Postsecondary and Higher Education

Private Licensed Schools

Entities that offer postsecondary entry-level career training must be licensed/registered by the State Board of Private Licensed Schools. The Board then also approves the program and course offerings at each school. Schools may be approved to award career diplomas and/or certificates. Schools that meet certain specific requirements may be approved to award occupational specialized associate degrees. The Division of Postsecondary Proprietary Training serves as staff to the Board.

Triangle Tech, Inc. Cl​osure​​​

June 5, 2024 NEWS RELEASE: Triangle Tech Announces Plans to Close All Schools, intends to honor all educational commitments to current students.​ (PDF)

DuBois, Greensburg, Pittsburgh, Sunbury locations
Closing expected to occur on/after February 7, 2025.

Chambersburg, Bethlehem locations
Closing expected to occur on/after May 30, 2025.

If you are a student with concerns related to Triangle Tech's closure, or you believe you are entitled to file a claim for a refund of paid unearned tuition, please email the Department at

Please be sure to indicate your full name, the campus location you are enrolled at, the program you are enrolled in, along with your start date and anticipated graduation date.  If available, please also share with us your enrollment agreement, financial ledger, and academic transcript.  Provide us with specific information and details regarding your concerns, so that the Department may properly investigate your concerns.

Meeting Information: Upcoming Board Meeting Dates and Submission Deadlines

​​​Quarterly Financial Reporting: Quarterly Financial Reporting Submission Deadlines

Board Staff Contact Information: 717-783-8228 |

State Board of Private Licensed Schools Policy Memos

The following Policy Memorandums are expected to be considered by the State Board of Private Licensed Schools at the November 14, 2024, Board meeting.

In accordance with Private Licensed Schools Policy Memorandum #87, the memos below are being provided in advance of consideration to allow for public feedback.  Should you wish to offer feedback for Board consideration, please email your comments to the Division Chief at on/before Tuesday, November 12, 2024.

If you experience any difficulties accessing the Board's policy memos, please email staff at

​Memo Number​Topic​Date
​12Enrollment Agreement and Alternate (PDF)
​25Bond Form (PDF)​06/08/1990
​30​Irrevocable Administrative Trust (PDF)​02/01/1991
​35Financial Reporting (PDF)​01/31/1992
​45Clock Hour/Lesson/Semester and Quarter Credits (PDF)​10/25/1993
​51Use of the Term Tuition "Savings" (PDF)​12/30/1996
​56Non-Resident Program Application-25% of Lessons (PDF)​05/28/2002
​57New Program Application – Catalog Required (PDF)​05/28/2002
​59Leave of Absence (PDF)​08/14/2003
​60Enrollment in a Single Course (PDF)​12/11/2003
​61Non-Resident Program Application First 25% of New Material (PDF)​02/19/2004
​63Financial Reporting (PDF)​02/17/2005
​65Limit of Number of New Programs (PDF)​02/09/2006
​66Certificate of Occupancy Required (PDF)​02/08/2007
​67Trimester Credits (PDF)​02/14/2008
​68​Externships (PDF)​02/14/2008
​69Electronic Financial Reporting (PDF)​08/25/2008
​71New Director Seminar - Required (PDF)
​72Role and Authority of the Financial Review Committee (PDF)​05/14/2009
​73Application Quality and Deadlines (PDF)​05/12/2011
​74Job Opportunity Requirement in New Program Applications (PDF)​08/08/2013
​75​Fees (PDF)​02/12/2015
​78PA Locations for Out-of-State Providers (PDF)​05/09/2018
​82Institutional Grants (PDF)​05/14/2020
​83Distance Education (PDF)​05/14/2020
​85​Fines and Violations (PDF)​12/01/2020
​87​Invitation to Provide Feedback (PDF)​12/15/2020
​90Violation by Unlicensed or Unregistered Person or Entity Civil Penalty and 5-Year Moratorium (PDF)5/17/2021
(rev 11.14.2024)
Applications Submission Deadlines and Expiration (PDF)​11/14/2024
(rev 5.18.2023)
Commercial Truck Driving Programs (PDF)5/18/2023
​94Return of Title IV - Withdrawal Date Taking Attendance (PDF)​​8/12/2021
​95Compliance Audits and Site Visits (PDF)​11/18/2021
​96Self-Attestations for Entrance Requirements​5/19/2022
​97​Statement Concerning Transfer of Credits/Hours (PDF)​11/18/2021
99Scholarships (PDF)2/17/2022
​101Board Acceptance of Program Approvals (PDF)​5/19/2022
​102Substantive Program Changes (PDF)​5/19/2022
Annual Consolidation of Student Transcripts to Central Repository (PDF)​​8/17/2023
Adverse Findings Correspondence (PDF)
Practical Nurse Clinical Sites (PDF)
Records Repository Agreement (PDF)
Gross Tuition Revenue (PDF)
​Voluntary Licensure (PDF)

External Consultants (PDF)
Phlebotomy Programs (PDF)​


The Pennsylvania Department of Education does not receive, maintain, or service student academic transcripts.  Furthermore, the Pennsylvania Department of Education is unable to provide education verifications.

