Competitive Equipment Grants

This grant is for school districts and career and technical centers with eight (8) or more PDE-approved CTE programs. Funds are used for updating or purchasing new equipment used in the training of students.

Competitive Equipment Grant Guidelines (122) (PDF)

A W Beattie Career CenterAllegheny$85,000
Adams County Technical InstituteAdams$80,043
Admiral Peary AVTSCambria$85,000
Beaver County CTCBeaver$85,000
Bedford County Technical CenterBedford$85,000
Bethlehem AVTSNorthampton$48,679
Bradford Area SDMcKean$85,000
Bucks County Technical High SchoolBucks$85,000
Butler County AVTSButler$85,000
Central Montco Technical High SchoolMontgomery$80,000
Central PA Institute of Science & TechnologyCentre$84,148
Central Westmoreland CTCWestmoreland$85,000
Chester County Technical College HSChester$85,000
Columbia-Montour AVTSColumbia$85,000
Corry Area SDErie$83,000
Crawford County CTCCrawford$85,000
Dauphin County Technical SchoolDauphin$85,000
Delaware County Technical High SchoolDelaware$51,550
Eastern Center for Arts & TechnologyMontgomery$85,000
Eastern Westmoreland CTCWestmoreland$85,000
Erie City SDErie$82,152
Fayette County Career & Technical InstituteFayette$85,000
Franklin County CTCFranklin$85,000
Greater Altoona CTCBlair$85,000
Greater Johnstown CTCCambria$85,000
Greater Johnstown SDCambria$53,925
Greene County CTCGreene$14,859
Huntingdon County CTCHuntingdon$65,700
Jefferson County-DuBois AVTSJefferson$85,000
Jersey Shore Area SDLycoming$85,000
Keystone Central CTCClinton$85,000
Lancaster County CTCLancaster$85,000
Lehigh Career & Technical InstituteLehigh$85,000
Lenape TechArmstrong$75,000
Mercer County Career CenterMercer$85,000
Middle Bucks Institute of TechnologyBucks$85,000
North Montco Tech Career CenterMontgomery$85,000
Northern Westmoreland CTCWestmoreland$84,569
Northumberland County CTCNorthumberland$85,000
Octorara Area SDChester$85,000
Parkway West CTCAllegheny$85,000
Pittsburgh SDAllegheny$85,000
Pottstown SDMontgomery$30,314
Reading Muhlenberg CTCBerks$85,000
Schuylkill Technology CentersSchuylkill$81,098
Seneca Highlands Career and Technical CenterMcKean$85,000
Somerset County Technology CenterSomerset$85,000
State College Area SDCentre$75,000
Steel Center for Career and Technical EducationAllegheny$85,000
SUN Area Technical InstituteUnion$85,000
Susquehanna County CTCSusquehanna$85,000
Upper Bucks County Technical SchoolBucks$85,000
Venango Technology CenterVenango$85,000
Wallenpaupack Area SDPike$79,500
Warren County AVTSWarren$9,870
Western Area CTCWashington$85,000
Western Montgomery CTCMontgomery$85,000
York Co School of TechnologyYork$85,000

​Supplemental Equipment Grants

Supplemental Equipment Grant funds provide school districts and career and technical centers/area vocational-technical schools (the opportunity to purchase equipment to prepare students for the workplace. Application for this grant is completed electronically using the eGrants system.

Supplemental Equipment Grant Guidelines

The following schools are eligible for this grant:

