The purpose of the Professional Engineer Guide is to provide transparency, inform applicants of expected timelines for receiving your license, and outline steps you can take to reduce mistakes and mitigate delays. To provide the greatest clarity on the licensing process from start to finish, we will break it down into three phases, providing estimated times for each stage of the process, and recommendations for how to reduce processing times.

A Professional Engineer (PE) is an individual licensed by the State Registration Board for Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors and Geologists whom:

  • Applies mathematical and physical sciences in the design of public or private buildings, structures, machines, equipment, processes, works or engineering systems
  • Consults, investigates, evaluates, conducts engineering surveys, performs construction management, planning and inspection of public or private buildings, structures, machines, equipment, processes, works or engineering systems

  • Performs acts and services related to engineering such as municipal planning, teaching, construction, maintenance and research.

Two of the primary ways to receive a Professional Engineer license in PA are by examination or by comity/endorsement 


Professional Engineer License By Examination

Obtaining a professional engineer license by examination means you have:

  • completed at least 4 years of progressive engineering experience earned under the supervision of a licensed Professional Engineer, or similarly qualified individual
  • passed the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES) Fundamentals of Engineering Examination (FE) and Principles and Practice Examination (PE).  

Applicants must have an Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) Accredited Bachelor of Science degree.

  1. All Professional Engineer applicants must have successfully passed the NCEES Fundamentals of Engineering examination (FE) and obtained their Engineering Intern Certificate. 

  2. Provide a recent Criminal History Records Check (CHRC) from the state police or other state agency for every state in which you have lived, worked, or completed professional training/studies for the past five (5) years. The report(s) must be dated within 180 days of the date the application is submitted.

    To obtain a Pennsylvania record check, please visit A volunteer record check will not be accepted. For a list of other state identification agency websites, please visit

  3. You are required to submit a copy of your Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) Accredited Bachelor of Science engineering transcript directly from your University to the Board of Engineering at

  4. You are required to provide 5 references that have personal knowledge of your work experience and can collectively attest to the entire amount of required engineering work experience.

    Three references must be a licensed Professional Engineer.

    The other two may be a licensed Professional Geologist, licensed Professional Land Surveyor, or unlicensed engineers who, through education and experience, possess an equivalent level of expertise as that of a professional engineer.

    A reference that is not a professional engineer licensed in the United States is required to submit a curriculum vitae. All work experience must be supported by a Reference Information Form submitted by the licensed professional engineer who supervised the work experience.

    Your references may email their forms directly to the Board of Engineering at

  5. To assist the Board in evaluating your engineering work experience, you must submit an Amplified Record of Engineering Work/Design Experience form (Amplified Record) which has been completed in its entirety and provides specific, thorough, and detailed descriptions of your progressive professional experience in engineering work/design that you obtained under the supervision of a licensed professional engineer or similarly qualified engineer, and prior to initial licensure.

    The amplified record must:
    • clearly describe the supervised engineering work/design that you personally performed;
    • delineate your role in any group engineering activity;
    • provide an overall description of the nature of work/design you personally performed,
      specifically indicate how your engineering skills and responsibilities have progressively increased during your years of experience, and
    • must demonstrate conclusively the years of progressive professional experience you have obtained (including detailed examples of how engineering knowledge and engineering principles, including the principles of math and science, were actually employed) in engineering work/design of a grade and character to fit you to assume responsible charge of the work involved in the practice of engineering.

Please do not attach a resume or curriculum vitae in lieu of an Amplified Record.

Do not list more than one year of work experience per page of the amplified record; however, you may use as many pages as necessary to accurately describe each year of experience.

Please upload your amplified record to the Board through your PALS account using the “Amplified Record” checklist item.

Professional Engineer License By Comity/Endorsement

Obtaining a professional engineer license by comity/endorsement means you have already obtained a professional engineer license in another state or jurisdiction.  A person is eligible for licensure by comity/endorsement if they are currently licensed in another state, territory or country whose licensure requirements either were equal to those in effect in Pennsylvania at the time of initial registration, or are now substantially equivalent to those in effect in Pennsylvania. 

  1. Professional Engineer by comity/endorsement applications are processed in the order they are received. Please submit your application as soon as possible.

  2. Provide a recent Criminal History Records Check (CHRC) from the state police or other state agency for every state in which you have lived, worked, or completed professional training/studies for the past five (5) years. The report(s) must be dated within 180 days of the date the application is submitted.

    To obtain a Pennsylvania record check, please visit A volunteer record check will not be accepted. For a list of other state identification agency websites, please visit

  3. If you hold an NCEES Council Record, you are still required to complete the online application in its entirety, however you are not required to submit the supplemental documents (Amplified Record, Reference Forms, Verification of Examination/Licensure) since this information will be included in your NCEES Council Record.  Please have NCEES transmit your Council Record directly to the Pennsylvania Board Office.

Process Overview

How to Apply for a Professional License in PA

Professional licensing protects the health and safety of the public from fraudulent and unethical practitioners. Fraudulent and unethical practitioners. We want the process of applying for a professional license in Pennsylvania to go as smoothly as possible..

What Happens After You Submit Your Application

Our goal is to make the professional licensing process as easy as possible while maintaining our standards to protect the public's health and safety.

  1. Sign in or create account at

  2. Select the State Registration Board of Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, and Geologists to apply and plain-language questions will appear to help you get started

  3. Application appears – review checklist, upload required documents, follow prompts

  4. Review all information and edit as needed

  5. Pay the required fee and your application is submitted

  6. Keep an eye on your email or get real-time updates at

Helpful Links and Next Steps: