​Intermediate Unit​Name | Phone | Email
Intermediate Unit 1
One Intermediate Unit Drive
Coal Center, PA 15423
​Sarah Durzo | 724-938-3241, ext. 260 | ​sarah.durzo@iu1.org
Jordan Lozosky | 724-938-3241, ext. 405 | jordan.lozosky@iu1.org
Ron Gallagher | 724-938-3241, ext. 230 | ronald.gallagher@iu1.org
​Pittsburgh-Mt. Oliver IU 2
341 S. Bellefield Ave.
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
​Amy Baumgart | 412-529-3082 | abaumgart1@pghschools.org
Amy Primm | 412-529-3037 | Aprimm1@pghschools.org
​Allegheny IU 3
475 East Waterfront Drive
Homestead, PA 15120
​Amy Davis McShane | 412-394-4193 | Amy.mcshane@aiu3.net
​Midwestern IU 4
453 Maple Street
Grove City, PA 16127
​Diane McGaffic | 724-458-6700, ext. 1257 | diane.mcgaffic@miu4.org
Halee McCance | 724-287-4156, ext. 1208 | halee.mccance@miu4.org 
​Northwest Tri-County IU 5
252 Waterford Street
Edinboro, PA 16412
​Nick Paolini | 814-490-2556 | Nick_Paolini@iu5.org
​Riverview IU 6
270 Mayfield Road
Clarion, PA 16214
Deanne Sintobin | 814-226-7103, ext. 5228 | dsintobin@riu6.org
​Westmoreland IU 7
102 Equity Drive
Greensburg, PA 15601
​Natalie Smith | 724-219-2321 | nsmith@wiu7.org
​Appalachia IU 8
4500 Sixth Avenue
Altoona, PA 16602
​Sarah Brambley | 814-940-0223, ext. 1364 | sbrambley@iu08.org
​Seneca Highlands IU 9
119 Mechanic Street
PO Box 1566
Smethport, PA 16749
​Cindy Murphy | 814-887-5512, ext. 121 | csmurphy@iu9.org
​Central IU 10
345 Link Road
West Decatur, PA 16878
​Brooke Walton, M.Ed | 814-442-4107 | bwalton@ciu10.org
​Tuscarora IU 11
2527 US Hwy.
522 South
McVeytown, PA 17051
Kelly Zurybida | 814-542-2501, ext. 1105 | kzurybida@tiu11.org
Stephanie Daniels | 814-542-2501 ext. 1105 | sdaniels@tiu11.org
​Lincoln IU 12
65 Billerbeck Street
PO Box 70
New Oxford, PA 17350

Ryan Kaiser | (717)-353-5680 | ​rdkaiser@iu12.org ​

​Lancaster-Lebanon IU 13
1020 New Holland Avenue
Lancaster, PA 17601
​Brian Booker | 717-947-1078 | brian_booker@iu13.org​
​Berks County IU 14
111 Commons Boulevard
PO Box 16050
Reading, PA 19612
Lynmarie Hilt | 610-987-8299 | lynhil@berksiu.org
​Capital Area IU 15
55 Miller Street
Enola, PA 17025
​Jill Neuhard | 717-732-8400, ext. 8406 | ​jneuhard@caiu.org
​Central Susquehanna IU 16
PO Box 213
Lewisburg, PA 17837
Kaitlyn Hock | 570-523-1155, ext. 2206 | Khock@csiu.org
Colleen Epler-Ruths | 570-523-1155, ext. 2206 | cepler-ruths@csiu.org
Anthony Serafini | 570-556-8800 | aserafini@csiu.org
​BLaST IU 17
2400 Reach Road
PO Box 3609
Williamsport, PA 17701
Rebecca Gibboney | 570-323-8561 x1801 | rgibboney@iu17.org
Dan Coran | 570-323-8561, ext. 1039 | dcoran@iu17.org
​Luzerne IU 18
368 Tioga Avenue
Kingston, PA 18704
​Tara Bruza | 570-899-1405 | tbruza@liu18.org   
​NEIU 19
1200 Line Street
Archbald, PA 18403
​Eliza Vagni | 570-876-9220 | ​evagni@iu19.org
Lisa Tomolonis-Sipler | 570-876-9317 | lsipler@iu19.org
​Colonial IU 20
6 Danforth Drive
Easton, PA 18045
​Keri Ramsay | 610-515-6525 | kramsay@ciu20.org
Colleen Klaric | 610-515-6411 | cklaric@ciu20.org
​Carbon-Lehigh IU 21
4210 Independence Drive
Schnecksville, PA 18078
​Kelli Tremba | 610-769-4111, ext. 1261 | trembak@cliu.org
​Bucks County IU 22
705 North Shady Retreat Road
Doylestown, PA 18901
​Nicole Borland | 215-348-2940, ext. 1410 | nborland@bucksiu.org
​Montgomery County IU 23
1605 West Main Street
Norristown, PA 19403
​Patrice Semicek | 610-755-9483 | psemicek@mciu.org
Andrew Kuhn | 484-685-1838 | akuhn@mciu.org
Chester County IU 24
Educational Service Center
455 Boot Road
Downingtown, PA 19335
Erin Cummings | 484-237-5705 | erinc@cciu.org
Delaware County IU 25
Education Service Center
200 Yale Avenue
Morton, PA 19070

Linda Long | 610-938-9000 ext. 2273 | llong@dciu.org
Natalie Bowen | 610-938-9000 x2043 | nbowen@dciu.org

Philadelphia IU 26
440 North Broad Street
Philadelphia, PA 19130
Jonathan Klingeman | Ed. D. | 215-400-5356 | jklingeman@philasd.org
Beaver Valley IU 27
147 Poplar Drive
Monaca, PA 15061
Melissa Neidbala | 724-774-7800, ex. 3007 | melissa.neidbala@bviu.org
2895 W Pike
Indiana, PA 15701
Lori Rodgers | 724-463-5300, ext. 1261 | lrodgers@iu28.org
​Schuylkill IU 29
PO Box 130
17 Maple Avenue
Mar-Lin, PA 17951
​Annie Milewski | 570-544-9131, ext. 1227 | milee@iu29.org
​PA Dept. of Education
Bureau of Special Education
607 South Drive, 5th Floor
Harrisburg, PA  17120
​Shirley Moyer | 717-903-2938 | shirmoyer@pa.gov
PA Dept. of Education
Bureau of Teaching and Learning Support
607 South Drive
Harrisburg, PA  17120​
​Brian Campbell | 717-783-6613 | bwcampbell@pa.gov