Background and Eligibility
Section 1506 of the Public School Code allows public school entities to develop an FID program to meet the 180 instructional day requirement of section 1501. Eligible public school entities include school districts, intermediate units, career and technical schools, charter schools and regional charter schools, as defined under section 1703-A. An FID program may be online, offline, or a combination of both.
While public school entities are expected to build make-up days into their local school calendars, FID programs can support public school entities in cases when circumstances (e.g., a disease epidemic, a hazardous weather condition, a law enforcement emergency, the inoperability of school buses or other equipment necessary to the public school entity's operation, damage to a school building, or another temporary circumstance rendering any portion of a school building unfit or unsafe for use) prevent the delivery of instruction in its customary manner or location.
School entities may not use an FID without an accepted application. A list of accepted applicants with effective and termination dates is available at FID Accepted Programs.
Public school entities with accepted applications can use this program for a single school building such as an elementary school if it is used for a reason noted in Section 1506. If a public school entity with an accepted application does use an FID for one building, this would count as one of the five days permitted each year for the entire public school entity.
A public school entity electing to participate must develop a local FID program that meets the assurances outlined in the application and its Board of School Directors must approve the FID program prior to acceptance by the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE).
Application Submission and Deadline
- April 1, 2025 - FID application will be available on the Future Ready Comprehensive Planning Portal (FRCPP).
- June 1, 2025 - Deadline for entities to submit complete 2023-24 SY applications.
- August 1, 2025 - PDE will respond with a determination to applications that meet the deadline and submission requirements.
- Because the deadline is determined by Statute (24 P.S. § 15-1506 (c)(2)), PDE does not have the authority to provide extensions.
If accepted, the FID program may remain in place for a three-year period and may be renewed thereafter. Public school entities that had an accepted FID application beginning with the 2022-23 school year must reapply to continue to use FIDs before their expiration at the end of the 2024-25 school year.
Application Access
Public school entities access and submit the 2025-2026 school year FID application using the Future Ready Comprehensive Planning Portal (FCRRP).
The first step to gaining access to the FRCPP is to ensure that you are a registered user in MyPDESuite. If you are not a registered user, please reference this document: Register a Username and Log In (PDF).
Your school entity's Local Security Administrator can add/remove FRCPP users in MyPDESuite. Instructions for adding users and a step-by-step guide for using the FCRRP is available in the Accessing the Future Ready Comprehensive Planning Portal and Gaining Access to LEA and School Plans.
For technical issues with accessing the portal, please contact the PA Planning Team at
Annual Survey
Pursuant to 24 P.S. § 15-1506(6), PDE shall conduct an annual survey on the efficacy of FID programs on or before April 30 of each year. Each participating public school entity is required to return the survey to PDE by June 30. PDE will use the survey results to track FID usage, gauge overall effectiveness, and gather insights on implementation.
Public school entities that have applied in the past may contact PDE at the email address below to access their previous FID application on the SharePoint site.
For additional information, contact the PDE School Services Office at
Local education agencies (LEAs) access and submit the FID application using the Future Ready Comprehensive Planning Portal (FRCPP). For technical issues accessing the portal, please contact Your local security administrator (LSA) grants permissions to those that wish to access the application.
- Chief school administrator assurance and signature
- Narratives focused on plan for implementation
- Exemplars/lesson plans
- Board meeting minutes/Board affirmation statement
Yes. The Superintendent, CEO, or Director of the CTC or IU must provide documentation that the LEA's governing body reviewed and approved the FID application. You may submit either Board minutes indicating approval or the Board affirmation statement found in the FRCPP.
The chief school administrator also must sign the application and provide assurances for your program for the application to be submitted.
Completed applications for the following school year are due annually by June 1.
PDE must notify applicants by no later than August 1.
The term of an FID application is three consecutive school years. After that three-year period, an LEA would need to reapply to continue offering an FID program. If your district's application was accepted beginning the 2020-21 SY (effective 7/1/20), then you have the program for the 2020-21, 2021-22 and 2022-23 SYs (terminating 6/30/23). A list of accepted programs with effective and termination dates are shown on PDE's website on the FID webpage (accepted programs).
