency as a public school, licensed private school, or registered non-public non-licensed school of secondary school level and on an appropriate state certificate.
Administrative Certificates
Principal certification requires three years of satisfactory instructional or student support experience completed in a public or private PK-12 school or accredited institution of higher education.
Career and Technical Administrative Director certification requires three years of professional education experience in a Career and Technical Education School.
Letters of Eligibility
Superintendent and Intermediate Unit Executive Director candidates must provide evidence of six years of satisfactory educational or student support service in private or public K-12 schools or an accredited institution of higher education of which at least 3 years must be service in supervisory or administrative positions.
Predetermination of Service
When a candidate for a supervisory certificate, administrative certificate, or letter of eligibility seeks departmental evaluation of their service before enrolling in a program of study to meet the educational requirements for such certificate, submission of a formal application with fee must be submitted to the Bureau of School Leadership and Teacher Quality.
Unacceptable Service
- Service including but not limited to, business manager, athletic director, attendance officer, and teacher aide/paraprofessional.
- Service without appropriate certification in a position requiring a specific certificate.
22 Pa. Code §§49.161, §§49.163, §§49.172, §§49.182, 24 P.S. 12-1207.1 (d) (1) (ii), 24 P.S. 10-1003 (a) (2)
This revision supersedes all earlier CSPGs carrying this number and/or addressing this subject. Previous CSPG printing dates on this subject: 3/75, 1/87, 7/04,10/19
Summary of Changes
Date of Revisions | Major Changes to CSPG #7 |
12/2022 | As per Chapter 49:
2/1/2020 | Updated terminology per Act 76 from “vocational” to “career and technical” |
10/1/2019 |
7/1/2004 | Added examples of non-professional service, non-creditable service. |
1/1/1987 | CSPG 9 – Experience Requirements for Initial Supervisory and Administrative Certificates and Letters of Eligibility – includes experience requirements for:
3/1/1975 |
1960 -Administration Section, page 96 | Contained separate requirement information for each specific title on the supervisory and administrative level; County and District Superintendent, Assistant County/Assistant District Superintendent; Supervising Principal, Assistant to Superintendent or Principal in Charge of Instruction or in Charge of Business Affairs, Principals – Elementary, Secondary, Comprehensive. |