​​Certification Staffing Policy Guidelines (CSPGs)

​​​​CSPG 13 - Emergency Permits

Modified: October 2024

A local education agency (LEA) or an eligible Pre-K Counts provider requests an emergency permit to fill a vacant position when it is unable to find a certified educator holding a valid and active certificate. 

General Policies

Emergency permits are requested by the Chief School Administrator of the LEA that has a permanent, temporary, or day-to-day opening for a professional employee. The permit is valid from the first day of the month of issuance until the last day of summer school in that school year.

The LEA is required to post any permanent or temporary vacancy for a minimum of 10 days on the school entity's website before submitting an initial or reissuance application for an emergency permit to fill the vacancy. 

Requirements and Procedures

Initial application: The first emergency permit application in the desired subject area and type requested by an LEA for an individual.

Reissuance: The second or subsequent emergency permit application of the same subject area and type requested by the same LEA for the same individual.

Application ​​Process:

  1. ​The position candidate initiates and submits a permit request via the Teacher Information Management System (TIMS) at the request of the employing LEA.
  2. When the request is received the LEA selects the type of permit and subject area(s) through their TIMS dashboard, selects the payment method, and submits the application. Please note: the LEA determines who is responsible for the payment.
  3. The position candidate or the LEA submits the documents listed on the TIMS coversheet.

Documentation​​ Required for All Permit Types

  1. Transcripts
    • The Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) accepts transcripts three ways:
      • Electronically from the college or university sent directly to ra-TeacherCert@pa.gov;
      • In an unopened college-sealed envelope; or
      • From the employing LEA:
      • If the certifying officer received the electronic transcripts directly from the college or university or paper transcripts in an unopened college-sealed envelope, they may forward them to ra-TeacherCert@pa.gov with the following information in the email:
        1. Name of LEA
        2. Statement that the transcripts were “OFFICIAL" when received.
        3. Name and title of person that received them.
        4. Date they were received.
      • PDE will still accept paper transcripts mailed with the TIMS coversheet, however the same information above must be written directly on the transcripts.
    • A transcript reflecting a minimum of a bachelor's degree is required for all initial emergency permit requests except for the following:
    • A transcript reflecting a minimum of a bachelor's degree is required for Type 06 permit requests randomly selected by PDE for audit.
  2. A copy of the current and valid PA professional license indicated is required for:
  3. A foreign evaluation report is required for individuals prepared outside the United States.
  4. Non-U.S. citizens must provide proof of legal authorization to work in the United States unless applying for world language.
    See CSPG 5 for specific details.

Types of Emergenc​y Permits

Vacant Position with an Educational Obligation to Pursue Certification (Typ​e 01)

An LEA may request a Type 01 permit for a position that will exceed 20 consecutive days in a single assignment when the LEA anticipates future employment for the position. Following are examples of qualifying vacancies:

  • New Position
  • Resignation
  • Termination
  • Retirement
  • Death​​
  • Initial Application Requirements:
    The educator agrees to enroll in a state-approved educator preparation program in the subject area(s) of the requested permit and complete the required number of credits as outlined below.
    Educator participates in ongoing professional development and in compliance with 22 Pa. Code § 49.16.
  • Reissuance Requirements:
    • Reissuance may be requested if the educator provides evidence of continued enrollment in a state-approved educator preparation program and has completed the required credits in the program.
    • First reissuance credit requirements are based on the date of the initial emergency permit issuance following the timeline below:
      • August 1 – November 30 = 6 program credits
      • December 1 – March 31 = 3 program credits
      • April 1 – July 31 = proof of program enrollment
    • Second reissuance and all subsequent reissuances may be requested with proof of nine preparation program credits.
    • A permit may be reissued one time after the program is completed for testing purposes if the test(s) has been attempted in the previous year. The LEA must alert PDE that the permit is being requested based on testing.

