Family Ambassador Pilot Program

The Family Ambassador Pilot Program to help children transition more seamlessly from Preschool Early Intervention (EI) programs to Kindergarten.

The program is funded by the federal Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) through the State Personnel Development Grant (SPDG), Success for PA Early Learners (SPEL). Coordinated by the Bureau of Special Education (BSE) and the Bureau of Early Intervention Services and Family Supports (BEISFS), the program acknowledges the vital role families play in the educational journey of their children and seeks to equip them with the tools and resources needed for a smooth transition to school.

Family Ambassadors must have lived experience in the transition process from Preschool Early Intervention to Kindergarten. The position can be performed remotely, virtually, and/or in-person, and ambassadors are expected to commit an average of at least 15 hours per week in services to families and schools.

For more information including videos, training, and other resources, visit PaTTAN's Success for PA Early Learners website