21st Century Community Learning Centers

External Organization Resources

The Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) is implementing this statewide opportunity for Pennsylvanian nonprofit organizations to submit an external organization profile application. This application will be vetted, by PDE and included on a list of prescreened eligible providers (providers with specific expertise in one or more resource areas pertaining to after school programming, quality programming, and allowable activities). Examples of eligible programs/resources areas are youth development activities, service learning, nutrition/health education, drug and violence prevention, counseling, arts, music, physical fitness/wellness, technology education, financial literacy, environmental literacy, mathematics, science, career, technical skills, internships, apprenticeships, cultural competency/inclusion and organizational quality improvement programs.

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) of 2015, which reauthorizes the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA) provides for the creation of a list of external organizations that may provide technical assistance to a Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learner Center grantees.

This prescreened list of eligible providers is a resource to grantees seeking technical assistance to support their Nita M. Lowey 21st CCLC afterschool program.

​Non-pub​Contact​Demographics​Technical Resources( See below for brief description)
Use website link and contact email for more details.
ASAP/Afterschool Activities Partnerships​Justin Ennis
​Foundations, Inc.​David McConnell
Girls on the Run Mid State​Gillian Byerly
​Urban, Suburban, Rural​A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,K
Prodigy Preparatory, IncBrittany Baxter
Sunrise of Philadelphia​Marina Fradera
The Cooperage Project​Amanda Masters
The Institute​Teri Ooms
Urban, Suburban, Rural​​A,F,K
Venture Outdoors Inc.​Lora (Lo) Zemanek
​Urban, Suburban​A,D,F,G,J
Warren Forest Higher Education Council​Joan Stitzinger
Wireless Neighborhoods DBA Neighborhood Learning Alliance​Kashif Henderson
Arly from BellXcell​
John Holt
​Urban, Suburban, Rural
Steps to Achieve
​Jim Coughenour
​Urban,Suburban, Rural
Mighty Writers
​Naomi Levecchia
Davinci Science Center
​Carol Luthar
​Urban, Suburban, Rural
​The Franklin Institute
​Hollie Barattolo
​The Diverse Learner Foundation Inc.
​Gabriela Timothy
​Foundation for Free Enterprise Education
​Karen M. Musante
​Urban, Suburban, Rural

A. Quality Programming and Allowable Activities

Academic Enrichment
Art, Music, Media, and Drama
Civic Engagement and Service Learning
Financial Literacy
Environmental Literacy
Project Based Learning
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM)
Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math (STEAM)
Sports and Recreation
Summer Programming
Workforce Development

B. Human Relationships and Development

Behavior, Guidance and Classroom Management
Communicating Effectively with Staff, Students and Family
Positive Discipline Techniques
Social and Emotional Learning

C. Youth Development and Empowerment

Adolescent and Youth Culture
Child and Adolescent Development
Personal Development and Life Skills
Positive Youth Development

D. Health, Wellness, Safety, and Nutrition

Fitness and Nutrition
Indoor and Outdoor Environments
Physical Health and Wellness
Program Safety

E. Literacy Education

Children in Poverty
Faith-Based Programming
Learning Differences
Race, Gender, and Sexual Identity
Students with Disabilities
Undocumented Newcomers

F. Cultural Competency and Inclusion

Children in Poverty
Learning Differences
Race, Gender, and Sexual Identity
Students with Disabilities
Undocumented Newcomers
Creating Community Partnerships
Engaging Parents and Families
Homeless and Migrant Populations

G. Parent and Community Engagement

Coordination and Linkages of Resources
Connecting to Schools
Creating Community Partnerships
Engaging Parents and Families
Homeless and Migrant Populations

H. Program management and administration

Advocacy and Policy
Budget and Fiscal Management
City and Statewide Systems
Fundraising and Development
Human Resources and Supervision
Marketing and Promotion
Program Management
Recruitment and Retention
Regulations and Licensing
Utilizing Technology and Social Media
Volunteers and Volunteer Management

I. Sustainability planning

Fundraising and Development

J. Workforce Development/Career College Readiness

SAT Prep
High School Credit Recovery
Understanding Workforce Statistics, Employment Opportunities
Education and Training Programs, and Internships
Technical Education Programs

K. Implementing Quality Programming

Action Planning
Coaching and Mentoring
Logic Models and Outcomes Measurement
Program Design
Quality Assessments and Surveys
Research and Evaluation