K-12 Data-Informed Culture in Pennsylvania

Resources and information found on this page are provided to assist educators in the development and sustainability of a K-12 data-informed data culture, including data and assessment literacy.

Getting Started

Decisions in schools today are best informed by the effective use of multiple sources of data so that educators are basing their work on facts and information rather than assumptions or past practices. Used with integrity, data can reveal strengths and opportunities for improvements at the LEA/district, school, grade, classroom, and student levels to improve outcomes for all students. The resource found here provides information on the free PA tools designed to support the work of schools and LEAs/districts throughout the Cycle of Continuous Improvement, offering data insights, assessments, materials, and evidence-based practices.

Better Together: PA’s Suite of K-12 Tools to Support Continuous Improvement (PDF)

This webpage is devoted to resources and information to assist educators in the development and sustainability of a data-informed data culture.

Data-Informed Decision-Making

Schools focus on impacting student performance in both achievement and growth. In response, educators are looking to student learning assessments along with a range of other data to provide information on how they are meeting students' needs. The Data-Informed Decision-Making blueprint addresses three key planning processes in schools to support educators’ work in using data effectively.

Data-Informed Decision-Making: A K-12 School-Level Blueprint (PDF)

There are three key planning processes, or routines, in schools: annual school-wide routines, grade/subject-level routines, and classroom/student-level routines. Learn more about these planning and implementation processes, why all three are needed, and how to establish structures to create effective analyses and actions in each process.

(From: PDE PIL Foundations: Data to Action eBook)

The Three Levels of Data Analysis: School, Subject/Grade, and Student  (10 min Video)

Companion Guide: The Three Levels of Data Analysis (PDF)

Support and Assistance

For answers to questions regarding statewide support or professional learning, please contact the PVAAS Statewide Team via phone: 717-606-1911 or email: pdepvaas@iu13.org.