The Pennsylvania State Conservation Commission (SCC) is a 14-member commission that has a primary mission to ensure the wise use of Pennsylvania's natural resources and to protect and restore the natural environment through the conservation of its soil water and related resources. The commission provides support and oversight to the state's 66 county conservation districts for the implementation of conservation programs in an efficient and responsible manner.
The Commission administers several state conservation programs including the Nutrient Management and Odor Management Program, the Dirt and Gravel Program (pollution prevention), Resource Enhancement and Protection (REAP Tax Credit) Program, Conservation Excellence Grants (CEG), Agril-Link, and the Leadership Development Program. Staff also provides oversight and professional certification for nutrient management specialists, odor management specialist and manure hauler and brokers.
The Commission is a departmental administrative commission under the concurrent authority of the PA Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and the PA Department of Agriculture (PDA). The Commission is administratively housed with PDA. The Commission is supported with staff from both PDA and DEP. The Commission accomplishes its mission by working cooperatively with local, state and federal government agencies, numerous industry and professional associations and nonprofit organizations.
It plays a central role in Pennsylvania’s Chesapeake Bay reboot strategy alongside DEP and PDA, developing methods for encouraging agriculture industry compliance with current regulations and coordinating efforts of county conservation districts and nonprofit organizations that aid in the Bay cleanup effort.
The commission provides support and oversight to the state's 66 county conservation districts for the implementation of conservation programs in an efficient and responsible manner. Find the contact information for your local county conservation district here.
SCC Meeting Information
Agriculture Conservation Assistance Program
Agriculture-linked Low Interest Loan Program
Chesapeake Bay Learn more about Pennsylvania farmers' strides in reducing nutrient and sediment discharge into the Chesapeake Bay, improving not just water quality but also soil health and more sustainable farming operations.
Commercial Manure Hauler and Broker Certification Program
Conservation Excellence Grant FAQs
Dirt, Gravel & Low Volume Road Maintenance Program
Leadership Development Program
Nutrient Management Advisory Board
Nutrient Management Certification Program
Apply for the Resource Enhancement & Protection (REAP) Program If you are a farmer, business, or landowner, you could get tax credits through the Resource Enhancement & Protection (REAP) Program.
Nutrient Management Program
Odor Management Certification Program
PA Nutrient Management Program Public Notices
Odor Management Program
PA Odor Management Program Public Notices