Elementary and Secondary Education

Homeless Education

Pennsylvania's Education for Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness (Pennsylvania ECYEH) Program was established to make sure homeless youth have access to a free and appropriate public education while removing barriers that homeless children face. Its goal is to have the educational process continue as uninterrupted as possible while the children are in homeless situations. Some of the other main objectives of Pennsylvania's Education for Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness Program are to inform local school districts of their responsibilities to homeless children and youth, to increase awareness about the needs of homeless children, explain current laws and policies, and provide practical tips for working with homeless children.

Pennsylvania's Education for Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness Program,  Effective Date: January 1, 2017

This document is a joint product of the Child Accounting section within the Division of Subsidy Data and Administration, Bureau of Budget and Fiscal Management and the Homeless Office within the Division of Student Services, Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment and Instruction at the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE).

The "Education for Homeless Youth 42 U.S.C. §11431" Basic Education Circular (BEC) provides definitions for homeless children and youth who lack a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence.

Homeless children are entitled to a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE), from either the school district in which their person or the shelter is located, or the school district of origin.

According to the McKinney-Vento Act the term "school of origin" means the school the child or youth attended when permanently housed, or the school in which the child or youth was last enrolled. 42 U.S.C. §11432(g) (3) (G).

  • The parent has a choice in deciding whether the child is educated in the school of origin or in the school within the attendance area where they are living. This would depend upon feasibility and best interest of the child (e.g. age, safety, siblings, special needs, the commute, how much time is left in the school year, etc.).
  • Homeless families are not required to prove residency regarding school enrollment; however, the Homeless Act does not prohibit a local education agency (LEA) from requiring a parent or guardian of a homeless child to submit contact information.
  • A child who has been identified as homeless shall continue to be considered homeless until it is reported to the LEA that the child is no longer homeless or until the LEA proves non-homelessness through investigation.
  • In cases when the student becomes permanently housed during the academic year and the student's parent or guardian requests that the student continues in the school of origin, which is not in the school district of new residence, the educating school district will continue to educate the formerly homeless student until the end of the academic year, and should maintain the homeless student on its rolls as a non-resident student. The educating school district should advise the new school district of residence of its financial responsibility for this student and send a tuition bill.
  • The burden of proof for establishing non-homelessness is on the LEA. Usually this responsibility rests with the home and school visitor, pupil personnel specialist, social worker, principal, vice-principal, or the local educational homeless liaison in every LEA. The state coordinator for the Education for Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness Program at PDE can offer technical assistance on this matter.

Child Accounting Procedures

  1. Homeless students educated by the school district of origin shall be reported as resident students (these students may or may not be living in a shelter, facility, or institution).
  2. Homeless students living in a motel, hotel, car, campground, doubling-up, or sharing housing with a resident family and educated by the school district in which they are temporarily living, shall be reported as resident students (these students are not living in a shelter, facility, or institution).
  3. Homeless students living in a shelter, facility, or institution and educated by the school district in which they are temporarily living shall be reported as non-resident students.
    1. If the original school district acknowledges residency on the PDE-4605, "Determination of District of Residence for Students in Facilities or Institutions in Accordance with Section 1306 of School Code," the educating school district (host school district) will bill the resident school district.
    2. If the original school district disclaims residency on the PDE-4605, the educating school district should submit a written request to PDE's School Services Office to make a determination regarding "ward of the state" status.

NOTE: Reasons why school districts must properly identify homeless students within their internal systems: (1) homeless students are entitled to utilize the free/reduced lunch program; (2) homeless students are eligible for services under the federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Amendments to the Elementary and Secondary Education Act; and (3) homeless students must be reported by grade-level for Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) purposes.

Below is general guidance in establishing homelessness that is in addition to information provided in the BEC "Education of Homeless Youth." These four key questions can help resolve most cases.

  1. Was there a​n event?
  2. Is the current living arrangement due to a lack of housing?
  3. Is this situation temporary?
  4. Is the parent in control of the event?

The following are different scenarios regarding homelessness:

  1. Parent(s) and child move in with another family (doubled-up) in another school district outside the geographical area of the school district of origin (Allentown to Pittsburgh). Which school district is responsible for educating the child and what about multiple occupancy?

    In this situation, since it would not be feasible to transport the child to the school district of origin, the school district in which the family is living doubled-up would be responsible for the education. Since the child is not in a shelter, facility, or institution, the child shall be reported as a resident.

  2. Parent(s) and child remove themselves (evicted, fire, flood, loss of job, etc.) from their place of residence, and move into a neighboring school district's shelter. Which school district is responsible for educating the child?

    Parents have a choice between the school district of origin (resident school district/school district attended when permanently housed), or the school district for the attendance area of the shelter. If the school district of origin is chosen (feasible, best interest), the child should be reported as a resident of the school district of origin.

    If the school district for the attendance area of the shelter is chosen, this educating school district should send a PDE-4605 to the school district of origin.

  3. Does the McKinney-Vento Act apply to Pennsylvania charter schools?

    Yes. A Pennsylvania charter or cyber charter school ("charter school") must follow the Act's requirements for LEAs, including designating a liaison, identifying homeless students, and ensuring immediate enrollment.

    Effective July 1, 2015, if the student is enrolled in a charter school, the school district of origin will remain financially responsible for the education of the student unless and until the student is no longer deemed homeless.

    The charter school must enroll a homeless student as long as other students living in the same area would be eligible to attend the school if classroom space is available. If the charter school has particular skills-related entrance requirements, the student must meet those criteria (for example, a fine arts charter school with requirements related to artistic ability). However, enrollment deadlines must be waived for students experiencing homelessness.


PA School Code can be obtained from the PDE website at www.education.pa.gov. On the left, under "I would like to…," select View Codes and Regulations, then "Public School Code of 1949." Scroll down to Article XIII, Pupils and Attendance.

  • Section 1302, Residence and right-to-free-school privileges
  • Section 1306, Non-resident inmates of children's institutions

Basic Education Circulars (BEC) can be obtained from the PDE website at www.education.pa.gov. On the left, under "I would like to…," select View Basic Education Circulars (BECs). The circulars are listed in alphabetical order.

