Effective July 1, 2022, every NATCEP must have a PDE-approved program administrator; coordinator; and either an RN instructor or an LPN instructor with an RN supervisor.  PDE will no longer utilize the roles of primary, co-primary or assistant instructor.

Programs are required to submit Report of Change (ROC) to request approval for the RN supervisor of currently approved LPN instructors.

​PDE-approved instructors teach NATCEP in their PDE-approved location(s).  

If an LPN instructor is teaching in a secondary (high school) setting, the LPN must meet both the OCA and OBRA requirements and must have a PDE-approved RN supervisor.

​Yes.  LPN instructors who are currently PDE-approved for your program prior to July 1, 2022, may instruct any/all of the NATCEP in a postsecondary/adult setting; however, a Report of Change must be submitted to designate the RN supervisor of the LPN.  The RN supervisor of an LPN instructor must be PDE-approved prior to the first day of the class to maintain compliance.

​Yes.  A NATCEP must maintain job descriptions that include NATCEP responsibilities for a program administrator, program coordinator, instructor; and if utilizing an LPN instructor, programs must also have a job description for the RN supervisor of the LPN instructor.

​Classes that begin July 1, 2022, or later that utilize an LPN instructor for any portion of the class must have a PDE-approved RN supervisor prior to the first day of class to maintain compliance.

​Federal OBRA of 1987 regulation did not change.  Instead, Pennsylvania legislators requested a review of OBRA 483.152(a)(5) that resulted in updated NATCEP instructor guidelines effective July 1, 2022.

​The NATCEP does not include a job title of nursing director. 

If the NATCEP employs an LPN instructor to teach any portion of the program, there must be a PDE-approved RN supervisor who meets the requirements listed in the updated instructor guidelines.  

​The RN supervisor must sign the Performance Checklist, PA Nurse Aide Training Report, Instructor Schedule and any documents determined by the program's administrative policy to verify that all objectives were taught and demonstrated satisfactorily.

​PDE does not determine a number; however, effective July 1, 2022, the RN supervisor of an LPN instructor must be available in person, by phone or virtually to meet the requirements listed in the updated instructor guidelines and to maintain compliance.

RN supervisor should be prepared to and available to provide instruction for the whole or any part of the NATCEP, if necessary, and must meet all the RN Instructor requirements.

​No.  A DON may not function as the RN supervisor or NATCEP instructor.  

​Professional nursing experience acquired as an LPN will be accepted to fulfill the 2 years necessary to function as an RN instructor without a PDE-approved RN supervisor. 

Yes.  The NATCEP must continue to maintain an instructor schedule that identifies the approved instructor assigned to teach the class and records instructional hours on a daily basis. An approved RN supervisor(s) must sign the instructor schedule if an LPN is teaching any portion of the class.

A NATCEP is no longer required to retain evidence that an instructor teaches a percentage of the total program hours, but it is advisable that one instructor teach the class from beginning to the end and the class should not exceed the maximum instructor to student ratios.  

​The NATCEP must have a PDE-approved program administrator who meets the requirements listed on the instructor guidance document posted on the PDE website.

​A nurse who possesses a current teaching certificate issued by PDE or evidence of being an instructor in an approved practical nursing program or a professional school of nursing, may register for the Teaching-the-Educator workshop and select the option for attending only the portion when the federal and state rules and regulations are presented if they meet the other requirements to teach the NATCEP.  A resume that includes detailed teaching experience will be requested during registration to be reviewed for possible exemption from the adult learning portion of the TTE.

​No.  Primary instructors are RN and approved to teach the entire program; therefore, an ROC is not required.

​Yes.  The RN supervisor role is different from the primary instructor role and the RN supervisor must be available and able to cease nursing duties should the LPN instructor request assistance.  All LPN instructors must have a PDE-approved RN supervisor prior to the start date of any class where any portion will be taught by an LPN.

Yes, the RN supervisor must be available to teach the NATCEP; therefore, they must also meet RN Instructor requirements.

​It is a best practice to access current forms on the PDE NATCEP website and make note of the revision date in the footer.

​Yes, a registered nurse can be approved for both NATCEP roles, but the requirements are different.  An RN supervisor of an LPN instructor must be available to cease any/all other duties to assist the LPN if needed.