Early Intervention Announcement​​Announcement
​Issue Date​Comments*

2023-2024 Early Intervention Fee Schedule (PDF)

​EI 23-02

​Acceptable Signers of the Beneficiary Choice Form for the Infants, Toddlers and Families Medicaid Waiver (PDF)

​ELS-EI 06-10​9/5/2006​Infant toddler early intervention only

Amended Behavior Supports Announcement for Young Children (PDF)

​EI 10-08​10/25/2010

​At-Risk Tracking for Infants and Toddlers Experiencing Homelessness (PDF)

​EI 14-01​11/21/2014

Children Experiencing Homelessness (PDF)

​OCDEL 13-01​5/9/2013​Applicable to all OCDEL programs

​Childfind System Including Children who are Wards of the State, Children Living in Residential Facilities Children Who Were Abused and Children who are Homeless (PDF)

​EI 09-13​9/11/2009Infant toddler early intervention only

Recommendations for Infants, Toddlers and Preschool-Age Children Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing (PDF)


​EI 21-03​11/29/2021
​Collecting and Reporting Child Outcome Data in Infant/Toddler and Preschool Early Intervention Programs (PDF)​EI 12-07​10/26/2012

​Confidentiality, Parent Consent and Surrogate Parents (PDF)


​EI 12-03​4/11/2012​Infant toddler early intervention only
​Early Intervention Service Delivery: Coaching Across Settings (PDF)
​EI 20-03​11/30/2020​PA Infant, Toddler and Preschool EI Program Leaders

​Eligibility for the Infants, Toddlers and Families Medicaid Waiver (PDF)


​EI 08-10​9/22/2008​Infant toddler early intervention only

​Eligibility for Infant/Toddlers and Preschool Early Intervention (PDF)


​EI 13-08​12/13/2013

​Extent and Duration of Early Intervention Programs for Preschoolers, Including Services During Scheduled Breaks in Their Programs (PDF)

​EI 08-03​4/16/2008​Preschool early intervention only

​Funding Responsibilities for Early Intervention Services for Children at Kindergarten Age (PDF)

​EI 10-065/18/2010​​​Preschool early intervention only

​Inclusion of All Children in Early Childhood Programs in Pennsylvania (PDF)

DS 039/30/2020

​IDEA Early Intervention Complaint Procedures (PDF)

​EI 11-01​6/1/2011

​Infant and Toddlers Referred to Pennsylvania's Early Intervention Program from Out of State (PDF)

​EI 13-04​4/30/2013​Infant toddler early intervention only

​Infant/Toddler Early Intervention Service Coordination (PDF)

​EI 18-01​9/26/2018​Infant toddler early intervention only

​Infant/Toddler Early Intervention Cost Centers (PDF)


​EI 11-0411/16/2011​Infant toddler early intervention only

​Lead Exposure in Infants/Toddlers and Preschoolers (PDF)

​EI 22-01

​Local Determination Process (PDF)

​EI 18-0212/21/2018

​Mediation, Due Process, and IFSP Facilitation Procedures for Infant/Toddler Early Intervention (PDF)

​EI 12-05​7/1/2012​Infant toddler early intervention only

​Natural Environments (PDF)

​ELS-EI 06-04​7/24/2006​Infant toddler early intervention only

​Operational Guidance for Infant/Toddler Programs Regarding Children Living in Residential Facilities (PDF)

​EI 10-04​4/9/2010​Infant toddler early intervention only

​PA Pre-K Counts and Early Intervention Working Together (PDF)


​EI 07-12​10/24/2007​Applicable to Pre-K and early intervention programs

​Paraprofessional Qualifications (PDF)

​EI 10-07​6/15/2010​Preschool early intervention only

​Pennsylvania System of Payment (PDF)

​EI 13-02​Reissued 3/19/2013​Infant toddler early intervention only

​Positive Behavior Support (PDF)


​EI 13-07​8/29/2013

​Provider Qualifications (PDF)

​EI 16-01​2/12/2016

​Public Participation Requirements under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (PDF)

​EI 12-09​10/26/2012

Qualifications for Individuals to Provide Speech-Language Pathology Services in Early Intervention and the Requirements for Billing (PDF)

​EI 09-17​10/5/2009

​Reduction of Expulsion and Suspension in Early Childhood Programs in Pennsylvania (PDF)

​EI 17-02​6/30/2017

​Referring Children to the County Intellectual Disability and Autism Programs (PDF)


​ODP 00-22-04

​Release of Information (PDF)


​EI 10-02​1/29/2010

​Reportable Incidents for Mandated Reporters (PDF)


​EI 23-03
​Infant toddler early intervention only

​​Revision to the Early Intervention Special Education Plan Review Notice (SEPRN) (PDF)


​​EI 25-01​2/26/2025​​Preschool early intervention only

Early Intervention Session Note (PDF)


​EI 23-01
​Infant toddler early intervention only

Screening, Evaluation, and Assessment in Early Intervention (PDF)


​EI 12-01​4/11/2012​Infant toddler early intervention only

​Third Party Insurance Denials and Public Consulting Group (PDF)

​EI 13-05​4/30/2013​Infant toddler early intervention only

Transition of Preschool Children to School Age Programs (PDF)


​EI 09-19​10/20/2009​Preschool early intervention only

​Transition of Toddlers to Preschool or Other Community Services (PDF)


​EI 13-01​1/30/2013

Updates to Early Intervention Policy Based on Requirements in IDEA Part C Regulations (PDF)

​EI 12-02​4/11/2012​Infant toddler early intervention only

*Unless otherwise noted, announcements pertain to both infant toddler and preschool