  • Determination of Residence of Children Living in Pennsylvania Institutions, 24 P.S. § 13-1308
  • Education of Homeless Youth, 42 U.S.C. §11431
  • Enrollment of Students, 24 P.S. § 13-1301 - 13-1306
  • Nonresident Students in Institutions, 24 P.S. § 13-1306

For Further Information

Child accounting questions should be referred to:

Child Accounting Section
Division of Subsidy Data and Administration
Bureau of Budget and Fiscal Management
Pennsylvania Department of Education
607 South Drive, Harrisburg, PA 17126-0333
(717) 787-5423 x1 | ra-CAD@pa.gov

Specific homeless questions should be referred to your LEA's Homeless Liaison and Regional Homeless Coordinator. If necessary, contact:

Storm Camara, State Coordinator
Education for Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness
Division of Student Services
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment and Instruction
Pennsylvania Department of Education
607 South Drive, 5th Floor - Rotunda, Harrisburg, PA 17120
(717) 783-6466 | scamara@pa.gov

Carmen M. Medina, Chief
Division of Student Services
Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment and Instruction
Pennsylvania Department of Education
607 South Drive, 5th Floor - Rotunda, Harrisburg, PA 17120
(717) 783-6466 | cmedina@pa.gov


For the 2022-23 program year, education and community agencies identified 46,714 children and youth experiencing homelessness served by Pennsylvania's Education for Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness (ECYEH) Program (unique, unduplicated count). The population includes children under the age of five and youth enrolled in prekindergarten through grade 12.

The 'where attributed' (unique) count is based on where the child or youth was identified as homeless and attributed to the local education agency (LEA) (i.e., school district (SD), comprehensive career and technical center (CTC), charter school (CS), cyber charter school, intermediate unit (IU)) or entity (i.e., shelter, non-LEA Early Intervention, prekindergarten program, non-LEA private school/institution). Attribution is based on the LEA that the child or youth was identified by or enrolled in the longest. The unique count is used for state education agency (SEA) EDFacts reporting to the U.S. Department of Education.

The 'where identified' (duplicate) count includes anywhere the child or youth was identified as homeless; children or youth may be identified in more than one LEA or by more than one entity. Children and youth identified by multiple entities are only reported with their LEA(s), as applicable. Children and youth reported with a non-LEA were only identified by that entity. The duplicate count is used for LEA EDFacts reporting.

Counts of 10 or fewer are denoted with an asterisk (*) and included in total counts. Non-LEA entities are grouped by type and reported at the regional level. Non-LEA entity and total counts should not be interpreted as necessarily representing all children and youth experiencing homelessness. Non-LEA entities report only if they receive direct or indirect services from the ECYEH Program.