An LEA may use up to five FIDs per school year for the reasons noted in Section 1506 of the Public School Code (24 P.S. § 15-1506).
In accordance with 24 P.S. § 15-1506, an FID may be used in place of in-person instruction for any one of the following reasons: a disease epidemic, a hazardous weather condition, a law enforcement emergency, the inoperability of school buses or other equipment necessary to the public-school entity's operation, damage to school buildings, or another temporary circumstance rendering any portion of a school building unfit or unsafe for use.
Yes, however, an Act 80 day will not count towards the 180 instructional day requirement for a school year. See Instructional Time or send questions to
Public school entities with an accepted applications can use FIDs for a single school building such as an elementary school if it is used for a reason noted in Section 1506. If a public school entity with an accepted application does use an FID for one building, this would count as one of the five days permitted each year for the entire public school entity.
No. An FID only may be used in place of in-person instruction for the reasons listed in 24 P.S. § 15-1506 (i.e., snow or weather-related emergency).
No. An FID may not be scheduled on the school calendar, since it is intended to be used for a canceled school day, especially during inclement weather. An FID can only be used for one of the reasons outlined in 24 P.S. § 15-1506 (i.e., snow or weather-related emergency). LEAs should notify parents, students, teachers, staff, administrators, and contract services using multiple communication tools on or immediately before the date that the FID is used.
One. While more than one building is closed, the closure is taking place on the same day and therefore the entity would only be using one FID.
LEAs are still required to ensure students with disabilities receive a free appropriate public education (FAPE) during FIDs. If the roads are too hazardous to transport students to their out-of-district setting, the LEA will need to ensure FAPE can be delivered in an alternate learning mode or make alternative arrangements to provide FAPE at another time.
Yes. If technology fails or students do not have their devices, there must be a back-up plan to ensure that ALL students can participate on the FID. The LEA also must provide technical support to students and instructors on the FID. An LEA cannot provide materials and instruction after the FID and then count students whose Internet failed or forgot devices as being in attendance on the FID.
The chief school administrator provides assurances that attendance will be tracked and in compliance with Article XIII Pupils and Attendance of the Public School Code and health services must be in compliance with Article XIV School Health Services of the Public School Code as with any regular instructional day. No additional documentation is required to track compliance.
FIDs are not coded differently than a regular instructional day for child accounting purposes. If an instructional day occurs, then it is an instructional day regardless of the method of delivery. Attendance is tracked based on the board approved attendance policy.
Yes. 24 P.S. § 15-1506 requires LEAs with accepted applications to complete an annual survey indicating the number of days utilized, reasons for use, and the effectiveness of an FID program. PDE sends the survey annually on or before April 30. The deadline to return the survey to PDE is June 30.
No. All materials and instruction must be provided on or prior to the FID. You cannot provide materials and instruction after the FID and count students in attendance during the FID.
If applicable, you must supply one exemplar for:
- English Language Arts (one exemplar from any grade between K and 8)
- English Language Arts (one exemplar from any grade between 9 and 12)
- Mathematics (one exemplar from any grade between K and 8)
- Mathematics (one exemplar from any grade between 9 and 12)
- Science (one exemplar from any grade between 9 and 12)
- Social Studies (one exemplar from any grade between 9 and 12)
LEAs that provide five or more CTE programs must supply one exemplar from two different PDE-approved career and technical education programs (i.e., welding, auto repair, culinary arts, etc.).
If your LEA does not offer a content area listed above, then you do not need to supply an exemplar for that subject area and grade level (i.e., a career and technology center that does not offer English Language Arts for grades K-8).
No. LEAs must use the exemplar template provided by PDE in the FRCPP.
The FID Guidance Considerations located on PDE's website provides direction on many issues related to implementing an FID program. Specific questions about FIDs may be emailed to
You may also visit the Future Ready Comprehensive Planning Portal (FRCPP). For technical issues with accessing the portal, please contact