Agency/LEA Name
A W Beattie Career Center103020407
Adams County Technical Institute112015106
Admiral Peary AVTS108110307
Athens Area SD117080503
Avella Area SD101630504
Bald Eagle Area SD110141003
Beaver County CTC127041307
Bedford County Technical Center108051307
Bellefonte Area SD110141103
Bellwood-Antis SD108071003
Benton Area SD116191004
Berks CTC114060557
Berlin Brothersvalley SD108561003
Bermudian Springs SD112011103
Berwick Area SD116191103
Bethlehem AVTS120481107
Big Spring SD115210503
Blackhawk SD127041603
Bloomsburg Area SD116191203
Bradford Area SD109420803
Brockway Area SD106330703
Bucks County Technical High School122091457
Butler County AVTS104101307
California Area SD101631503
Canton Area SD117081003
Carbon Career & Technical Institute121131507
Career Institute of Technology120483007
Carlisle Area SD115211103
Central Columbia SD116191503
Central Greene SD101301403
Central Montco Technical High School123460957
Central PA Institute of Science & Technology110141607
Central Westmoreland CTC107651207
Cheltenham SD123461302
Chester County Technical College HS124151607
Chester-Upland SD125231232
Chestnut Ridge SD108051503
Clarion County Career Center106161357
Clarion-Limestone Area SD106161703
Clearfield County CTC110171607
Columbia-Montour AVTS116191757
Conewago Valley SD112011603
Conneaut SD105201033
Connellsville Area Career & Technical Center101266007
Cornwall-Lebanon SD113381303
Corry Area SD105251453
Coudersport Area SD109531304
Crawford County CTC105201407
CTC of Lackawanna County119354207
Cumberland Perry Area Career & Technical Center115211657
Cumberland Valley SD115211603
Danville Area SD116471803
Dauphin County Technical School115221607
Delaware County Technical High School125232407
Delaware Valley SD120522003
Derry Area SD107651603
Dover Area SD112671803
Eastern Center for Arts & Technology123463507
Eastern Lancaster County SD113362303
Eastern Lebanon County SD113382303
Eastern Westmoreland CTC107652207
Eastern York SD112672203
Easton Area SD120483302
Elizabethtown Area SD113362403
Ephrata Area SD113362603
Erie City SD105252602
Erie County Technical School105252807
Fairfield Area SD112013054
Fayette County Career & Technical Institute101262507
Forbes Road CTC103023807
Fort Cherry SD101632403
Franklin County CTC112282307
Fulton County Center for Career and Technology111292507
Gettysburg Area SD112013753
Greater Altoona CTC108070607
Greater Johnstown CTC108112607
Greater Johnstown SD108112502
Greene County CTC101302607
Greenwood SD115503004
Grove City Area SD104432903
Hanover Public SD112672803
Hazleton Area Career Center118403207
Huntingdon County CTC111312607
Indiana County Technology Center128324207
Jefferson County-DuBois AVTS106333407
Jersey Shore Area SD117414003
Juniata County SD111343603
Juniata Valley SD111312804
Keystone Central CTC110183707
Kutztown Area SD114064003
Lampeter-Strasburg SD113363603
Lancaster County CTC113363807
Lancaster SD113364002
Laurel SD104374003
Lawrence County CTC104374207
Lebanon County CTC113384307
Lehigh Career & Technical Institute121393007
Lenape Tech128034607
Littlestown Area SD112015203
Lycoming CTC117414807
Manheim Central SD113364403
Marion Center Area SD128325203
Mastery CS-Gratz Campus126513734
McGuffey SD101633903
McKeesport Area Tech Ctr103026037
Mercer County Career Center104435107
Meyersdale Area SD108565203
Middle Bucks Institute of Technology122097007
Middletown Area SD115226003
Midd-West SD116555003
Mifflin County Academy of Science and Technology111444307
Mifflinburg Area SD116605003
Millersburg Area SD115226103
Millville Area SD116195004
Milton Area SD116495003
Mohawk Area SD104375003
Mon Valley CTC101634207
Moniteau SD104105353
Monroe Career & Tech Inst120454507
Montgomery Area SD117415004
Mount Union Area SD111316003
North Montco Tech Career Center123465507
Northeast Bradford SD117083004
Northern Bedford County SD108056004
Northern Lebanon SD113385003
Northern Potter SD109535504
Northern Tier Career Center117080607
Northern Tioga SD117596003
Northern Westmoreland CTC107656407
Northern York County SD115674603
Northumberland County CTC116495207
Northwest Area SD118406003
Northwestern SD105258503
Octorara Area SD124156503
Oley Valley SD114066503
Otto-Eldred SD109426003
Parkway West CTC103027307
Penn Manor SD113365203
Penns Manor Area SD128326303
Pequea Valley SD113365303
Philadelphia City SD126515001
Pittsburgh SD102027451
Pottstown SD123466403
Reading Muhlenberg CTC114067107
Red Lion Area SD112675503
Ridgway Area SD109246003
River Valley SD128321103
Saint Marys Area SD109248003
Salisbury-Elk Lick SD108567004
Schuylkill Technology Centers129546907
Schuylkill Valley SD114067503
Selinsgrove Area SD116557103
Seneca Highlands Career and Technical Center109420107
Shikellamy SD116496603
Solanco SD113367003
Somerset Area SD108567703
Somerset County Technology Center108567807
South Eastern SD112676203
Southern Columbia Area SD116197503
Southern Huntingdon County SD111317503
Southern Tioga SD117597003
Spring Cove SD108077503
State College Area SD110148002
Steel Center for Career and Technical Education103028807
SUN Area Technical Institute116606707
Susquehanna County CTC119584707
Titusville Area SD106617203
Trinity Area SD101638003
Tri-Valley SD129547803
Troy Area SD117086653
Tulpehocken Area SD114068003
Tunkhannock Area SD118667503
Tyrone Area SD108078003
Union City Area SD105259103
Universal Audenried CS126519434
Upper Adams SD112018523
Upper Bucks County Technical School122099007
Upper Dauphin Area SD115229003
Venango Technology Center106619107
Wallenpaupack Area SD119648303
Warren County AVTS105628007
Wayne Highlands SD119648703
Wellsboro Area SD117598503
West Greene SD101308503
West Perry SD115508003
West Side CTC118408707
Western Area CTC101638907
Western Montgomery CTC123469007
Wilkes-Barre Area CTC118408607
Williamsburg Community SD108079004
Williamsport Area SD117417202
Wilmington Area SD104378003
York Co School of Technology


