
The information on this page will change frequently as new procurement opportunities and notifications are announced. 

Procurement Opportunities

This section will provide the title of a procurement opportunity, a brief description, and the deadline to submit a proposal.




Deadline to Submit:  March 6, 2025 at 12:00 a.m.

The successful Offeror will provide PENNVEST with credit-worthiness and financial analysis to allow it to protect its financial interests and promote repayment of low interest loans for drinking water, wastewater, non-point source and storm water projects . The Offeror will further provide PENNVEST with applicant financial condition review and recommend adequate collateral to protect PENNVEST’s interests.  The Offeror will review annual financial reports of approved borrowers and alert PENNVEST of adverse changes which could affect its interests and will provide PENNVEST with information, analysis and recommendations concerning requests relating to loan servicing.

The SDB/VBE Goals Information Session will be held on: 01/28/2025 at 11:00 AM.  To participate in this session, contact Taryn Sloat at 717-783-4494 or by 01/28/2025 at 9:00 a.m.

The solicitation advertisement can be found by visiting PA - eMarketplace.



Clean Water Procurement Program Round 3 - Bidding Open

Deadline to Submit:  March 5, 2025 at 5:00 p.m.

Clean Water Procurement Program RFP - Round 3

The PENNVEST Clean Water Procurement Program''s objective is to improve water quality in the Commonwealth through the purchase of verified nutrient (nitrogen/phosphorus) or sediment reduction resulting

from the installation of practices or combinations of practices determined to be effective and practical to manage nutrient and sediment to protect surface water and groundwater ("Best Management Practices"), as further defined under Act 54, with the goal of helping the Commonwealth to achieve the most current total maximum daily load limits for nitrogen, phosphorus and sediment as established by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (the "Chesapeake Bay TMDL"), as further defined under Act 54.​

Visit the Clean Water Procurement Program page to see details of the program and instructions on how to submit a proposal.



Visit this page and follow our social media platforms to find out when a new procurement opportunity is available.



Procurement Notifications

PENNVEST will announce new agreements with service providers in this section.

There are currently no procurement notifications.