Postsecondary and Higher Education

Postsecondary Closed Schools

Colleges, Universities, Seminaries, Private Licensed Schools

The Pennsylvania Department of Education does not receive, maintain, or service student records or student-level data. As such, we are unable to provide education verifications.

This is historical information dating back to 1986 and provides the best information available to current Department staff.

If a student transcript is deemed ‘lost’, the Department will be unable to recover or recreate the lost document.  However, the Department may be able to offer to prepare a closed school letter on the student’s behalf, indicating that the school has closed and the student’s records appear to have been lost.  The student will be required to support their request to the Department with documented evidence of their attendance.  Documentation may be of a financial or academic nature but must include both the school’s and the student’s names. This documentation will then be further confirmed against historical school information in support of the requester letter.*

We will be unable to assist with the following:

GED, HiSET and 30 College Credit Options
Website: High School Equivalency Diplomas and Transcripts
Website: Diploma Sender

Public High Schools
Website: High School Diplomas and Transcripts
Contact the school or District Office.

Private High Schools
Contact the school.
Website: High School Diplomas and Transcripts
Website: Nonpublic/Private Schools Transcripts

Charter/Cyber Schools
Contact the school.
Website: High School Diplomas and Transcripts

Home Schooled Students
Contact the home school district the student where the student resides.
Website: High School Diplomas and Transcripts

Hospital Occupational Training Programs
Contact the hospital who offered the training program.

If you are unable to find your school in the list below, the school was likely not authorized by the Department as a postsecondary institution, and you may wish to utilize the contact information and resources listed above.

*Information and evidence required to request a closed school letter:

  • If you are unable to locate your transcripts with the repository listed for your closed school, or if your school's records have been deemed 'lost', you may request a closed school letter in lieu of a lost transcript by sending documented evidence of your attendance to and
  • Documented evidence must include the student's name and the school's name.  The closed school letter may only restate information demonstrated to staff by substantiated evidence.
  • With your request, please demonstrate that you have contacted the listed repository and were unsuccessful at retrieving your transcript. 
  • Closed school letters will not serve as an education verification and will not replace lost transcripts or earned awards.
  • If you wish your letter to be sent to an agency, institution, or employer on your behalf, please be sure to include this information in your request.
  • Your emailed request should state…
    • I am seeking a closed school letter for (include school name and location):
    • I attempted to obtain my transcripts from:
    • I have attached the following evidence, that includes both my name and the school's name:
    • I request that the letter be sent to:

Recently Closed Colleges, Universities, Seminaries, Private Licensed Schools

  • On July 1, 2024, Clarks Summit University announced its intent to begin the process of closure. Information about the closure and resources are available at the Clarks Summit University website.

Hussian College - Philadelphia closed effective May 26, 2023. The following information is provided to assist students with plans for continuing their education.

Official transcripts can be ordered from Verif-y at If Verif-y is unable to locate your records, please contact for assistance.

The United States Department of Education – Federal Student Aid has provided a fact sheet (PDF) and offers opportunities for students to apply for a closed school loan discharge. Additional information is available at Has Your School Closed? Here's What to Do. Other resources are available on the Closed School Discharge page and the Borrower Defense Loan Discharge webpage.

Students who have received veteran benefits should visit the Department of Veterans Affairs at Restoration of Benefits After School Closure.

Additional resources: HUSSIAN COLLEGE – Nashville, Mufreesbo​ro, Clarksville, and Online Instruction


Pittsburgh Technical College (PTC) will close effective August 9, 2024. The following information is provided to assist students with plans for continuing their education. 

Official transcripts can be ordered from Point Park University's transcript ordering page.​

Information from PTC regarding teach-out plans and financial aid can be found on the college's closur​e​ announcement page. ​​

The United States Department of Education – Federal Student Aid offers opportunities for students to apply for a closed school loan discharge. Additional information is available at Has Your School Closed? Here's What to Do. Other resources are available on the Closed School Discharge page and the Borrower Defense Loan Discharge webpage. 

Students who have received veteran benefits should visit the Department of Veterans Affairs at Restoration of Benefits After School Closure. ​

The University of the Arts, Philadelphia, has announced closure effective June 7, 2024. The institution lost accreditation from the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) effective June 1, 2024.

Transcripts can be ordered from the National Student Clearinghouse Transcript Ordering Center

Students are urged to contact PDE at for assistance and for help with any questions.

As the situation unfolds, PDE encourages students to visit the following Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) pages:

The United States Department of Education – Federal Student Aid offers opportunities for students to apply for a closed school loan discharge. 

Additional information is available below:

Students who have received veteran benefits should visit the Department of Veterans Affairs at Restoration of Benefits After School Closure

FAQs from Students

The Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) is hosting a webin​ar​ for students on June 14th, 2024, from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. to discuss student options related to this closure. Representatives from the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE), the Uni​ted States Department of Education (USDE), and the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA) will also participate to discuss the implications. Information on financial aid and borrower defense claims will be covered during this meeting. Further information regarding borrower defense claims can be found at:

The University of the Arts is in the process of adding this information to their website. A webinar was hosted by MSCHE on June 6, 2024, with all interested teach-out partners to explain the expectations of the in​​stitutions accepting UArts students.

Currently, teach-out institut​​ions can be found at University of the Arts Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - Middle States Commission on Higher Education (

24 P.S. § 6502 (b) (​​1) requires an institution to have a minimum protective endowment of at least $500,000. This is to be utilized to return unearned tuition funds to students.

The University of the Arts st​​ated today that they are working on returning funds to students who made payments for upcoming semesters.

24 P.S. § 6502 (b) (1) requires an institution to have a minimum protective endowment of at ​​least $500,000. This is to be utilized to return unearned tuition funds to students. Interpretation has not been that this would be used to forgive private student loans.

Private loans are not included in​​ loan forgiveness or borrower's defense claims offered by the USDE.​

No. This decision is final.​​​

UArts has identified and worked with ​​at-risk students to maintain housing over the summer. If students have additional concerns, they should contact the UArts call center at 888-546-3819.​

It is recommended for students to reach out to UArts at 888-546-3819 to discuss their situation. UArts can work with teach out partners to assist in accommoda​​ting a student's needs. A response can be expected within 48 hours.​

It is hopeful that students who have a signed lease will be able to continue their education at a teach out institutio​​​n located in the same geographical area. For a list of teach out partners, please visit University of the Arts Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - Middle States Commission on Higher Education (

Transcripts from the closed Art Institute campuses can be ordered from the Art Institutes' Transcript Ordering Center or from the central repository Transcripts | If neither site is ​able to locate your records, please contact the Division of Higher Education, Access, and Equity at for assistance.

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