Region​​CountyLEA/Reporting EntityWhere AttributedWhere Identified
1PhiladelphiaAd Prima CS**
1PhiladelphiaAlliance for Progress CS2021
1PhiladelphiaAntonia Pantoja Community CS1313
1PhiladelphiaASPIRA Bilingual Cyber CS140144
1PhiladelphiaBelmont CS104104
1PhiladelphiaBluford CS2727
1PhiladelphiaBoys Latin of Philadelphia CS**
1PhiladelphiaChristopher Columbus CS**
1PhiladelphiaCommunity Academy of Philadelphia CS2626
1PhiladelphiaDeep Roots CS**
1PhiladelphiaDiscovery CS**
1PhiladelphiaEsperanza Academy CS2020
1PhiladelphiaEsperanza Cyber CS106108
1PhiladelphiaEugenio Maria De Hostos CS1111
1PhiladelphiaFirst Philadelphia Preparatory CS2525
1PhiladelphiaFolk Arts-Cultural Treasures CS**
1PhiladelphiaFranklin Towne Charter Elementary School**
1PhiladelphiaFranklin Towne CHS**
1PhiladelphiaFrederick Douglass Mastery CS1516
1PhiladelphiaFreire CS1516
1PhiladelphiaGlobal Leadership Academy CS**
1PhiladelphiaGlobal Leadership Academy CS Southwest at Huey**
1PhiladelphiaGreen Woods CS**
1PhiladelphiaHarambee Institute of Science and Technology CS**
1PhiladelphiaImhotep Institute CHS**
1PhiladelphiaIndependence CS**
1PhiladelphiaIndependence CS West**
1PhiladelphiaInquiry CS**
1PhiladelphiaKeystone Academy CS1111
1PhiladelphiaKIPP DuBois CS1818
1PhiladelphiaKIPP North Philadelphia CS2222
1PhiladelphiaKIPP Philadelphia CS2828
1PhiladelphiaKIPP Philadelphia Octavius Catto CS**
1PhiladelphiaKIPP West Philadelphia CS2121
1PhiladelphiaLaboratory CS1617
1PhiladelphiaLindley Academy CS at Birney7478
1PhiladelphiaMariana Bracetti Academy CS112113
1PhiladelphiaMaritime Academy CS1111
1PhiladelphiaMAST Community CS1111
1PhiladelphiaMaST Community CS II1414
1PhiladelphiaMaST Community CS III2828
1PhiladelphiaMastery CHS-Lenfest Campus1919
1PhiladelphiaMastery CS John Wister Elementary4651
1PhiladelphiaMastery CS-Cleveland Elementary3234
1PhiladelphiaMastery CS-Clymer Elementary6264
1PhiladelphiaMastery CS-Francis D. Pastorius Elementary1515
1PhiladelphiaMastery CS-Gratz Campus6162
1PhiladelphiaMastery CS-Hardy Williams1111
1PhiladelphiaMastery CS-Harrity Campus5253
1PhiladelphiaMastery CS-Mann Campus**
1PhiladelphiaMastery CS-Pickett Campus4142
1PhiladelphiaMastery CS-Shoemaker Campus1616
1PhiladelphiaMastery CS-Smedley Campus3434
1PhiladelphiaMastery CS-Thomas Campus3030
1PhiladelphiaMastery Prep Elementary CS**
1PhiladelphiaMath Civics and Sciences CS**
1PhiladelphiaMemphis Street Academy CS @ JP Jones2021
1PhiladelphiaMulticultural Academy CS**
1PhiladelphiaNew Foundations CS3131
1PhiladelphiaNorthwood Academy CS**
1PhiladelphiaPan American Academy CS4141
1PhiladelphiaPeople for People CS2122
1PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia Academy CS**
1PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia City SD5,8675,974
1PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia Electrical & Tech CHS2323
1PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia Hebrew Public CS**
1PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia Montessori CS1414
1PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia Performing Arts CS5959
1PhiladelphiaPreparatory CS of Mathematics Science Tech and Careers1616
1PhiladelphiaRichard Allen Preparatory CS**
1PhiladelphiaRussell Byers CS**
1PhiladelphiaSankofa Freedom Academy CS**
1PhiladelphiaSouthwest Leadership Academy CS**
1PhiladelphiaTacony Academy CS1819
1PhiladelphiaTECH Freire CS2526
1PhiladelphiaThe Philadelphia CS for Arts and Sciences at HR Edmunds2224
1PhiladelphiaUniversal Alcorn CS1112
1PhiladelphiaUniversal Audenried CS1717
1PhiladelphiaUniversal Creighton CS**
1PhiladelphiaUniversal Institute CS**
1PhiladelphiaUniversal Vare CS**
1PhiladelphiaWest Oak Lane CS**
1PhiladelphiaWest Phila. Achievement CES1111
1PhiladelphiaWissahickon CS**
1PhiladelphiaYoung Scholars CS**
1PhiladelphiaYouth Build Phila CS1818
1Region 1 Shelters2,2412,248
1Region 1 Non-LEA Early Intervention9393
1 Region 1 Non-LEA Prekindergarten**
Region 110,02910,180
2BerksAntietam SD2727
2BerksBerks County IU 14140147
2BerksBoyertown Area SD4545
2BerksBrandywine Heights Area SD1616
2BerksConrad Weiser Area SD2829
2BerksDaniel Boone Area SD6268
2BerksExeter Township SD151152
2BerksFleetwood Area SD4245
2BerksGovernor Mifflin SD117119
2BerksHamburg Area SD2024
2BerksKutztown Area SD2727
2BerksMuhlenberg SD104105
2BerksOley Valley SD2626
2BerksReading SD1,0281,052
2BerksSchuylkill Valley SD1616
2BerksTulpehocken Area SD1618
2BerksTwin Valley SD5053
2BerksWilson SD113115
2BerksWyomissing Area SD*15
2Chester21st Century Cyber CS3741
2ChesterAchievement House CS8789
2ChesterAvon Grove CS2727
2ChesterAvon Grove SD246247
2ChesterChester County IU 24**
2ChesterCoatesville Area SD224231
2ChesterCollegium CS98101
2ChesterDowningtown Area SD103105
2ChesterGreat Valley SD3638
2ChesterInsight PA Cyber CS257273
2ChesterKennett Consolidated SD273287
2ChesterOctorara Area SD3639
2ChesterOwen J Roberts SD1515
2ChesterOxford Area SD125139
2ChesterPennsylvania Leadership CS103113
2ChesterPhoenixville Area SD7676
2ChesterRenaissance Academy CS1517
2ChesterTredyffrin-Easttown SD4551
2ChesterUnionville-Chadds Ford SD2024
2ChesterWest Chester Area SD180180
2DauphinCapital Area School for the Arts CS**
2DauphinCentral Dauphin SD202210
2DauphinCommonwealth Charter Academy CS642694
2DauphinDauphin County Technical School3030
2DauphinDerry Township SD4956
2DauphinHalifax Area SD2324
2DauphinHarrisburg City SD482501
2DauphinInfinity CS**
2DauphinLower Dauphin SD5659
2DauphinMiddletown Area SD4548
2DauphinMillersburg Area SD**
2DauphinPennsylvania STEAM Academy CS**
2DauphinPremier Arts and Science CS**
2DauphinReach Cyber CS259279
2DauphinSteelton-Highspire SD134139
2DauphinSusquehanna Township SD122123
2DauphinSylvan Heights Science CS**
2DauphinUpper Dauphin Area SD1418
2LancasterCocalico SD7070
2LancasterColumbia Borough SD122128
2LancasterConestoga Valley SD195201
2LancasterDonegal SD5256
2LancasterEastern Lancaster County SD5657
2LancasterElizabethtown Area SD8084
2LancasterEphrata Area SD7576
2LancasterHempfield SD166173
2LancasterLa Academia Partnership CS**
2LancasterLampeter-Strasburg SD4850
