Boat Rental Safety Orientation Guidelines

The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission provides specific guidance on the required boating safety and boat operations orientation to be provided by all boat rental businesses.

Safety Requirements of Boat Rental Businesses

Required Boat Rental Materials

The following materials provide the minimum information to be covered in safety orientations. Boat rental businesses may use other materials, as appropriate, to supplement the required orientation.

1. Required Safety Posters

PFBC posters containing Pennsylvania-specific regulations for all boat rental types.

Click below for printer-friendly downloads.

2. Videos

Power Boat Training

Power Boats - Introduction

Watch this brief series of educational videos on general boating safety covering all aspects of basic rental boat safety.

Canoe and Kayak Training

Canoes & Kayaks - Getting Started

Tune in as we guide you through the most important safety guidelines for renting and operating Canoes/Kayaks.

Stand-Up Paddleboard Training

Stand-Up Paddleboards - Getting Started

Check out this brief set of educational videos, covering essential safety tips for renting and operating a stand-up paddleboard!

View full playlist for Rental Boat Safety videos.

3. Spanish-Translated Materials

Spanish speaking videos and resources can be found at

Required Procedures

The following procedures shall be followed by boat rental businesses each time a boat is rented to any person for operation on Pennsylvania waters. These procedures may take up to thirty minutes to complete. Instruction may be provided in group settings.

Unpowered Boat Rental*

  1. Use the PFBC’s posters to review the laws, regulations and boating tips relating to the proper operation of unpowered boats with all individuals renting or using a boat.
  2. Describe all known boating hazards on the waters where the renter will use the boat. Include such hazards as dams, bridge piers, shallow areas, swim areas, obstructions in the water, rapids or whitewater areas, slow-no-wake areas, docks, piers, boating access areas, areas of heavy motorboat traffic, and other areas to exercise caution or avoid.
  3. Provide all required safety equipment in accordance with the PFBC’s regulations and explain its proper use.
  4. Obtain a signed and dated acknowledgment of all individuals completing the orientation/ introduction to boating safety and conditions as outlined in steps 1 through 3 above.
  5. Optional: Show the relevant unpowered boat video at to orient renters to proper operations and boat handling.
  6. Optional: Use the USCG/RentalBoatSafety paddling checklist to ensure important safety topics are covered with the renter.

*Unpowered boat rental businesses operating in Pennsylvania under an agreement with the National Park Service and in compliance with the CUA Safety Orientation Requirements meet the requirements outlined above.

Motorboat Rental

  1. Use the PFBC’s posters to review the laws, regulations and boating tips relating to the proper operation of motorboats with all individuals renting or using a boat.
  2. Show the relevant powerboat video at
  3. Provide hands-on orientation of proper operations and boat handling specific to the boat being rented.
  4. Identify the designated area of operation, if applicable.
  5. Describe all known boating hazards on the waters where the renter will use the boat. Include such hazards as dams, bridge piers, shallow areas, swim areas, obstructions in the water, rapids or whitewater areas, slow-no-wake areas, docks, piers, boating access areas, areas of heavy motorboat traffic, and other areas to exercise caution or avoid.
  6. Provide all required safety equipment in accordance with the PFBC’s regulations and explain its proper use.
  7. Obtain a signed and dated acknowledgment of the renter’s completion of the motorboat rental orientation/introduction to boating safety and conditions as outlined in steps 1 through 6 above.
  8. Optional: Use the relevant USCG/RentalBoatSafety

Boat rental businesses are encouraged to require life jacket wear at all times on rental boats, even when not required by state or federal law.

Questions and Contact Information

Questions about the Boat Rental Safety Orientation Guidelines may be directed to:

Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission
Bureau of Boating

Submit Boat Rental Business Information to the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission

The PFBC wants to connect potential customers with boat rental opportunities. If you own or operate a boat rental business, please complete our questionnaire.