Harrisburg, PA – Governor Tom Wolf today announced the investment of $98 million for 16 drinking water, wastewater, storm water, and non-point source projects across 11 counties through the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST).
"The projects approved today continue to demonstrate the commonwealth’s commitment to partnering with communities to ensure clean, safe water facilities for Pennsylvania’s citizens," said Governor Wolf. "This funding plays a vital role in rebuilding our aging infrastructure and restoring a strong foundation for communities to continue to grow."
The funding for these projects originates from a combination of state funds approved by voters, Growing Greener, Marcellus Legacy funds, federal grants to PENNVEST from the Environmental Protection Agency, and recycled loan repayments from previous PENNVEST funding awards. Funds for these projects are disbursed after expenses for work are paid and receipts are submitted to PENNVEST for review.
"PENNVEST funding has provided much-needed financial assistance to Pennsylvania’s communities for decades, but as the need for costly infrastructure improvements continues to grow, so must our responsibility to be a commensurate partner in those investment increases," said Governor Wolf. "Restore Pennsylvania will bolster existing efforts like these to reach out to more communities and re-establish safe, working infrastructure."
A list of project summaries follows:
Drinking Water Projects
Armstrong County
- West Kittanning Municipal Authority – received a $305,000 loan to replace 600 water meters, providing remote read capability, as well as upgrades to the telemetry for a water tank. The project will aid in water conservation efforts and reduce expected water loss and associated costs for the community.
Clarion County
- Municipal Authority of the Borough of St. Petersburg* – received a $4,400,000 grant to construct a water treatment plant and replace 7,400 feet of asbestos cement waterline, as well as numerous service connections and fire hydrants. The project will replace an aging treatment plant and address public health concerns by eliminating turbidity and residual chlorine deposits.
Erie County
- Erie City Water Authority* – received a $32,000,000 loan to address Capital Improvement Plan upgrades, including a pump station replacement, construction of a one-million-gallon water storage tank, and expansion of a water treatment plant. The project will make significant infrastructure improvements, and increase water pressures, and ensure a continuous source of safe potable water for the community.
Wastewater Projects
Armstrong County
- Municipal Authority of the Borough of Kittanning – received a $435,000 loan to perform upgrades to a sewage treatment plant, including two trickling filter distribution mechanisms, repair of clarifier concrete and a stormwater inlet, and upgrades to a data acquisition system. The project will ensure appropriate treatment of discharge water into the Allegheny River.
Cambria County
- Jackson East Taylor Sewer Authority** – received a $5,500,000 loan to install 22,000 feet of gravity sewer and 3,000 feet of force main, as well as a new pump station and pump replacement in two pump stations. The project will eliminate the use of failing on-lot systems throughout the area and eliminate pollution of nearby properties and streams.
Dauphin County
- Capital Region Water** – received a $13,000,000 loan to implement four phases of Capital Improvement Plan green infrastructure improvements in South Allison Hill, Camp Curtain, Lower Paxton Creek, and Uptown areas surrounding the city of Harrisburg. The project will reduce wet weather discharges into the Susquehanna River and aid in satisfying a local consent order.
Lancaster County
- Christiana Borough Authority – received a $450,000 loan to rehabilitate and repair 19 existing sanitary sewer manholes and approximately 3,150 feet of main sewer line. The improved system will benefit a small local community and rehabilitate a collection system that has reached the end of its useful life.
- City of Lancaster** – received an $11,200,000 loan to upgrade an existing pump station, replace and expand 5,600 feet of pipe, and upgrade 4,500 feet of interceptor piping. The project will replace a conveyance system at the end of its useful life, but is also part of a long-term control plan to bring the system into compliance with a federal consent decree.
Northumberland County
- Upper Augusta Township – received a $250,326 loan and a grant of $2,938,720 to install a sanitary sewer system and extension line to service the village of Mount Pleasant. The project will eliminate the use of 46 septic tanks and add 18,700 feet of force main. The project will eliminate the use of a non-compliant wastewater treatment plant and ensure safe and efficient public sewage.
Wyoming County
- Lemon Township & Tunkhannock Township Joint Municipal Sewer Authority** – received a $3,317,652 loan and a grant of $10,008,698 to construct a wastewater conveyance system and treatment plant, including a low pressure sewage collection system. The project will eliminate the use of contaminated drinking wells and work to improve an impaired local lake.
Storm Water Projects
Delaware County
- Ridley Township – received a $2,287,945 loan to install 8,105 feet of storm sewer, 108 inlets, three manholes, 390 feet of infiltration trench, and a 7,500 square-foot infiltration bed. The projects will eliminate local flooding and install green infrastructure. The project will eliminate local flooding concerns, which pose a threat to public safety, and install green infrastructure, improving water quality.
Non-point Source Water Quality Improvement Projects
Berks County
- Chester County Conservation District – received a grant of $895,700 to construct an agricultural liquid waste storage and collection system as well as a stormwater piping and collection system. The project will reduce nearly 9,000 pounds of nitrogen from a local waterway which serves as a drinking water resource for local communities and will also control agricultural stormwater run-off.
Cumberland County
- East Pennsboro Township Authority – received a $500,000 loan to design and construct a new stormwater system as well as retrofit existing facilities and restore local streams. The project will serve 10,000 residential customers and will reduce siltation due to urban runoff, assisting the community in complying with municipal separate storm sewer system requirements.
Delaware County
- Stormwater Authority of the City of Chester** – received a $9,946,801 loan to install 9,200 feet of pipe, 125 catch basins and 50 manholes. The project will improve water quality in local waterways and drastically reduce siltation.
Lancaster County
- Chester County Conservation District – received a grant of $429,513 to construct a concrete waste storage structure, unloading pad, 200 feet of drain, and various other agricultural improvements. The project will eliminate more than 2,000 pounds of nitrogen, improving local waterways and reducing agricultural stormwater run-off.
- Chester County Conservation District – received a grant of $454,148 to construct a concrete cattle lot, reception pit, and cover for manure storage to reduce run-off. The project will eliminate more than 4,000 pounds of nitrogen, improving a local waterway and controlling agricultural stormwater run-off.
* denotes projects that have Drinking Water State Revolving Funds
** denotes projects that are funded with Clean Water State Revolving Funds
MEDIA CONTACT: Brent Sailhamer - 717.574.8455
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