2LancasterLancaster SD759781
2LancasterLancaster-Lebanon IU 13110111
2LancasterManheim Central SD8187
2LancasterManheim Township SD117118
2LancasterPenn Manor SD180183
2LancasterPequea Valley SD5556
2LancasterSolanco SD8687
2LancasterWarwick SD4648
2LebanonAnnville-Cleona SD2632
2LebanonCornwall-Lebanon SD7478
2LebanonEastern Lebanon County SD102105
2LebanonLebanon SD471487
2LebanonNorthern Lebanon SD7176
2LebanonPalmyra Area SD5657
2SchuylkillBlue Mountain SD2527
2SchuylkillGillingham CS**
2SchuylkillMahanoy Area SD4343
2SchuylkillMinersville Area SD1415
2SchuylkillNorth Schuylkill SD6671
2SchuylkillPine Grove Area SD3838
2SchuylkillPottsville Area SD7484
2SchuylkillSaint Clair Area SD2022
2SchuylkillSchuylkill Haven Area SD1212
2SchuylkillSchuylkill IU 29**
2SchuylkillShenandoah Valley SD5960
2SchuylkillTamaqua Area SD2626
2SchuylkillTri-Valley SD*11
2SchuylkillWilliams Valley SD2323
2Region 2 Shelters1,3801,385
2Region 2 Non-LEA Early Intervention2020
2Region 2 Non-LEA Prekindergarten113113
Region 211,16411,575
3AdamsBermudian Springs SD2223
3AdamsConewago Valley SD7578
3AdamsFairfield Area SD1819
3AdamsGettysburg Area SD8790
3AdamsGettysburg Montessori CS**
3AdamsLincoln IU 12**
3AdamsLittlestown Area SD**
3AdamsUpper Adams SD1818
3AdamsVida CS**
3CumberlandBig Spring SD6165
3CumberlandCamp Hill SD**
3CumberlandCapital Area IU 15**
3CumberlandCarlisle Area SD159166
3CumberlandCumberland Valley SD139146
3CumberlandEast Pennsboro Area SD3235
3CumberlandMechanicsburg Area SD5861
3CumberlandShippensburg Area SD123134
3CumberlandSouth Middleton SD5862
3FranklinChambersburg Area SD214223
3FranklinFannett-Metal SD2020
3FranklinGreencastle-Antrim SD5051
3FranklinTuscarora SD9196
3FranklinWaynesboro Area SD7274
3HuntingdonHuntingdon Area SD2323
3HuntingdonJuniata Valley SD**
3HuntingdonMount Union Area SD**
3HuntingdonNew Day CS1515
3HuntingdonSouthern Huntingdon County SD**
3HuntingdonStone Valley Community CS**
3JuniataJuniata County SD99101
3MifflinMifflin County SD140143
3MifflinTuscarora IU 112121
3PerryGreenwood SD**
3PerryNewport SD1719
3PerrySusquenita SD3642
3PerryWest Perry SD7174
3YorkCentral York SD9195
3YorkCrispus Attucks CS**
3YorkDallastown Area SD4648
3YorkDover Area SD8489
3YorkEastern York SD4651
3YorkHanover Public SD3535
3YorkLincoln CS4345
3YorkNortheastern York SD6060
3YorkNorthern York County SD5764
3YorkRed Lion Area SD9292
3YorkSouth Eastern SD6466
3YorkSouth Western SD9295
3YorkSouthern York County SD2528
3YorkSpring Grove Area SD6873
3YorkWest Shore SD149156
3YorkWest York Area SD3638
3YorkYork Academy Regional CS3434
3YorkYork City SD594628
3YorkYork Co School of Technology2323
3YorkYork Suburban SD6666
3Region 3 Shelters374378
3Region 3 Non-LEA Early Intervention**
3 Region 3 Non-LEA Prekindergarten2121
Region 33,8754,041
4AlleghenyAllegheny IU 34444
4AlleghenyAllegheny Valley SD1919
4AlleghenyAvonworth SD**
4AlleghenyBaldwin-Whitehall SD4851
4AlleghenyBethel Park SD1717
4AlleghenyBrentwood Borough SD1212
4AlleghenyCarlynton SD1414
4AlleghenyCatalyst Academy CS1717
4AlleghenyChartiers Valley SD4545
4AlleghenyCity CHS1313
4AlleghenyClairton City SD4548
4AlleghenyCornell SD**
4AlleghenyDeer Lakes SD2324
4AlleghenyDuquesne City SD1920
4AlleghenyEast Allegheny SD5661
4AlleghenyElizabeth Forward SD1313
4AlleghenyEnvironmental CS at Frick Park2020
4AlleghenyFox Chapel Area SD**
4AlleghenyGateway SD98109
4AlleghenyHampton Township SD**
4AlleghenyHighlands SD6067
4AlleghenyKeystone Oaks SD**
4AlleghenyLife Male STEAM Academy CS**
4AlleghenyManchester Academic CS1212
4AlleghenyMcKeesport Area SD139152
4AlleghenyMontour SD**
4AlleghenyMoon Area SD1515
4AlleghenyMt Lebanon SD**
4AlleghenyNorth Allegheny SD2222
4AlleghenyNorth Hills SD3636
4AlleghenyNorthgate SD2527
4AlleghenyPassport Academy CS**
4AlleghenyPenn Hills CS of Entrepreneurship**
4AlleghenyPenn Hills SD4444
4AlleghenyPennsylvania Distance Learning CS5557
4AlleghenyPine-Richland SD1818
4AlleghenyPittsburgh SD8861,005
4AlleghenyPlum Borough SD1818
4AlleghenyPropel CS-Braddock Hills2829
4AlleghenyPropel CS-East**
4AlleghenyPropel CS-Hazelwood1215
4AlleghenyPropel CS-Homestead1111
4AlleghenyPropel CS-McKeesport**
4AlleghenyPropel CS-Montour1414
4AlleghenyPropel CS-Northside1213
4AlleghenyPropel CS-Pitcairn**
4AlleghenyProvident CS**
4AlleghenyQuaker Valley SD**
4AlleghenyRiverview SD*11
4AlleghenyShaler Area SD9799
4AlleghenySouth Allegheny SD3543
4AlleghenySouth Fayette Township SD3030
4AlleghenySouth Park SD**
4AlleghenySpectrum CS**
4AlleghenySteel Valley SD7778
4AlleghenySto-Rox SD5760
4AlleghenyThe New Academy CS1113
4AlleghenyUpper St. Clair SD1313
4AlleghenyUrban Academy of Greater Pittsburgh CS**
4AlleghenyUrban Pathways 6-12 CS1212
4AlleghenyUrban Pathways K-5 College CS1414
4AlleghenyWest Allegheny SD**
4AlleghenyWest Jefferson Hills SD1717
4AlleghenyWest Mifflin Area SD2222
4AlleghenyWestinghouse Arts Academy CS**
4AlleghenyWilkinsburg Borough SD1518
4AlleghenyWoodland Hills SD119121
4AlleghenyYoung Scholars of Greater Allegheny CS**
4AlleghenyYoung Scholars of Western Pennsylvania CS1111
4BeaverAliquippa SD3031
4BeaverAmbridge Area SD9091
4BeaverBaden Academy CS1314
4BeaverBeaver Area SD**
4BeaverBeaver Valley IU 27**
4BeaverBig Beaver Falls Area SD6669
4BeaverBlackhawk SD1313
4BeaverCentral Valley SD1414
4BeaverFreedom Area SD2222
4BeaverHopewell Area SD1113
4BeaverLincoln Park Performing Arts CS**
4BeaverMidland Borough SD**
4BeaverMidland Innovation & Technology CS**
4BeaverNew Brighton Area SD4649
4BeaverPennsylvania Cyber CS457503
4BeaverRiverside Beaver County SD1515
4BeaverRochester Area SD1616
4BeaverSouth Side Area SD1112
4BeaverWestern Beaver County SD**
4BedfordBedford Area SD8892
4BedfordChestnut Ridge SD*11
4BedfordEverett Area SD2022
4BedfordHOPE for Hyndman CS**
4BedfordNorthern Bedford County SD**
4BedfordTussey Mountain SD**
4FayetteAlbert Gallatin Area SD2224
4FayetteBrownsville Area SD**
4FayetteConnellsville Area Career & Technical Center**
4FayetteConnellsville Area SD118125
4FayetteFrazier SD**
4FayetteLaurel Highlands SD2323
4FayetteUniontown Area SD3030
4FultonCentral Fulton SD**