Long-Term Substitute with No Educational Obligation (Type 04)

An LEA may request a Type 04 permit for a temporary substitute position that will exceed 20 consecutive days in a single assignment and when future employment in the position is not anticipated by the LEA. Following are examples of these types of vacancies:

  • Temporary coverage (i.e., sabbatical, medical, maternity, etc.);
  • Coverage while recruiting; and
  • Coverage for a position to be eliminated at the end of the school year.
  • ​Reissuance Requirements:
    A Type 04 permit can be reissued for an individual one time in the same subject area per LEA.
    NOTE: 22 Pa. Code 49.16 requires LEAs to include a temporary substitute in induction programs if they remain in the assignment for more than 45 days. LEAs may include such individuals in staff professional development for assignments of less than 45 days.

Act 97 Wa​​iver (Type 02)

The Act 97 W​​aiver of Certification (Type 02 Emergency Permit) may be requested by an LEA for an individual facing furlough or who has already been furloughed or demoted by the LEA.

  • The permit lets the individual work in areas that they are not certified for one calendar year from the date of issuance.
  • Posting is not required.

Refer to CSPG 14 - Act 97 Waiver of Certification

Day-to-Day Substitute (Type 06)

A Type 06 permit is issued by the Department to qualify a person for service as a day-to-day substitute in any certificate area. If service exceeds 20 days for an individual professional or temporary professional employee, a long-term substitute permit (Type 04) is required. The 20-day limitation is not cumulative. An individual holding this permit may substitute for more than one professional or temporary professional employee during a school year.

The LEA must keep an official bachelor's degree or higher transcript in the educator's personnel file. The LEA will be required to submit the transcript to PDE if the candidate's application is selected for a random audit.

Teacher/Cultural Exchange (Type 08)

An individual is eligible to receive an Emergency Type 08 teacher/cultural exchange permit if all the following are met:​

  • The educator participates in a teacher/cultural exchange through a U.S. Department of State designated teacher exchange program sponsor. For a complete list of designated sponsors, go to BridgeUSABridgeUSA
  • The educator holds a J1 Visa;
  • The educator holds a degree that is equivalent to a baccalaureate degree or a graduate degree from an accredited college or university in the United States;
  • The educator has been sponsored by a commonwealth LEA to participate in the teacher/cultural exchange program;
  • The educator is certified to teach in another country;
  • The educator possesses good moral character; and
  • The educator is proficient in the English language.

The LEA submits to PDE a verification letter of acceptance/participation from the U.S. Department of State designated teacher/cultural exchange program sponsor as the required emergency permit application documentation.

Type 08 permits are limited to one initial application and two subsequent applications.

A teacher/cultural exchange candidate cannot be used to fill an LEA vacancy.      

Act 91 of 2021 Classroom Monitor Permit (Type 09)

The classroom monitor permit is a non-teaching permit which enables individuals to deliver student assignments preplanned by a professional or temporary professional employee. Monitors may not plan or create lessons or grade student work.

For the 2023-24 school year, an LEA may request a classroom monitor permit for an individual who meets the following requirements:

  • Has completed at least 60 semester hours or the equivalent of courses at a regionally accredited college or university located in Pennsylvania OR has a least three years of experience as a paraprofessional in a school entity and is currently employed as a paraprofessional in a school entity,
  • Meets pre-employment requirements for background clearances, citizenship, and good moral character under the School Code and Child Protective Services Law,
  • Is at least 25 years of age, and
  • Has completed a PDE-approved classroom management training at an intermediate unit.

The Type 09 Classroom Monitor Permits expire June 30, 2026.

Note: Act 91 of 2021 requires an individual who is issued this permit and is already employed by the LEA as a paraprofessional to be paid the higher of their existing contractual compensation or the compensation as a classroom monitor.

Locally Issued Day-to-​Day Sub​stitute (issued by the Chief School Administrator)

Certified Educators

An LEA may issue a day-to-day substitute permit to an educator holding a valid and active Pennsylvania or comparable out-of-state certificate.

  • The educator must meet pre-employment requirements for background clearances, citizenship, and good moral character under the School Code and Child Protective Services Law.
  • The educator may serve as a substitute for 20 school days for an individual professional or temporary professional outside of their certificate area. The 20-day limitation is not cumulative. An individual holding this permit may serve for multiple professional and temporary professional employees during a school year.
  • The LEA must request a long-term substitute permit from PDE if service exceeds 20 days for an individual professional or temporary professional employee.
  • The LEA is responsible for maintaining accurate records and evidence of the above requirements.

