Course Number: See Below
Course Length: 4 Days (32 Hours)

The course is designed to train law enforcement officers in the use of a specific breath test instrument employed to enforce the Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol or Controlled Substance statutes.

The course curriculum includes the following:

  • Approved Breath Testing Devices
  • Toxicology and Pharmacology
  • Legal Aspects of Chemical Testing
  • Breath Testing Rules and Regulations
  • Breath Alcohol Simulator Theory
  • Theory and Operation of Instrument

​AL-202 Intoximeter RBT-IV
AL-245 Intoxilyzer 8000
AL-251 DMT
​AL-258 Intoxilyzer 9000

Course Number: See Below
Course Length: 1 Day (8 Hours)

These training courses are designed for certified operators who need specific training in the operation of a different make or model of breath test instrument. Applicants of this course must be certified breath test operators.

The course curriculum includes the following:

  • Instrument Theory and Operation
  • Simulator Use (with specific instrument)
  • Chemical Testing Case Law Update
  • Implied Consent

AL-211 Intoximeter RBT-IV
AL-246 Intoxilyzer 8000
AL-252 DMT
​AL-259 Intoxilyzer 9000

Course Number: AL-229
Course Length: 1 Day (8 Hours)

This training course is designed to recertify the applicant as a breath test device instructor for two-year period. Applicants for this course must be Certified Breath Test Operators and maintain a valid instructor's certification by attending this course as required.

The course curriculum includes the following:

  • Review of Specific Breath Te​st Instruments
  • Current DUI Case Law
  • Review of Administrative Procedures and Changes

Course Number: AL-230
Course Length: 3 Days (24 Hours)

The course is designed to provide instructional and practical experience to the law enforcement officer by demonstrating techniques that can be utilized in the field for the detection of a person who is under the influence of alcohol or other drugs. Class participants are trained in the techniques of conducting the standardized test battery. Applicants for this course must be sworn law enforcement officers.

The course curriculum includes the following:

  • DUI Detection - Vehicle in Motion
  • Personal Contact with DUI Operator
  • Techniques and​ Applications of Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus Test (HGN)
  • Techniques and Applications of Vertical Gaze Nystagmus Test (VGN)
  • Techniques and Applications of Walk and Turn Test
  • Techniques and Applications of One Leg Stand Test
  • Processing and Report Writing

Site Requirements

Photo of Sobriety Test

Course Number: AL-231
Course Length: 1/2 Day (4 Hours)

The course is designed to provide approved Standardized Field Sobriety Testing (SFST) Practitioners with current knowledge as it relates to the legal aspects of SFST, performance and procedures. This course will enhance the ability of the practitioner to apply and testify about Vertical Gaze Nystagmus, Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus, Walk and Turn and One Leg Stand tests.

Applicants for this course must be approved Standardized Field Sobriety Testing Practitioners.

The course curriculum includes the following:

  • Review of Vehicle in Motion Phase
  • Review of Personal Contact Phase
  • Review and Update of Psychophysical Testing Phase
  • Updates of Case Law and Testifying Requirements of Practitioners
  • Current Use of SFST Results for DUI-Drug Enforcement

Course Number: ​AL-233
Course Length: 1 Day (8 Hours)

The course is designed to provide Standardized Field Sobriety Testing (SFST) Instructors current knowledge as it relates to the legal aspects volunteer drinking problems. Applicants must be certified Standardized Field Sobriety Testing Instructors.

The course curriculum includes the following:

  • Administrative and Procedural Changes in Standardized Field Sobriety Testing Battery
  • Review of Scoring and Note Taking
  • Dosing Volunteer Issues
  • Current DUI Case Law

Course Number: AL-234
Course Length: 1 Day (8 Hours)

The course is designed to acclimate officers with a myriad of issues involved with sobriety checkpoints. It reviews Vehicle Code provisions relating to sobriety checkpoints and DUI enforcement, and delves into the constitutional issues of sobriety checkpoints at state and national levels.

The program instructs the officers in site selections, as well as equipment and manpower needs. Attendees will be required to participate in a mock sobriety checkpoint to familiarize themselves with the equipment used in the checkpoint operation.

The course curriculum includes the following:

  • Driving Under the Influence: Vehicle Code Section 3802
  • Implied Consent
  • Sobriety Checkpoint Facts
  • Sobriety Checkpoint Operation
  • Constitutional Case Law

Course Number: See Below
Course Length: 8 hours

These courses train certified breath test operators to return to service a properly functioning breath test instrument, which has been disabled or placed out of service due to operator error. Instruments may cease to function due to a failure to comply with accuracy requirements as specified in applicable regulations.  An operator or changeover certification is required as a prerequisite to this class.

The course curriculum includes the following:

  • Preparing the Instrument for Operation
  • Review of Legal Aspects of Chemical Breath Testing
  • Operation of Wet-Bath Breath Alcohol Stimulators
  • Supervisors Pass Codes and Functions
  • Specialized Manufacturer's Return to Service Procedures

AL-238 Intoximeter RBT-IV
AL-253 DMT
AL-254 Intoxilyzer 8000
AL-260 Intoxilyzer 9000

Course Number: AL-242
Course Length: 1/2 Day (3.5 Hours)​

This half-day course is designed to serve as a refresher for officers who currently participate in sobriety checkpoints. It reviews Vehicle Code provisions relating to sobriety checkpoints and DUI enforcement. The curriculum delves into the constitutional issues of sobriety checkpoints at the state and national levels.

The program instructs the officers in site selections, as well as equipment and manpower needs. Applicants for this course must be sworn law enforcement officers.

The course curriculum includes the following:

  • Driving Under the Influence - Vehicle Code Section 3802
  • Implied Consent
  • Sobriety Checkpoint Facts
  • Sobriety Checkpoint Operation
  • Constitutional Case Law

Course Number: AL-263
Course Length: 1/2 Day (4 Hours)

Case law in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as well as that written by Federal courts affects everyone, especially the daily operations of law enforcement agencies.  Case law becomes a benchmark upon which all later courtroom decisions are based and is constantly changing.  This course is designed to present, interpret, and discuss current constitutional and PA statutory issues related to traffic and the enforcement of impaired driving involving both drugs and/or alcohol.  This course is continuously updated. 

Course Nu​​mber: AL-410
​Course L​ength: 1 Day (7 Hours)

A one-day​​ course designed to update certified breath test operators, recommended every three years after the initial breath operator training. This training will cover several evidentiary breath test instruments.

The course curric​ulum includes the following

  • Breath testing rules and regulations refresher
  • Simulator use and maintenance
  • Relevant case law
  • Issues concerning specific breath test instruments
  • Courtroom related issues​

Breath Test Refresher Training​

We are often asked about refresher training for evidentiary breath test operators. There are a few options to refresh your skills in breath test training. Attendance is recommended every three years for any option listed below in order maintain good skills and be ready for potential courtroom challenges.

Breath test operator refresher training class which covers breath test regulations, simulator use and maintenance, breath test case law, breath test device changes/updates and court related issues.

Breath test changeover training class trains officers already trained as a breath test operator who require the one day changeover class to a different instrument. Attending this class is also a good option if an officer needs to be refreshed on how to use the device in which they are already trained.

If a maintenance trained officer is needing refreshed on their skillset, they can attend the supervisor class training on that specific device.