4FultonForbes Road SD2020
4FultonSouthern Fulton SD**
4GreeneCarmichaels Area SD1112
4GreeneCentral Greene SD2021
4GreeneJefferson-Morgan SD1111
4GreeneSoutheastern Greene SD**
4GreeneWest Greene SD**
4SomersetBerlin Brothersvalley SD1414
4SomersetConemaugh Township Area SD**
4SomersetMeyersdale Area SD**
4SomersetNorth Star SD1717
4SomersetRockwood Area SD**
4SomersetSalisbury-Elk Lick SD**
4SomersetShade-Central City SD**
4SomersetShanksville-Stonycreek SD**
4SomersetSomerset Area SD2828
4SomersetTurkeyfoot Valley Area SD1313
4SomersetWindber Area SD**
4WashingtonAvella Area SD**
4WashingtonBentworth SD3239
4WashingtonBethlehem-Center SD**
4WashingtonBurgettstown Area SD1111
4WashingtonCalifornia Academy of Learning CS**
4WashingtonCalifornia Area SD**
4WashingtonCanon-McMillan SD2323
4WashingtonCharleroi SD4444
4WashingtonChartiers-Houston SD**
4WashingtonFort Cherry SD1617
4WashingtonIntermediate Unit 13131
4WashingtonMcGuffey SD1516
4WashingtonPeters Township SD**
4WashingtonRinggold SD3131
4WashingtonTrinity Area SD6975
4WashingtonWashington SD6062
4WestmorelandBelle Vernon Area SD2829
4WestmorelandBurrell SD1112
4WestmorelandDerry Area SD2929
4WestmorelandDr Robert Ketterer CS Inc**
4WestmorelandFranklin Regional SD1414
4WestmorelandGreater Latrobe SD1313
4WestmorelandGreensburg Salem SD3644
4WestmorelandHempfield Area SD3336
4WestmorelandJeannette City SD3838
4WestmorelandKiski Area SD1313
4WestmorelandLigonier Valley SD**
4WestmorelandMonessen City SD1717
4WestmorelandMount Pleasant Area SD2929
4WestmorelandNew Kensington-Arnold SD93106
4WestmorelandNorwin SD1616
4WestmorelandPenn-Trafford SD1111
4WestmorelandSouthmoreland SD*12
4WestmorelandWestmoreland IU 7**
4WestmorelandYough SD3939
4Region 4 Shelters1,1281,129
4Region 4 Non-LEA Early Intervention1515
4 Region 4 Non-LEA Prekindergarten**
Region 45,8256,154
5ButlerButler Area SD174178
5ButlerKarns City Area SD1515
5ButlerKnoch SD5959
5ButlerMars Area SD**
5ButlerMoniteau SD4546
5ButlerSeneca Valley SD139145
5ButlerSlippery Rock Area SD1719
5ClarionAllegheny-Clarion Valley SD3134
5ClarionClarion Area SD3638
5ClarionClarion-Limestone Area SD**
5ClarionKeystone SD1112
5ClarionNorth Clarion County SD**
5ClarionRedbank Valley SD2425
5ClarionRiverview IU 6**
5ClarionUnion SD4147
5CrawfordConneaut SD8082
5CrawfordCrawford Central SD4951
5CrawfordPenncrest SD4854
5ErieCorry Area SD8385
5ErieErie City SD317328
5ErieErie Rise Leadership Academy CS1717
5ErieFairview SD*12
5ErieFort LeBoeuf SD3536
5ErieGeneral McLane SD2425
5ErieGirard SD3133
5ErieHarbor Creek SD**
5ErieIroquois SD4245
5ErieMillcreek Township SD5558
5ErieMontessori Regional CS1414
5ErieNorth East SD1718
5ErieNorthwest Tri-County IU 51212
5ErieNorthwestern SD5659
5EriePerseus House CS of Excellence2222
5ErieRobert Benjamin Wiley Community CS2023
5ErieUnion City Area SD4348
5ErieWattsburg Area SD**
5ForestForest Area SD5859
5LawrenceEllwood City Area SD4243
5LawrenceLaurel SD1112
5LawrenceLawrence County Community Action**
5LawrenceLawrence County CTC1515
5LawrenceMohawk Area SD2225
5LawrenceNeshannock Township SD**
5LawrenceNew Castle Area SD136141
5LawrenceShenango Area SD**
5LawrenceUnion Area SD**
5LawrenceWilmington Area SD1919
5McKeanBradford Area SD6670
5McKeanKane Area SD3032
5McKeanOtto-Eldred SD2929
5McKeanPort Allegany SD3940
5McKeanSeneca Highlands IU 9**
5McKeanSmethport Area SD2525
5MercerCommodore Perry SD**
5MercerFarrell Area SD3437
5MercerGreenville Area SD2525
5MercerGrove City Area SD3030
5MercerHermitage SD3637
5MercerJamestown Area SD2329
5MercerKeystone Education Center CS2021
5MercerLakeview SD4343
5MercerMercer Area SD**
5MercerMidwestern IU 41313
5MercerReynolds SD**
5MercerSharon City SD5758
5MercerSharpsville Area SD**
5MercerWest Middlesex Area SD1515
5VenangoCranberry Area SD1212
5VenangoFranklin Area SD1212
5VenangoOil City Area SD9698
5VenangoTitusville Area SD7375
5VenangoValley Grove SD4040
5WarrenTidioute Community CS1111
5WarrenWarren County SD8991
5Region 5 Shelters450450
5Region 5 Non-LEA Early Intervention**
5Region 5 Non-LEA Prekindergarten**
Region 53,2183,331
6ArmstrongApollo-Ridge SD1414
6ArmstrongArmstrong SD119127
6ArmstrongFreeport Area SD*11
6ArmstrongLeechburg Area SD**
6ArmstrongLenape Tech1616
6BlairAltoona Area SD209220
6BlairAppalachia IU 8**
6BlairBellwood-Antis SD2222
6BlairCentral PA Digital Learning Foundation CS2022
6BlairClaysburg-Kimmel SD1718
6BlairHollidaysburg Area SD3639
6BlairSpring Cove SD5960
6BlairTyrone Area SD4343
6BlairWilliamsburg Community SD**
6CambriaBlacklick Valley SD4445
6CambriaCambria Heights SD**
6CambriaCentral Cambria SD3940
6CambriaConemaugh Valley SD1617
6CambriaFerndale Area SD2020
6CambriaForest Hills SD**
6CambriaGreater Johnstown SD8283
6CambriaNorthern Cambria SD1822
6CambriaPenn Cambria SD2424
6CambriaPortage Area SD3939
6CambriaRichland SD1616
6CambriaWestmont Hilltop SD2323
6CameronCameron County SD1414
6CentreBald Eagle Area SD3939
6CentreBellefonte Area SD2528
6CentreCentre Learning Community CS**
6CentreNittany Valley CS**
6CentrePenns Valley Area SD1819
6CentreState College Area SD141146
6CentreYoung Scholars of Central PA CS1111
6ClearfieldCentral IU 10**
6ClearfieldClearfield Area SD3031
6ClearfieldCurwensville Area SD1723
6ClearfieldDubois Area SD8787
6ClearfieldGlendale SD**
6ClearfieldHarmony Area SD*14
6ClearfieldMoshannon Valley SD2424
6ClearfieldPhilipsburg-Osceola Area SD2324
6ClearfieldWest Branch Area SD**
6ClintonKeystone Central SD6869
6ClintonSugar Valley Rural CS**
6ElkJohnsonburg Area SD**
6ElkRidgway Area SD6970
6ElkSaint Marys Area SD4042
6IndianaARIN IU 281616
6IndianaHomer-Center SD1618
6IndianaIndiana Area SD2021
6IndianaMarion Center Area SD1414
6IndianaPenns Manor Area SD1919
6IndianaPurchase Line SD**
6IndianaRiver Valley SD2323
6IndianaUnited SD1515
6JeffersonBrockway Area SD**
6JeffersonBrookville Area SD3234
6JeffersonJefferson County-DuBois AVTS**
6JeffersonPunxsutawney Area SD4040
6PotterAustin Area SD**
6PotterCoudersport Area SD3031
6PotterGaleton Area SD**
6PotterNorthern Potter SD**
6PotterOswayo Valley SD**
6Region 6 Shelters126126
6Region 6 Non-LEA Early Intervention**
