Governor Wolf Announces Funding to Support PWSA Lead Line Replacement

October 17, 2018
Governor Wolf Announces Funding to Support PWSA Lead Line Replacement
Pittsburgh Project Among 15 Water Infrastructure Projects Approved Statewide
Harrisburg, PA – Governor Tom Wolf today announced the investment of $93 million for 15 drinking water, wastewater, and non-point source projects across 12 counties through the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST). Today’s announcement included a significant investment to support the replacement of lead lines in the City of Pittsburgh.
“The approvals that we announce today demonstrate our commitment to clean water, and strong communities to serve people of Pennsylvania,” said Governor Wolf. “These projects benefit public health, the environment, and support sustainable communities as we advance our shared goal of a clean and safe environment for our families to enjoy, both now and for future generations.”
The funding comes from a combination of state funds approved by voters, Growing Greener, Marcellus Legacy funds, federal grants to PENNVEST from the Environmental Protection Agency and recycled loan repayments from previous PENNVEST funding awards. Disbursement of funds for these projects are made after receipts are submitted to PENNVEST.
A list of project summaries follows: 
Drinking Water Projects
Allegheny County
  • Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority* received a $35,441,231 loan and a $13,687,173 grant to replace 2,800 residential public lead connections including 2,400 private lead service lines in the city in order to address health related issues associated with lead from the water lines. 
Armstrong County
·        Kittanning - Plumcreek Water Authority received a $216,125 loan to relocate approximately 4,600 feet of waterline in conjunction with a PENNDOT project. The local share of the project will allow better control over maintenance and repairs of the line to ensure a reliable water supply to the system customers.
·         Worthington-West Franklin Joint Municipal Authority* received a $2,100,000 loan to install approximately 14,000 feet of water line and related appurtenances to connect 62 homes in the Craigsville area of West Franklin Township.
Bucks County
·        Warrington Township* received a $5,321,500 loan to install granular activated carbon filtration in conjunction with ion exchange units to remediate contamination on nine drinking water supply wells.
Venango County
·        Cranberry Venango County General Authority* received a $1,130,000 loan to replace 4,700 feet of deteriorated waterline within the existing distribution system addressing the unaccounted water loss estimated at 45 percent.
Wastewater Projects
Cambria County
·        Blacklick Valley Municipal Authority** received a $5,502,473 loan and a $1,673,527 grant to install 57,000 feet of gravity sewer main, two pump stations and 3,300 feet of force main to add 189 customers to alleviate public health related issues with sewage discharges from wildcat sewers and malfunctioning on-lot systems in areas of Blacklick Township
·        Middle Taylor Township Sewer Authority** received a $2,441,033 loan and a $753,967 grant to construct approximately 27,000 feet of gravity sewer lines to 148 customers to address health issues related to sewage discharges from wildcat sewers and malfunctioning on lot systems. Treatment to be provided by the regional treatment facility.  
Clinton County
·        Clinton County Sewer Authority** received a $1,049,772 loan to replace force main under Bald Eagle Creek, replace two submersible pumps and other ancillary upgrades to eliminate the ‘bottleneck’ that causes capacity issues for upstream users
Huntingdon County
·        Broad Top City Borough received a loan of $601,370 and a grant of $98,630 to pay for upgrades to their wastewater treatment facility that includes installation of a vertical screen and auto feed system; replacement of pumps, control panel, clarifier piping, and yard hydrants as well as rebuild the equalization flow regulation box. The improvements are necessary to allow the system to meet effluent discharge limits. 
Mercer County
·        Shenango Township Municipal Authority** received a $7,874,551 loan, and a $2,088,341 grant to construct a new sewage collection system consisting of approximately 33,038 feet of gravity sewer main; 9,731 feet of force main, and five sewage pumps. The project also includes wastewater treatment plant upgrades involving a new headwork’s facility and ultraviolet light disinfection system. The project will address the health-related issues with mal functioning on-lot systems and allow compliance with an existing consent order.
Wayne County
·        Central Wayne Regional Authority** received a $5,723,000 loan to replace or rehabilitate a number of sanitary sewer lines and manholes as well as repair failures in the sequencing batch reactor treatment tanks. The project will allow for reduction of wet weather infiltration/inflow and correct plant deficiencies. 
Non-point Source Water Quality Improvement Projects
Delaware County
·        Chester City Stormwater Authority received a $5,652,282 loan pay for retrofits of 125 catch basins, 55 tree box inlets, 18 grated inlets, 20 curb inlets 32 vortex inlet control devices, and 1,440 square feet of porous concrete panels.  The project will reduce flooding and overflows from excessive runoff and lack of capacity in the conveyance and storage system and sediment that is affecting Ridley and Chester Creeks. 
Fulton County
·        Fulton County Conservation District received a $684,700 grant to implement manure storage and waste containment facilities on the Brandon Gordon Dairy Farm. The project is expected to annually reduce over 11,000 pounds of nitrogen and 3,500 pounds of phosphorus from draining into Kendall Run, Big Cove Creek and Licking Creek all draining into the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
Lancaster County
·        Chester County Conservation District received a $547,860 grant to cover the costs related to construction of manure storage facilities, heavy use areas, walkways, and storm water controls to reduce the runoff into Pequea Creek a high-quality cold-water fishery and White Horse Run a warm water fishery. Annual reductions are estimated at 5,865 pounds of nitrogen, 2,425 pounds of phosphorus and 3,780 pounds of sediment. All drain into the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
* denotes projects that have Drinking Water State Revolving Funds
** denotes projects that are funded with Clean Water State Revolving Funds
For more information, visit or call 717-783-6798.
MEDIA CONTACTS: J.J. Abbott, Governor’s Office, 717-783-1116
Brion Johnson, PENNVEST, 717-783-6798