The Grades PK-4 certificate focuses on delivering content learning to the PK-4 child with a focus on childhood development and family-centered practice.
Grade-Level Scope of Certificate
A person holding a valid Pennsylvania certificate for Grades PK-4 is qualified to teach all courses from PK (nursery/age three) through fourth grade (age nine).
Certification Assignment
An educator holding a valid Pennsylvania certificate for Grades PK-4 is qualified to teach foundational subject matter content in the areas of language, literacy (including foundations of reading), math, science, technology & engineering, social studies, arts/humanities, career readiness, and motor development/health.
In addition, teachers possessing a PK-4 certificate are qualified to teach art, music, business, computer and information technology, library science, and health and physical education only to their own students within a pre-kindergarten through grade four self-contained classroom.
With recommended trainings, educators holding Grades PK-4 certification may teach STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) courses. (Other Instructional certificates may teach STEM courses based on course content and the type of credit being given.)
Title I Reading Implementation: The implementation of remedial/diagnostic activities by Grades PK-4 certified teachers directed by a certified reading specialist is permitted. The Grades PK-4 certified teacher may carry out the prescriptions provided by the directing reading specialist but can neither diagnose nor determine the remedial plan of action for students without the involvement of a certified reading specialist.
Special Considerations
- Pennsylvania educators who currently hold the Grades PK-4 certificate can extend the certification grade span to include Grades 5-6 based on testing alone. This policy does not pertain to any subject area except Grades PK-4.
- An LEA may make a written request to the Secretary of Education for an exception to certification grade and age level limitations between Early Childhood, Elementary/Middle, Special Education PK-8 and Special Education 7-12 for individual teachers on a case-by-case basis (22 Pa. Code §49.85 – Limitations). The school entity shall submit a written request that provides justification for the exception to PDE's Bureau of School Leadership and Teacher Quality. If approved, PDE will issue a letter of response that will contain a set time period for the exception to remain valid.
- An educator certified in Grades PK-4 may:
- Provide professional development related to their collegial studies;
- Serve in the role of mentor advisor; and
- Assist students in understanding how to read content area materials.
- Provide professional development related to their collegial studies;
Certificate Clarifications
An Early Childhood N-3 certificate remains valid as a certificate for teaching this program with the exception of the fourth grade. PDE discontinued issuing the Early Childhood N-3 certificate as of August 31, 2013.
The Elementary K-6 certificate remains valid as a certificate for teaching in kindergarten through grade 6. PDE discontinued issuing the Elementary K-6 certificate as of August 31, 2013.
The Grades PK-4 certificate (or the older Early Childhood N-3 certificate) is required for teaching in a Pre-K Counts program. The PK-4 certificate (or the older Early Childhood N-3 certificate) is valid for an Early Intervention program.
A person holding an Elementary K-6 certificate may be assigned to kindergarten (age 4), kindergarten (age 5), and first through sixth grades. The Elementary K-6 certification may not be used in a Pre-K Counts program, in an Early Intervention program, or for nursery (age 3) programs.
Effective September 1, 2003, an educator holding a Grades PK-4 certificate is not certified to teach computer and technology courses outside of the self-contained classroom. Computer and technology instruction in grades K-12 requires Business, Computer, and Information Technology K-12 certification. This includes keyboarding, word processing, information processing, working with a database, spreadsheet manipulation, desktop publishing, accessing shared information resources via networks or Internet, multimedia, web page design, and other emerging software. Access CSPG 33 - Business, Computer and Information Technology for more information. From the 2004-05 school year to June 2011 there was a temporary easing of this requirement. However, as of Aug. 1, 2011, newly assigned technology and computer education teachers may not be Elementary K-6, Grades PK-4 or Grades 4-8 certified teachers. Computer Science can be taught with recommended training by an educator with Grades PK-4 certification. Please review CSPG 71 - Computer Science 7-12 for information regarding Computer Science instruction at the elementary level.
Program Specific Guidelines for Grades PK-4
Pa. Public School Code: §1202, §1212, §1604
22 Pa. Code:
Chapter 4 §4.22, §4.23
Chapter 49: §49.11, §49.81, §49.142, §49.85
This revision supersedes all earlier CSPGs carrying this number and/or addressing this subject. Previous CSPG printing dates on this subject: 2/61, 3/75, 1/87, 3/88, 3/92, 7/04, 5/05, 8/12, 3/14
Summary of Changes
Date of Revisions | Major Changes to CSPG #69 |
6/14/2023 |
8/1/2019 |
3/1/2014 |
8/1/2012 | CSPG #41 – Elementary Education K-6
5/1/2005 | Elementary K-6 certified teachers may teach remedial reading other than diagnostic/prescriptive reading to students whose grade norms fall below seventh grade (may teach Title I Reading under a reading specialist’s direction). |
7/1/2004 | CSPG #41 – Elementary Education K-6
3/1/1992 | CSPG #53 – Early Childhood Education Certification and Assignment Scope (N-3)
3/1/1988 | CSPG #48 – Elementary Education and Assignment Scope Elementary K-6 certified teachers may not teach remedial reading classes but may teach developmental reading at any grade level, (kindergarten through twelve). |
1/1/1987 | CSPG #83 – Elementary Teachers to Instruction Specialized Areas
CSPG #84 – Elementary Teachers to Instruct at the Secondary Grade Level
3/1/1975 | CSPG #53 – Early Childhood Education Certification and Assignment Scope N-3
2/1/1961 | Regulations – College Certificates in Elementary Education