6Region 6 Non-LEA Prekindergarten187187
Region 62,1252,202
7BradfordAthens Area SD1819
7BradfordCanton Area SD3030
7BradfordNortheast Bradford SD1313
7BradfordSayre Area SD**
7BradfordTowanda Area SD2929
7BradfordTroy Area SD7680
7BradfordWyalusing Area SD3637
7CarbonCarbon Career & Technical Institute**
7CarbonJim Thorpe Area SD1313
7CarbonLehighton Area SD**
7CarbonPalmerton Area SD1212
7CarbonPanther Valley SD1520
7CarbonWeatherly Area SD**
7ColumbiaBenton Area SD**
7ColumbiaBerwick Area SD5757
7ColumbiaBloomsburg Area SD1921
7ColumbiaCentral Columbia SD1313
7ColumbiaColumbia-Montour AVTS1515
7ColumbiaMillville Area SD1313
7ColumbiaSouthern Columbia Area SD**
7LackawannaAbington Heights SD1113
7LackawannaCarbondale Area SD1717
7LackawannaDunmore SD**
7LackawannaFell CS**
7LackawannaHoward Gardner Multiple Intelligence CS**
7LackawannaLakeland SD**
7LackawannaMid Valley SD3232
7LackawannaNorth Pocono SD1313
7LackawannaNortheastern Educational IU 19**
7LackawannaOld Forge SD2121
7LackawannaRiverside SD1515
7LackawannaScranton SD245248
7LackawannaValley View SD1214
7LuzerneBear Creek Community CS**
7LuzerneCrestwood SD**
7LuzerneDallas SD1616
7LuzerneGreater Nanticoke Area SD3134
7LuzerneHanover Area SD4647
7LuzerneHazleton Area SD208210
7LuzerneLake-Lehman SD1213
 LuzerneLuzerne IU 18**
7LuzerneNorthwest Area SD1717
7LuzernePittston Area SD1213
7LuzerneWest Side CTC**
7LuzerneWilkes-Barre Area SD400407
7LuzerneWyoming Area SD*12
7LuzerneWyoming Valley West SD1315
7LycomingBLaST IU 17**
7LycomingEast Lycoming SD**
7LycomingJersey Shore Area SD1719
7LycomingLoyalsock Township SD1719
7LycomingMontgomery Area SD**
7LycomingMontoursville Area SD1212
7LycomingMuncy SD**
7LycomingSouth Williamsport Area SD1720
7LycomingWilliamsport Area SD225241
7MonroeEast Stroudsburg Area SD102104
7MonroeEvergreen Community CS**
7MonroePleasant Valley SD4446
7MonroePocono Mountain SD119125
7MonroeStroudsburg Area SD103104
7MontourDanville Area SD2627
7NorthumberlandLine Mountain SD1818
7NorthumberlandMilton Area SD3232
7NorthumberlandMount Carmel Area SD1111
7NorthumberlandShamokin Area SD4043
7NorthumberlandShikellamy SD114116
7NorthumberlandWarrior Run SD1616
7PikeDelaware Valley SD4951
7PikeWallenpaupack Area SD3134
7SnyderMidd-West SD1314
7SnyderSelinsgrove Area SD2728
7SullivanSullivan County SD**
7SusquehannaBlue Ridge SD**
7SusquehannaElk Lake SD1517
7SusquehannaForest City Regional SD**
7SusquehannaMontrose Area SD**
7SusquehannaMountain View SD1818
7SusquehannaSusquehanna Community SD1212
7TiogaNorthern Tioga SD**
7TiogaSouthern Tioga SD1415
7TiogaWellsboro Area SD2323
7UnionCentral Susquehanna IU 16**
7UnionLewisburg Area SD1717
7UnionMifflinburg Area SD**
7WayneWayne Highlands SD1414
7WayneWestern Wayne SD5858
7WyomingLackawanna Trail SD**
7WyomingTunkhannock Area SD**
7Region 7 Shelters668671
7Region 7 Non-LEA Early Intervention**
7Region 7 Non-LEA Prekindergarten127127
Region 73,6003,701
8BucksBensalem Township SD125135
8BucksBristol Borough SD3739
8BucksBristol Township SD158169
8BucksBucks County IU 22**
8BucksBucks County Montessori CS**
8BucksBucks County Technical High School1516
8BucksCentennial SD143149
8BucksCenter for Student Learning CS at Pennsbury**
8BucksCentral Bucks SD121126
8BucksCouncil Rock SD115115
8BucksMorrisville Borough SD5253
8BucksNeshaminy SD5461
8BucksNew Hope-Solebury SD1212
8BucksPalisades SD1313
8BucksPennridge SD8790
8BucksPennsbury SD8384
8BucksQuakertown Community SD6366
8BucksSchool Lane CS**
8DelawareChester Charter Scholars Academy CS**
8DelawareChester Community CS548568
8DelawareChester-Upland SD5361
8DelawareChichester SD9296
8DelawareDelaware County IU 25**
8DelawareGarnet Valley SD**
8DelawareHaverford Township SD2323
8DelawareInterboro SD5151
8DelawareMarple Newtown SD**
8DelawarePenn-Delco SD2527
8DelawareRadnor Township SD1919
8DelawareRidley SD6363
8DelawareRose Tree Media SD3541
8DelawareSoutheast Delco SD2424
8DelawareSpringfield SD1414
8DelawareUpper Darby SD492505
8DelawareVision Academy CS**
8DelawareWallingford-Swarthmore SD1515
8DelawareWilliam Penn SD129132
8LehighAllentown City SD591604
8LehighArts Academy CS**
8LehighArts Academy Elementary CS1314
8LehighCarbon-Lehigh IU 21**
8LehighCatasauqua Area SD3642
8LehighCircle of Seasons CS**
8LehighEast Penn SD5657
8LehighExecutive Education Academy CS**
8LehighInnovative Arts Academy CS**
8LehighLincoln Leadership Academy CS**
8LehighNorthern Lehigh SD3033
8LehighNorthwestern Lehigh SD1717
8LehighParkland SD8991
8LehighRoberto Clemente CS**
8LehighSalisbury Township SD2223
8LehighSeven Generations CS**
8LehighSouthern Lehigh SD1112
8LehighWhitehall-Coplay SD2325
8MontgomeryAbington SD8282
8MontgomeryAgora Cyber CS193210
8MontgomeryCheltenham SD6869
8MontgomeryColonial SD4849
8MontgomeryHatboro-Horsham SD4949
8MontgomeryJenkintown SD**
8MontgomeryLower Merion SD3838
8MontgomeryLower Moreland Township SD3031
8MontgomeryMethacton SD**
8MontgomeryMontgomery County IU 23**
8MontgomeryNorristown Area SD156163
8MontgomeryNorth Penn SD121121
8MontgomeryPennsylvania Virtual CS1616
8MontgomeryPerkiomen Valley SD4646
8MontgomeryPottsgrove SD8087
8MontgomeryPottstown SD156168
8MontgomerySouderton Area SD5860
8MontgomerySouderton CS Collaborative**
8MontgomerySpringfield Township SD1515
8MontgomerySpring-Ford Area SD6871
8MontgomeryUpper Dublin SD6667
8MontgomeryUpper Merion Area SD119121
8MontgomeryUpper Moreland Township SD3434
8MontgomeryUpper Perkiomen SD4242
8MontgomeryWissahickon SD3636
8NorthamptonBangor Area SD2323
8NorthamptonBethlehem Area SD344354
8NorthamptonColonial IU 20**
8NorthamptonEaston Area SD225231
8NorthamptonEaston Arts Academy Elementary CS**
8NorthamptonLehigh Valley Academy Regional CS**
8NorthamptonLehigh Valley Charter High School for the Arts**
8NorthamptonLehigh Valley Dual Language CS**
8NorthamptonNazareth Area SD1111
8NorthamptonNorthampton Area SD4649
8NorthamptonPen Argyl Area SD1617
8NorthamptonSaucon Valley SD**
8NorthamptonWilson Area SD1417
8Region 8 Shelters9981,013
8Region 8 Non-LEA Early Intervention1313
8 Region 8 Non-LEA Prekindergarten**
Region 86,8787,109