Final Expenditure Report

Guidelines for all career and technical education grants require the recipient to submit a Final Expenditure Report (FER) for all program funds for which the recipient applied and was approved.

Guidelines for all career and technical education grants require the recipient to submit a Final Expenditure Report (FER) for all program funds in which the recipient applied and was approved.

To begin the FER process, follow these steps:

  1. Go to MyPDESuite.
  2. Enter your username and password, click "Log In".
  3. Select the Career and Technical Education program office.
  4. Click on the applicable fiscal year.
  5. Go to your approved grant application. Application status will show as “Complete.” Click on the paper and pencil icon.
  6. Click the Supporting Grants link in the Supporting Grants box.
  7. Select the final report and click the Create button.
  8. Enter the answers in each section. Click “Mark as complete” button for each section.
  9. After all sections have been marked as complete and check marks are present to the left, click the “Complete Step” button at the bottom of the screen.
  10. Review the final report for accuracy. If additional edits are needed, click the “Previous Step” button to return to the Data Entry step.
  11. Click the Contract Sign-off link to complete the final report electronic signature.
  12. Click on “Reporting” link in the Documents box to print out a copy of the final report.
  13. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and click on the “Submit” button to submit the report to PDE for review.

The Bureau of Career & Technical Education (BCTE) will conduct a review of the Final Expenditure Report for completeness, accuracy, and budget compliance. BCTE will forward the report to the Comptroller’s Office for closure and final payment. BCTE will return the report to the recipient for further explanation or correction if incomplete or incorrect.

BCTE will deduct any unallowable costs from total expenditures claimed and subtracted from the final payment or request a refund. The recipient has the right to request a reconsideration of any disallowed costs. Upon receipt of notification of a disallowance, a recipient may request reconsideration by explaining the reason for the request. Any documentation that will substantiate the recipient’s request should accompany the letter. The BCTE will send notification of the Bureau’s decision.

If circumstances prevent timely submission of the report, the recipient may request an extension by contacting Nefertiti Menoe via phone 717-346-8400 or email

If a recipient fails to submit a Final Expenditure Report after notification of delinquency, PDE reserves the right to stop any payments of state and federal funds from any source and return all funds advanced under the project. The recipient may submit a revision if any omissions in, or corrections are required to, the original submission after the FER has been approved.

Any questions on the Final Expenditure Report should be directed to Nefertiti Menoe via phone 717-346-8400 or email

Perkins Local Application Funding Guidelines

Title I, Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act of 2018 P.L. 115-224