Student academic transcripts are maintained by licensed/registered schools for 50 years. Please contact the institution you attended for a copy of your transcript.

Students who attended a Private Licensed School that has closed may obtain their student academic transcript from the school's records repository. The repository for your school's records can be found using the resource below.

If you would like to make a formal complaint about a Private Licensed School, please complete and submit a Student Complaint Form.  Forms must contain the student's name, contact information, and signature for the complaint to be processed.

The Pennsylvania Department of Education does not administer financial aid or loan programs or process requests for loan forgiveness.

The school you plan to attend is often the best source of information regarding available funding opportunities. The school's financial aid office will be able to tell you which federal and state programs they administer. They will also be able to tell you if additional sources of funding might be available including scholarships, grants, loans, etc.

Please be cautious of any offers of assistance to find or secure financial aid if a fee is required for the service.

​Programs and courses completed at a Private Licensed School are not always accepted for transfer to a college, university, or other postsecondary institutions. It is at the discretion of the receiving institution whether they will accept credit transfers.

Schools licensed/registered by the Pennsylvania State Board of Private Licensed Schools, Pennsylvania Department of Education, are approved to offer Board-approved programs to students beyond the age of compulsory education.  This means that they have permission to conduct business and offer the Board-approved programs to adults. 

While the Pennsylvania State Board of Private Licensed Schools' program approval process to offer programs to students beyond the age of compulsory education (adults) confirms a certain level of content and performance, it is not a seal of academic quality.  Academic quality is more accurately reflected by accreditation.  The Pennsylvania Department of Education does not offer accreditation in this capacity. Acceptance of a Private Licensed School High School diploma is at the discretion of the receiving institution.

Students who are of compulsory school-age should coordinate completing their High School diploma with their home school district. The State Board of Private Licensed Schools does not oversee or approve programs or courses taught to elementary or secondary students.  Please contact the institution, the student's home school district, or the Pennsylvania Department of Education, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, School Services, at for assistance regarding High School diploma awards for compulsory-age students.

The State Board of Private Licensed Schools consists of 15 members. The Secretary of Education appoints 14 Board members to represent school sectors – business and commercial; trades and technologies; and correspondence, home-study, and distance education – and the public. One member represents the Office of Attorney General. The Board meets quarterly to review and act on applications and requests and to develop policy.

All terms shall be for four years and members may serve no more than two consecutive four-year terms. 

Individuals interested in recommending a member candidate, or an individual interested in serving on the Board, should submit a letter of recommendation/interest along with the candidates resume, to the Division Chief via email

Board Members

Ms. Sherry Bomberger, Public, 1st term, term expires 12/31/2028
Ms. Nancy Decker, Board Chair, Correspondence/DE/Home Study, 2nd term, term expires 12/31/2026
Mr. Greg DeFeo, Public, 1st term, term expires 12/31/2026
Mr. Paul Edger, Attorney General designee
Mr. Peter Garland, Public, 2nd term, term expires 12/31/2026
Mr. Anthony Giovannelli, Trade/Technology, 1st term, term expires 12/31/2028
Mr. Ernest Helling, Public, 2nd term, term expires 12/31/2026
Ms. Nicole Lane, Business/Commercial Pursuits, 1st term, term expires 12/31/2026
Mr. William Lindsey, Public, 2nd term, term expires 12/31/2028
Mr. Douglas Marcello, Business/Commercial Pursuits, 1st term, term expires 12/31/2028
Ms. Suzanne Markle, Trade/Technology, 1st term, term expires 12/31/2026
Mr. Bernard Marth, Correspondence/DE/Home Study, 1st term, term expires 12/31/2026
Dr. George Mikluscak, Correspondence/DE/Home Study, 2nd term, term expires 12/31/2028
Ms. Elizabeth Vlastos, Board Vice Chair, Business/Commercial Pursuits, 2nd term, term expires 12/31/2026
Mr. Dennis Wilke, Trade/Technology, 1st term, term expires 12/31/2026

Updated: February 5, 2025