For the 2022-23 program year, education and community agencies identified 46,714 children and youth experiencing homelessness served by Pennsylvania's Education for Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness (ECYEH) Program (unique, unduplicated count). The population includes children under the age of five and youth enrolled in prekindergarten through grade 12.

The 'where attributed' (unique) count is based on where the child or youth was identified as homeless and attributed to the local education agency (LEA) (i.e., school district (SD), comprehensive career and technical center (CTC), charter school (CS), cyber charter school, intermediate unit (IU)) or entity (i.e., shelter, non-LEA Early Intervention, prekindergarten program, non-LEA private school/institution). Attribution is based on the LEA that the child or youth was identified by or enrolled in the longest. The unique count is used for state education agency (SEA) EDFacts reporting to the U.S. Department of Education.

The 'where identified' (duplicate) count includes anywhere the child or youth was identified as homeless; children or youth may be identified in more than one LEA or by more than one entity. Children and youth identified by multiple entities are only reported with their LEA(s), as applicable. Children and youth reported with a non-LEA were only identified by that entity. The duplicate count is used for LEA EDFacts reporting.

Counts of 10 or fewer are denoted with an asterisk (*) and included in total counts. Non-LEA entities are grouped by type and reported at the regional level. Non-LEA entity and total counts should not be interpreted as necessarily representing all children and youth experiencing homelessness. Non-LEA entities report only if they receive direct or indirect services from the ECYEH Program. 

Region​CountyWhere AttributedWhere Identified
1Region 1 Totals10,02910,180
2Region 2 Totals11,16411,575
3Region 3 Totals3,8754,041
4Region 4 Totals5,8256,154
5Region 5 Totals3,2183,331
6Region 6 Totals2,1252,202
7Region 7 Totals3,6003,701
8Region 8 Totals6,8787,109
STATE TOTALS46,71448,293

For the 2021-22 program year, education and community agencies identified 40,003 children and youth experiencing homelessness served by Pennsylvania's Education for Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness (ECYEH) Program (unique, unduplicated count). The population includes children under the age of five and youth enrolled in prekindergarten through grade 12.

The 'where attributed' (unique) count is based on where the child or youth was identified as homeless and attributed to the local education agency (LEA) (i.e., school district (SD), comprehensive career and technical center (CTC), charter school (CS), cyber charter school, intermediate unit (IU)) or entity (i.e., shelter, non-LEA Early Intervention, prekindergarten program, non-LEA private school/institution). Attribution is based on the LEA that the child or youth was identified by or enrolled in the longest. The unique count is used for state education agency (SEA) EDFacts reporting to the U.S. Department of Education.

The 'where identified' (duplicate) count includes anywhere the child or youth was identified as homeless; children or youth may be identified in more than one LEA or by more than one entity. Children and youth identified by multiple entities are only reported with their LEA(s), as applicable. Children and youth reported with a non-LEA were only identified by that entity. The duplicate count is used for LEA EDFacts reporting.

Counts of 10 or fewer are denoted with an asterisk (*) and included in total counts. Non-LEA entities are grouped by type and reported at the regional level. Non-LEA entity and total counts should not be interpreted as necessarily representing all children and youth experiencing homelessness. Non-LEA entities report only if they receive direct or indirect services from the ECYEH Program.

RegionCountyWhere AttributedWhere Identified
1Region 1 Totals8,3838,507
2Region 2 Totals9,5659,835
3Region 3 Totals3,2123,326
4Region 4 Totals5,1625,417
5Region 5 Totals2,8192,890
6Region 6 Totals1,8031,858
7Region 7 Totals3,1043,190
8Region 8 Totals5,9556,103
STATE TOTALS40,00341,126

For the 2021-22 program year, education and community agencies identified 40,003 children and youth experiencing homelessness served by Pennsylvania's Education for Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness (ECYEH) Program (unique, unduplicated count). The population includes children under the age of five and youth enrolled in prekindergarten through grade 12.

