Organ and tissue transplantation has become an integral part of health care in Pennsylvania and the nation. The voluntary donation of organs and tissues by those who willingly share this gift of life contributes to the success of transplantation.
The Department of Health has been actively engaged in the promotion of voluntary donation for many years, and the enactment of Act 102 in 1994 has increased Pennsylvania's efforts to inform and encourage Pennsylvanians to become donors. As the lead agency in state government, the Department of Health is responsible for the coordination of organ and tissue donation initiatives and reporting to the general assembly about donation progress. Residents of Pennsylvania who have a driver's license or state I.D. card have the ability to go online to a secure page within PennDOT's website to add the donor designation to their record. Pennsylvanians no longer will have to wait until they renew their driver's license or state I.D. card to say YES to donation.
Who can be a Donor?
Anyone can decide to be a donor. If you are under age 18, however, you'll need a parent or guardian's signature to have the donor designation placed on your driver's license, learner's permit or photo ID card. The ability to donate is determined on a case-by-case basis at the time of death and age is not a prohibiting factor - people as old as 85 have become donors.
Vascularized Composite Allograft (VCA) is a groundbreaking form of therapy that returns vital function and identity to people who have suffered a devastating injury or illness. By Pennsylvania and Federal law, VCA requires a separate, specific authorization that is not part of the standard donor registration. Detailed information about anatomical donation and donation of hand, facial tissue, limb or other VCA may be found on PennDOT’s website.
Become a Donor
Two easy ways:
- Sign up to be an organ donor online
- Check "yes" for organ and tissue donation when you get or renew your driver's license, learner's permit or photo ID.
The words Organ Donor will be placed below your photo and in your computer record with the PA Department of Transportation. Make sure to share your decision with your loved ones. There is no fee to place the organ donor designation on your driver's license or photo ID. SIGN UP NOW! Visit the Donate Life PA website and become an organ donor today!
Organ Donation Advisory Committee
Upcoming Meeting
- February 6, 2025
View the agenda
Contact Information
Department of Health
Bureau of Health Promotion and Risk Reduction
Organ and Tissue Donation Program
625 Forster St. Health & Human Services Building,
Room 1000 Harrisburg, PA 17120
Additional Resources
- Pennsylvania Department of Health at 877-PA-HEALTH
- Donate Life PA 877-DONOR-PA
- Center for Organ Recovery and Education (Western PA) 800-366-6777 or 412-963-3550
- Gift of Life Donor Program (Eastern PA) 800-DONORS-1 (800-366-6771)
- Organ Donation Information & Curriculum for Educators - IU13 717-606-1600
- Donate Life America 804-377-3580
- Organ Procurement & Transplantation Network - Statistics 888-ASK-HRSA (888-275-4772)
- United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) For Patient/Public Information 888-894-6361
- US Department of Health and Human Services