The Governor’s Invasive Species Council meets quarterly to discuss current and potential threats to Pennsylvania’s agricultural and natural resources, interagency cooperation strategies, public outreach and education, and updates and recommendations for policy development. All meetings are open to the public. 


Upcoming Council Meetings

  • March 13, 2025 10:00 AM
    • In Person and Virtual
    • 2301 N Cameron St., Harrisburg, Room 309
  • June 10, 2025 10:00 AM
    • In Person and Virtual
    • 2301 N Cameron St., Harrisburg, Room 309
  • September 2025 – TBD
  • December 11, 2025 10:00 AM
    • Virtual only

Information on how to attend the virtual meetings and meeting agendas can be found here approximately one week in advance or by contacting the Council coordinator.


2023 Biennial Report to the Governor

Every two years the council prepares a report for the governor. The report provides recommendations and details progress the council has made to advise, facilitate, and improve invasive species management in Pennsylvania.

2023 Biennial Report: Governor's Invasive Species Council Report 



Members of the Governor's Invasive Species Council and other organizations collaborate on several initiatives related to the recommendations set forth in the Pennsylvania Invasive Species Management Plan. The following subcommittees have been established to advance these initiatives. 


Leader: Kris Abell, PDA

Members: Andrew Rohrbaugh, PA DCNR, Jeff Wagner, Mary Walsh, and Amy Jewitt, Western PA Conservancy, Piper Sherburne, PA Association of Conservation Districts, Tom Cermak, PA Sea Grant

This subcommittee works to establish a Partnership for Regional Invasive Species Management (PRISM) program in Pennsylvania.

Chairperson: Eve Adrian, PDA

Members: Andrew Rohrbaugh, Ali Bowling, and Derek Eberly, PA DCNR, Jeff Young, Roy Gothie, and David Lapadat, PennDOT, Kailee Glock, PA Fish and Boat Commission, Krisinda Corbin and Koty McGowan, PA Game Commission, Gregg Robertson, PA Landscape and Nursery Association, Jeff Wagner, Brian Gallagher, Mary Walsh, and Amy Jewitt, Western PA Conservancy, Brenda Shambaugh and Piper Sherburne, PA Association of Conservation Districts

This subcommittee develops policy and funding recommendations regarding invasive species in PA.

Chairperson: Kris Abell, PDA 

Members: Andrew Rohrbaugh, Jill Rose, Houping Liu, PA DCNR; Lawrence Barringer, PDA; Andy Ernst, PA Farm Bureau; Sean Hartzell, PA Fish and Boat Commission; Scott Bearer, PA Game Commission; Gregg Robertson, PA Landscape and Nursery Association; Joseph Demko, PA Department of Transportation; Mary Walsh, Brian Daggs, Western PA Conservancy; Norris Muth, Juniata College.

This subcommittee is developing an official comprehensive invasive species list for Pennsylvania, and an assessment protocol to prioritize species on the list. In 2020, they recommended a “Top 25” list of invasive plants for addition to the State Noxious Weed List.


Chairperson: Patricia Prade, Penn State Extension

Members: Zachary Newby and Sarah Shiflett, PDA, Andrew Rohrbaugh, Ryan Reed, and Ali Bowling, DCNR, Jeff Wagner and Amy Jewitt, Western Pennsylvania Conservancy; Michael Parker, Fish and Boat Commission, Zachary Appleby, PennDOT

This subcommittee is developing a communications plan to help increase Pennsylvanians' awareness of invasive species and actions to reduce them.

Sign-up for the Governor's Invasive Species Council quarterly newsletter, compiled and distributed by the Communications Workgroup.

