​​Pennsylvania Parent Pathways Initiative

Studies indicate that one in five undergraduate college students is balancing the responsibilities of raising children while pursuing a postsecondary education and almost half of these students do not earn a degree.

Parenting students bear significant burdens and need additional support to navigate through their academic program successfully. In December 2022, the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services released a policy report (PDF) following consultations with parenting students, postsecondary institution staff, subject matter experts, various state agencies, and community leaders. The Parent Pathways Learning Network (PPLN) concentrated on addressing the necessary support for food, childcare, housing, and financial aid. The res​​u​lts underscored the importance of integrating the firsthand experiences of parenting students into statewide policymaking. Governor Shapiro, in support of these findings, allocated $1.61 million in his 2023-2024 budget to support these students.


The Parent Pathways Grant provides funding to institutions to directly support the persistence of parenting students in the form of tuition assistance, emergency funding, and wrap-around service supports.

For the purposes of this grant, "institution" shall include postsecondary institutions in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania with authorization to award an associate degree or higher academic degree, as defined in section 2001-J of the Public-School Code of 1949, as amended (24 P.S. §20-2001-J) and private licensed schools, as defined in the Act of December 15, 1986 (P.L. 1585, NO. 174).

Only one proposal will be accepted from each institution. Applicants may not apply as a consortium. Only the main campus may apply, and funds can be disseminated to branches as the institution deems appropriate if awarded.

Grant applications will be submitted through the eGrants system.

For access to the eGrants system and the related grant opportunities, prospective applicants must complete the eGrants Request Form. Please note that the person completing the grant application must have signatory authority to negotiate grants and contracts for the institution and be able to upload documentation into the eGrants system. Institutions with eSign ability in eGrants will be able to utilize this feature to complete the application.

The application for 2025:

Frequently Asked Questions

January 16, 2025

​Yes, funding can be used for non-credit programs. ​

​Students must complete a FAFSA to be eligible for grant funds.​

​Yes, under technical assistance category. ​

​If there is an existing parenting program, the institution should upload any data or outcomes to show success or need for improvement. Data should also be specific to the institution.

​Students in their senior year. 

​We are looking for the number of students who are residential students. This is for data collection and does not preclude nonresidential students to receive grant funding. 

​Any costs related to completion of the program are eligible.

​$5,000 overall. 

​Yes, all three program components can be applied for; however, the total amount an institution can request is $150,000. 

​Yes, as long as the purchase clearly identifies it is for parenting students.​

​The funds can be used for tuition or past due balances; however, it must be within the grant period.

​No-undergraduate only.



​Yes-allowable rate is 25% for facilities and 5% for administrative, with the exception of salaries for support staff.


​No. Grant funds can be used support this position for parenting and non-parenting students. Job description should be specific to supporting parenting students-but will not preclude non-parenting students, who may also be involved in the program.

Institutions can use various methods of documentation to determine if a student is parenting. It is recommended that one of the following be used: Recent tax documents listing dependents, birth certificate, or other legal forms outlining dependents.

Yes. Funds may be used to support the salary of staff who support parenting students (i.e. parent navigators).  

Yes. Training should be consistent with the expansion and improvement of established parenting programs or the implementation of a new parenting program.  

Yes, if the renovations directly impact services provided to parenting students. The proposal narrative and supporting documentation should list exactly how the space is used and occupied by parenting students and dependents. 

No. Priority should be given to senior or students near credential completion, but funding can also be used to support all parenting learners.