Individuals holding a valid and active Pennsylvania certificate or comparable out-of-state certificate may serve as a day-to-day substitute in the individual's certificate area for a period not exceeding 20 days without a locally issued permit.

Teacher Preparation Program Completers (Section 1215)

An LEA may issue a day-to-day substitute permit to an individual who completed an approved educator preparation program when all the following criteria are met:

  • The educator presents to the LEA a letter from a college or university verifying successful completion of an approved teacher preparation program, and completion of all requirements for awarding of a bachelor's degree on a date certain.
  • The educator presents to the LEA evidence they have completed all required certification testing or are in process of scheduling required certification testing, and
  • The educator meets requirements of the School Code related to clearances and good moral character, and of the Child Protective Services Law.

The emergency permit expires upon termination of any summer school or upon issuance of an Instructional I certification. The LEA is responsible for maintaining accurate records and evidence of the above requirements being met.

The permit issued under this section may be used for assignments of more than 20 consecutive days to fill a position due to the absence of professional certified personnel.

Prospective Teacher Substitutes (Act 86 of 2016)

An LEA may allow a prospective teacher to serve as a substitute if the individual:

  • Is currently enrolled in a Pennsylvania-approved college or university educator preparation program;
  • Has completed at least 60 semester hours or equivalent; and
  • Meets all statutory requirements related to clearances, citizenship, and good moral character.

The individual may teach a maximum of 10 days for a single employee and a maximum of 20 days per school year.

NOTE: Pursuant to Act 33 of 2023, for the 2023-24, 2024-25, and 2025-26 school years, there is no limit to the number of hours or days a prospective teacher may substitute except for someone who is student teaching per 22 Pa. Code § 354.25(f).

Individuals fulfilling the student teaching experience per 22 Pa. Code §354.25(f) may not substitute for longer than 10 days in their assigned classroom or classrooms or for other teachers within the building or buildings where they have been placed as a student teacher and must possess at least one satisfactory observation related to their student teacher program.

Reissuance provisions:

  • The permit may be reissued for one additional year, as long as the educator:
  • Provides proof of completion of an additional 15 credit hours or equivalent from a PDE-approved preparation program provider; and
  • Remains enrolled in a PDE-approved preparation program.

The LEA is responsible for maintaining accurate records and evidence of the above requirements being met.

Special Conside​rations

  1. See CSPG 25 - Career and Technical Emergency Permits for career and technical emergency permit requirements.
  2. Individuals holding an inactive or voluntary inactive Pennsylvania certificate may substitute for a total of 180 days per school year in their certificate area(s).
    • No permit is required to work in their certificate area(s) (24 P.S. § 12-1205.2).
    • A Type 06 emergency permit is required when the individual is working outside of their certificate area(s). Substituting for an individual professional or temporary professional employee outside of their certificate area beyond 20 days requires a Type 04 long term substitute permit.
    • These two options combined cannot exceed 180 days per school year.
  3. Emergency permits may not be issued for a candidate who:
    • Holds an expired Intern certificate in the subject area being requested;
    • Holds a lapsed Level I certificate; or
    • Voluntarily deleted the subject area being requested from their certificate.
  4. The LEA is responsible for requesting emergency permits for substitute teachers provided to their LEA by private agencies or contractors.
  5. Emergency permits may not be requested during a legal work stoppage. 
  6. We do not issue emergency permits for Military Science.


22 Pa. Code §§49.16, 49.31, 49.32, 49.33, 49.34; 24 P.S. §§11-1114,12-1201.1, 12-1214, 12-1215

Related C​SPGs

This revision supersedes all earlier CSPGs carrying this number and/or addressing this subject. Previous CSPG printing dates on this subject: 3/75, 8/76, 1/87, 7/04, 6/08, 9/10, 12/15, 10/16, 1/17, 2/18.