Council Members

Russell Redding, Secretary
2301 North Cameron Street
Harrisburg, PA 17110


Fred Strathmeyer, Jr.
Deputy Secretary for Plant Industry and Consumer Protection
2301 North Cameron Street
Harrisburg, PA  17110

Cindy Adams Dunn, Secretary
Rachel Carson State Office Building
400 Market Street, 7th Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17101

Rosa Yoo
Chief, Division of Forest Pest Management
Rachel Carson State Office Building
400 Market Street, 6th Floor
Harrisburg, PA  17101

Andrew Rohrbaugh
Chief, Program Services and Support Section – Division of Forest Health
Rachel Carson State Office Building
400 Market Street, 6th Floor
Harrisburg, PA  17101

Jessica Shirley, Acting Secretary
Rachel Carson State Office Building
400 Market Street
Harrisburg, PA 17101

James L. Grazio
Great Lakes Biologist
Tom Ridge Environmental Center
301 Peninsula Drive, Suite 4
Erie, PA 16505

Michael Carroll, Secretary
Commonwealth Keystone Building
400 North Street, 6th Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17105

Lucas Crawford, Roadway Programs Chief
Commonwealth Keystone Building
400 North Street, 6th Floor
Harrisburg, PA  17105

Dr. Debra L. Bogen, Secretary
Health and Welfare Building
625 Forster Street, 8th Floor West
Harrisburg, PA 17120

Dr. Betsy Schroeder, Public Health Veterinarian
Department of Health | Bureau of Epidemiology
625 Forster Street, 9th Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17120

Timothy D. Schaeffer, Executive Director
1601 Elmerton Avenue
Harrisburg, PA 17106

Sean Hartzell
Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator
595 East Rolling Ridge Dr.
Bellefonte, PA 16823

Stephen Smith, Executive Director
2001 Elmerton Avenue
Harrisburg, PA 17110

Scott Bearer
Division Chief, Wildlife Habitat Program
2001 Elmerton Avenue
Harrisburg, PA 17110 

Non-Governmental Organizations

Jeffrey Wagner
Director, PA Natural Heritage Program
800 Waterfront Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15222

Amy Jewitt
Invasive Species Coordinator
800 Waterfront Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15222

Harold Brecht
Member, PennAg Industries Association

Arden Pontash
North Creek Nurseries
388 N Creek Rd.
Landenberg, PA 19350

Gregg Robertson
Government Relations
PO Box 352 
Annville, PA 17003

Deah Lieurance
Penn State University
409 Forest Resources Bldg., University Park, PA 16802

Sarah Whitney, Director
Susquehanna River Office
1601 Elmerton Avenue, P.O. Box 6700
Harrisburg, PA  17106-7000

Sara Stahlman
Extension Director
Tom Ridge Environmental Center
301 Peninsula Drive, Suite 3
Erie, PA  16505

Lisa A. Murphy, VMD, DABT, Professor of Toxicology
School of Veterinary Medicine
New Bolton Center, Toxicology Laboratory
382 West Street Road
Kennett Square, PA 19348

Timothy A. Block, Ph.D.
Director of Botany
Morris Arboretum of the University of Pennsylvania
100 East Northwestern Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19118

Andrew L. Ernst
Owner, Ernst Conservation Seeds
9006 Mercer Pike
Meadville, PA 16335

Grant Gulibon
Regulatory Affairs Specialist, Government Affairs and Communications Division

Kate Harms
Executive Director
PO Box 171
Mertztown, PA 19539

Brian Pilarcik
Crawford County Conservation District
21742 German Road
Meadville, PA 16335

Sean E. Mahoney
Philadelphia Regional Port Authority
3460 N Delaware Ave #2
Philadelphia, PA 19134

Piper Sherburne
PACD South East Region Director
23 Conrad Rd
Alburtis, PA 18001

Jeff Thomas, Huntingdon County Commissioner

Brian Harris
Warwick Township Manager, Lancaster County
315 Clay Rd.
Lititz, PA 17543

Jocelyn Behm, Ph.D.
Center for Biodiversity
1925 N. 12th St.
Philadelphia, PA 19122
Matthew Helmus, Ph.D.
Department of Biology
1925 N 12th St.
Philadelphia, PA 19122

Emily Shosh, APIPMA Coordinator