Filing UC Forms
The Department of Labor and Industry requires that employers electronically file Unemployment Compensation (UC) wage and tax information through UCMS.
The easiest and fastest way to register for a UC account number is electronically over the Internet using the Pennsylvania Business One Stop Shop.
PA-100, Section 14 Predecessor/Successor Information This section is completed if the employer is wholly or partially succeeding a predecessor (prior owner).
PA-100, Section 14 Instructions Predecessor/Successor Information Instructions for completing the PA-100 form.
UC-15 Application for PA UC Experience Record and Reserve Account Balance of Predecessor This section is completed if the employer is continuing essentially the same business activity as the predecessor and wants to apply for the predecessor's UC experience record and reserve account balance.
UC-16 Unemployment Compensation Partial Transfer Information This section is completed if the employer acquired only part of the predecessor's PA business activity. If making application for the transfer and/or the transfer is mandated, this section must be completed so that the appropriate percentage of the predecessor's experience record and reserve account balance can be transferred to the successor.
UC-16 Instructions UC Partial Transfer Information Instructions for completing the UC-16 form.
UC-252 Replacement UC-2A For Partial Transfer This form is used to list employee names, social security numbers, gross wages, and credit weeks when an employer is transferring part of his accumulated experience to another business.
UC-252 Instructions Replacement UC-2A For Partial Transfer UC-252 Online and Paper Form Instructions Instructions for completing the UC-252 form.
Completed forms should be mailed through USPS to:
Office of UC Tax Services
PO Box 68568
Harrisburg, PA 17106-8568
If mailing through UPS/FedEx, please mail to:
Office of UC Tax Services
651 Boas St FL 9
Harrisburg PA 17121-0751
Completed forms may also be emailed to the department.
UC-181 Electronic Filing Requirement Waiver Request for Pennsylvania Employers who are unable to comply with the electronic filing requirements must request a temporary waiver allowing submission via paper Forms UC-2 and UC-2A.
UC-855 Electronic Payment Requirement Waiver Request for Pennsylvania This form must be submitted if you are currently unable to comply with the electronic payment requirement and are requesting a temporary waiver allowing you to submit your Unemployment Compensation tax payment via check or money order. NOTE: This request only applies to the employers required by Pennsylvania Regulations to electronically submit payment.
UC-2 Employer's Report for Unemployment Compensation This form is used to report an employer's quarterly gross and taxable wages, and UC contributions due.
UC-2R Reimbursable Employer’s Report for Unemployment Compensation This form is used by Reimbursable Employers to report an employer's quarterly gross and taxable wages, and UC contributions due.
UC-2A Employer's Quarterly Report of Wages Paid To Each Employee This form is used to list employees' social security numbers, names, gross wages earned, and credit weeks for a particular quarter.
UC-2A Supplement To Employer's Quarterly Report of Wages Paid to Each Employee This form is used to list employees' social security numbers, names, gross wages earned, and credit weeks for a particular quarter.
UC-2B Employer's Report of Employment and Business Changes This form is used to report any recent change in name, mailing address, or business location. It is also used to report that an employer no longer has employees or that a business has been sold or discontinued.
UC-2INS Instructions for Completing PA UC Quarterly Tax Forms These are the instructions for the completion of the UC quarterly tax forms.(UC-2/2A/2B Instructions)
UC-2X Pennsylvania UC Correction Report This form is used to make changes to the gross and/or taxable wages previously reported.
UC-2AX Corrected Pennsylvania Gross Wages Paid to Employees This form is used to make changes to the wage records or credit weeks previously reported.
UC-8 Application To Elect Coverage Under the PA UC Law For Exempt Service and Exempt Employers This form is used by employers to voluntarily elect coverage under the UC Law.
UC-8A Application To Elect Coverage Under the PA UC Law For Services Performed Entirely in Another State This form is used by employers to voluntarily elect coverage under the UC Law, even though services are performed entirely in another state.
UC-55 Employer's Status Report This form is completed by the employer and used by the Office of UC Tax Services to determine the proper state of coverage for multi-state employees.
UC-111 Pennsylvania Employee Leasing Questionnaire This form is completed by businesses in the employee leasing service industry where there is a question as to the proper reporting of employees leased to the client(s) from the employee leasing service provider. The PA UC Law requires that all employees of client employers of an employee leasing business be reported under the Unemployment Compensation account of the client. The form can also be used to aid the department in determining the correct business classification of the employee leasing business in cases where the employee leasing business feels it is improperly classified.
RC-1 Employer's Election to Cover Multistate Workers Under the PA UC Law This form is used to allow an employer to have the wages of those employees who customarily work in two or more states be reported to Pennsylvania.
Completed forms should be mailed through USPS to:
Office of UC Tax Services
Status Determinations Unit
PO Box 60849
Harrisburg PA 17106-0849.
If mailing through UPS/FedEx, please mail to:
Office of UC Tax Services
651 Boas St FL 9
Harrisburg PA 17121-0751
Completed forms may also be emailed to the department.