Summary of Changes

​Date of Revision
​Major Changes to CSPG #13
  • Added phrase “ proof of legal authorization  to work in the United States.”
  • Added that there are no emergency permits for Military Science.
  • Added SLP to license require​ment for permit​

  • ​Updated transcript submittal instructions.
  • Updated Classroom Monitor permit and Locally Issued permits per Act 33 of 2023.

​As per Chapter 49:
  • Added the acceptance of master's or higher degrees for certification in lieu of bachelor's degrees.
  • Added eligible providers.
  • School Psychologist added to list of licenses required for permit.
  • Minor revisions for cla​rification.
​​Revisions made for Act 91 of 2021.
​Minor revisions to Act 36 of 1999 permit for clarity.
​Revisions to teacher/cultural exchange permit process.
  • ​Adjustment of required credit obligations for requesting a Type 01 emergency permit reissuance.
  • Clarification and adjustment of conditions for requesting a Type 01 or Type 04 emergency permit.
  • Additional clarifications were added.
​1/2017​Clarified information on Locally-Issued Day-to-Day Substitute permits.
  • ​Added Locally-Issued Day-to-Day Substitute Information:
    • Teacher Preparation Program Completers (Act 36 of 1999)
  • ​A Type 04 permit is issued for the first application of a vacant position. A subsequent application for a vacant position must be for a Type 01 emergency permit.
  • Locally-issued permits have been designated as Type 05 permits.
  • No bachelor’s degree is required for the issuance of a School Nurse or Dental Hygienist permit.
  • Substituting limitations have been clarified for educators holding inactive or voluntary inactive status.
  • The vocational permit process has been relocated to CSPG #66.
  • ​Type 08 emergency permits have been expanded to include cultural exchanges.
  • Vocational candidates seeking a Type 01 emergency permit do not need to submit a PDE 338 ES form with the initial application. The PDE 338 ES form is required for Vocational Type 01 reissuance.
  • Individuals issued emergency permits between June 1 and July 31 have no educational requirements.
  • Registered Nurses and Dental Hygienists are no longer limited to Type 04 or Type 06 emergency permits.
  • Type 06 permits are to be issued for 20 cumulative days, not consecutive days.
  • ​Type 03 emergency permits will no longer be issued by the Division of Certification Services.
  • When applying for a Type 01 emergency permit, a school entity must demonstrate a consistent and persistent inability to fill a vacancy with a fully qualified candidate.
  • Type 06 emergency permits may be issued to school entities for educators holding inactive certificates who wish to teach outside of their area of certification. Permits issued to inactive certificate holders will be valid for 90 service days.
  • Bachelor’s degree for school nurses and dental hygienists is required for a Type 01 but not required for a Type 04 or Type 06 emergency permit.
  • Deleted the section that obligates a school entity to continue the employment of the emergency permit holder in subsequent years even if the incumbent employee has served satisfactorily and met his or her educational obligation.
  • ​Emergency certificate changed to emergency permit.
  • School nurse or dental hygienist was required to have a Bachelor’s degree. However, policy was adjusted to require a Bachelor’s degree for a Type 01 for school nurses but not required for Type 04 or 06 emergency permits.
  • ​CSPG No. 4 was changed to CSPG No. 13 and was divided into three categories: General Policies; Issued for Temporary Professionals, Professional Employees; and Substitutes.
  • Bachelor’s degree was required, except for school nurse or dental hygienist.
  • Emergency certificate types identified to include: 01 – Vacant Position with 9 credit obligation, 03 – Long-Term Substitute with education obligation, 04 – Long-Term Substitute, 06 – Day-to-Day and 08 – Exchange.
  • ​Guiding document changed to CSPG No. 4 – Issuance of Emergency Certificates.
  • Requested by school district and in agreement with PDE. Additional detail included in the CSPG.
  • ​Four years or 120 semester hours of post-secondary education was now required.
  • Three years or 90 semester hours of post-secondary education was now required.
  • ​County or district superintendent may issue an emergency certificate to a person with two years post-secondary education or 60 semester hours.
  • Only valid if filed with PDE on the proper form after 90 days.
  • Not applicable: Vocational, Recreation, Special Education and Extension Education.