Certified Registered Nurse Practitioner and Prescriptive Authority

Certified Registered Nurse Practitioner - The Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs offers prospective licensees the opportunity to apply for initial licensure online via our secure PALS website.  Apply online

CRNP Verification of Education Forms


New Graduates

New Graduate Applications are for new graduate nurses applying for the NCLEX Exam and/or Graduate Temporary Practice Permit.  Apply online

Other Forms



(Individuals holding a nursing license in another state, jurisdiction or country) 

​Endorsement Applications are for individuals holding a Nursing License in another State/Jurisdiction or Country applying for a Pennsylvania License and/or Temporary Practice Permit.  Apply online

Other Forms

The Verification of Licensure form for RN and PN endorsement applicants will no longer be accepted beginning December 15, 2023.  Forms must be postmarked on or before 12/14/2023 to be considered. If your state(s) participates in NURSYS, pay the fee at www.nursys.com to permit the Board to access your verification of licensure. Verifications do not need to be submitted from other countries if they were included with the report from the Board-approved Foreign Credentials Evaluator but are still needed from other states.


Clinical Nurse Specialist

The Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs offers prospective licensees the opportunity to apply for initial licensure online via our secure PALS website.  Apply online


Licensed Dietitian-Nutritionist 

The Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs offers prospective licensees the opportunity to apply for initial licensure online via our secure PALS website.  Apply online


Volunteer Licenses


Reactivation Application Information

Reactivation of Licenses Expired or Inactive for less than 5 years

Applications for reactivation of inactive or expired licenses are available online. The Board no longer accepts reactivation applications in paper form and cannot accept checks or money orders. You must apply online by logging into your Pennsylvania Licensing System (PALS) account at www.pals.pa.gov. The reactivation application can be accessed by clicking on the pencil icon beside the license number you wish to reactivate. The documentation required for your application can be uploaded to the application online, and all required fees must be paid by a credit or debit card at the time of submission. 

Reactivation of Licenses Expired or Inactive for 5 or more years

Applications for reactivation of inactive or expired licenses are now available online. The Board no longer accepts reactivation applications in paper form and cannot accept checks or money orders. You must apply online by logging into your Pennsylvania Licensing System (PALS) account at www.pals.pa.gov. The reactivation application can be accessed by clicking on the pencil icon beside the license number you wish to reactivate. The documentation required for your application can be uploaded to the application online, and all required fees must be paid by a credit or debit card at the time of submission.