UC-1681 Surety Bond This form is a contract/bond between a reimbursable employer's insurer and the Department of Labor and Industry. It serves as collateral in the event UC benefit charges are unpaid and will be liquidated up to the stated amount of the contract/bond. You must also complete Form UC-1692, which is used to determine the amount of the contract/bond.
UC-1692 Election Or Re-election of Reimbursement This form is the agreement an employer must complete to elect reimbursable coverage.
Completed forms should be mailed through USPS to:
Department of Labor & Industry
Office of UC Tax Services
PO Box 68568
Harrisburg, PA 17106-8568
If mailing through UPS/FedEx, please mail to:
Office of UC Tax Services
651 Boas St FL 9
Harrisburg PA 17121-0751
UC-46(A) Petition for Appeal Complete Section 1 of this form when appealing a UC Referee Decision to the UC Board of Review.
UC-46(B) Petition for Appeal Complete Section 1 of this form when appealing a UCSC, Employer Charge determination.
UC-310 Authorization For Direct Deposit of UC Benefits Use this form to authorize, update or stop direct deposit of your UC benefits.
UC-504 Pennsylvania Unemployment Compensation State Information Data Exchange System (SIDES) E-Response Employers can complete this form to participate in Pennsylvania SIDES E-Response.
UCP-1081 Shared-Work Brochure for Employers This in an informational brochure about Pennsylvania’s Shared-Work Program.
UC-1609 Employer Information Form You must provide this completed form to separating employees and/or employees working reduced hours. It provides accurate information for use when unemployment claims are filed. If wrong information is given on a claim, it can create delays that can lead to a wrong financial determination, which could increase your tax rate. This form can help your company save money by reducing inaccurate claims, and subsequently, inaccurate charges to your account -- charges that would require extra time and energy on your part to remove. Complete the form, and provide a copy to every employee who leaves your organization. This simple step could save your company time and money.
UC-1609 (ESP) INFORMACIÓN DEL EMPLEADOR Form UC-1609 for Spanish-speaking employees
UC-1609(CHI) 雇主信息 如果雇员希望申请失业补偿金,该表格将向雇员提供雇主信息。 Form UC-1609 for Chinese-speaking employees
UC-1921W Employer Questionnaire Refusal Suitable Work This form is used to help improve payment accuracy. Refusing an offer of suitable work/referral to work must be reported to the department within seven days of the offer. Use this downloadable form to notify the department of a refusal of suitable work offer or referral to suitable work.
PUA-2 Notice of Pandemic Unemployment Assistance Claim Filed This notice was sent to all PUA claimants as an alert that a PUA claim was filed under their social security number in Pennsylvania.
UC-746 Records to be Kept by Employers This form provides information for employers on the required content, location, and retention of employment records.
UC-926 Employer Records to be Examined This form provides information for employers on the records requested in preparation for a UC tax compliance audit.
Completed forms should be mailed through USPS to:
Office of UC Tax Services
PO Box 68568
Harrisburg, PA 17106-8568
If mailing through UPS/FedEx, please mail to:
Office of UC Tax Services
651 Boas St FL 9
Harrisburg PA 17121-0751
UCP-1 Pennsylvania Unemployment Compensation Handbook
UCP-1 (ESP) Manual De Compensación por Desempleo de Pennsylvania
PUA-5 COVID-19 Pandemic Unemployment Assistance
UCP-7 The Problem of "Localized" and "Nonlocalized" Employment
UCP-8 State UC and Supplemental Unemployment Benefits Plans
UCP-9 UC Extended Benefits – Information and Instructions for PA EB Claimants
UCP-11D Trade Adjustment Assistance Reauthorization Act of 2015
UCP-11D (ESP) Ley de Reautorización de la Asistencia por el Ajuste del Comercio del 2015
UCP-16 UC for Reimbursable Employers
UCP-18 UC Appeals Information
UCP-18 (ESP) Compensación por Desempleo
UCP-22 Relief from Charges for Contributory Employers Questions and Answers
UCP-24 Support Withholding from Unemployment Compensation
UCP-32 Employee or Independent Contractor?
UCP-35 Family Employment, Coverage Exemption Under PA UC Law
UCP-36 Employer's Reference Guide to UC
UCP-39 Pennsylvania Unemployment Compensation Services for Employers
UCP-40 Controlling UC Costs for Contributory Employers
UCP-41 Unemployment Compensation Eligibility Issues
UCP-41 (ESP) Compensación por Desempleo Puntos de Derecho a
DUA-5 Disaster Unemployment Assistance
UC-98 A Quick Reference Guide for Unemployment Compensation
UC-98 (ESP) Una Guía De Referencia Rápida Sobre La Compensación De Desempleo
UC-304 Record of Job Applications and Work Search Activities
UC-304(ESP) Récords de postulaciones a vacantes y de actividades de búsqueda de trabajo
UCP-1081 Shared-Work Brochure for Employers
UCP-1082 Shared-Work Fact Sheet, An Overview for Employers
UCP-1083 Shared-Work Fact Sheet: Employee FAQ
UCP-1084 Shared-Work Fact Sheet: Employer FAQ
Mandatory Postings
Employers have to put up certain posters at work so employees know about labor laws. You can download these posters for free from the department. Not having these posters can lead to fines.
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