The 'where attributed' (unique) count is based on where the child or youth was identified as homeless and attributed to the local education agency (LEA) (i.e., school district (SD), comprehensive career and technical center (CTC), charter school (CS), cyber charter school, intermediate unit (IU)) or entity (i.e., shelter, non-LEA Early Intervention, prekindergarten program, non-LEA private school/institution). Attribution is based on the LEA that the child or youth was identified by or enrolled in the longest. The unique count is used for state education agency (SEA) EDFacts reporting to the U.S. Department of Education.

The 'where identified' (duplicate) count includes anywhere the child or youth was identified as homeless; children or youth may be identified in more than one LEA or by more than one entity. Children and youth identified by multiple entities are only reported with their LEA(s), as applicable. Children and youth reported with a non-LEA were only identified by that entity. The duplicate count is used for LEA EDFacts reporting.

Counts of 10 or fewer are denoted with an asterisk (*) and included in total counts. Non-LEA entities are grouped by type and reported at the regional level. Non-LEA entity and total counts should not be interpreted as necessarily representing all children and youth experiencing homelessness. Non-LEA entities report only if they receive direct or indirect services from the ECYEH Program.

RegionCountyLEA/Reporting EntityWhere AttributedWhere Identified
1PhiladelphiaAd Prima CS**
1PhiladelphiaAlliance for Progress CS1212
1PhiladelphiaAntonia Pantoja Community CS**
1PhiladelphiaASPIRA Bilingual Cyber CS4043
1PhiladelphiaBelmont CS108112
1PhiladelphiaBoys Latin of Philadelphia CS**
1PhiladelphiaChristopher Columbus CS**
1PhiladelphiaCommunity Academy of Philadelphia CS3131
1PhiladelphiaDeep Roots CS**
1PhiladelphiaDiscovery CS**
1PhiladelphiaEsperanza Academy CS1212
1PhiladelphiaEsperanza Cyber CS8796
1PhiladelphiaEugenio Maria De Hostos CS**
1PhiladelphiaFirst Philadelphia Preparatory CS1112
1PhiladelphiaFolk Arts-Cultural Treasures CS**
1PhiladelphiaFranklin Towne Charter Elementary School**
1PhiladelphiaFranklin Towne CHS**
1PhiladelphiaFrederick Douglass Mastery CS2525
1PhiladelphiaFreire CS1111
1PhiladelphiaGlobal Leadership Academy CS**
1PhiladelphiaGlobal Leadership Academy CS Southwest at Huey**
1PhiladelphiaGreen Woods CS**
1PhiladelphiaHarambee Institute of Science and Technology CS**
1PhiladelphiaImhotep Institute CHS1616
1PhiladelphiaIndependence CS**
1PhiladelphiaIndependence CS West**
1PhiladelphiaInquiry CS**
1PhiladelphiaJohn B Stetson CS9496
1PhiladelphiaKeystone Academy CS**
1PhiladelphiaKIPP DuBois CS1313
1PhiladelphiaKIPP North Philadelphia CS2020
1PhiladelphiaKIPP Philadelphia CS1717
1PhiladelphiaKIPP West Philadelphia CS1414
1PhiladelphiaLaboratory CS**
1PhiladelphiaLindley Academy CS at Birney5863
1PhiladelphiaMariana Bracetti Academy CS9292
1PhiladelphiaMaritime Academy CS1313
1PhiladelphiaMAST Community CS**
1PhiladelphiaMaST Community CS II2222
1PhiladelphiaMaST Community CS III**
1PhiladelphiaMastery CHS-Lenfest Campus1819
1PhiladelphiaMastery CS John Wister Elementary4242
1PhiladelphiaMastery CS-Cleveland Elementary2426
1PhiladelphiaMastery CS-Clymer Elementary4446
1PhiladelphiaMastery CS-Francis D. Pastorius Elementary**
1PhiladelphiaMastery CS-Gratz Campus7173
1PhiladelphiaMastery CS-Hardy Williams**
1PhiladelphiaMastery CS-Harrity Campus3030
1PhiladelphiaMastery CS-Mann Campus1212
1PhiladelphiaMastery CS-Pickett Campus3333
1PhiladelphiaMastery CS-Shoemaker Campus2323
1PhiladelphiaMastery CS-Smedley Campus2627
1PhiladelphiaMastery CS-Thomas Campus3434
1PhiladelphiaMastery Prep Elementary CS**
1PhiladelphiaMath Civics and Sciences CS**
1PhiladelphiaMemphis Street Academy CS @ JP Jones**
1PhiladelphiaMulticultural Academy CS**
1PhiladelphiaNew Foundations CS1616
1PhiladelphiaNorthwood Academy CS**
1PhiladelphiaOlney Charter High School8081
1PhiladelphiaPan American Academy CS4445
1PhiladelphiaPeople for People CS**
1PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia Academy CS**
1PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia City SD4,5184,598
1PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia Electrical & Tech CHS2525
1PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia Hebrew Public CS**
1PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia Montessori CS**
1PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia Performing Arts CS1111
1PhiladelphiaPreparatory CS of Mathematics Science Tech and Careers**
1PhiladelphiaRichard Allen Preparatory CS**
1PhiladelphiaRussell Byers CS**
1PhiladelphiaSankofa Freedom Academy CS**
1PhiladelphiaSouthwest Leadership Academy CS1515
1PhiladelphiaTacony Academy CS**
1PhiladelphiaTECH Freire CS1414
1PhiladelphiaThe Philadelphia CS for Arts and Sciences at HR Edmunds2828
1PhiladelphiaUniversal Alcorn CS**
1PhiladelphiaUniversal Audenried CS1919
1PhiladelphiaUniversal Bluford CS**
1PhiladelphiaUniversal Creighton CS**
1PhiladelphiaUniversal Daroff CS1415
1PhiladelphiaUniversal Institute CS**
1PhiladelphiaUniversal Vare CS**
1PhiladelphiaWest Oak Lane CS1212
1PhiladelphiaWest Phila. Achievement CES**
1PhiladelphiaWissahickon CS1313
1PhiladelphiaYoung Scholars CS**
1PhiladelphiaYouth Build Phila CS1616
1Region 1 Shelters2,2462,249
1Region 1 Non-LEA Early Intervention5858
1 Region 1 Non-LEA Prekindergarten**
Region 18,3838,507
2BerksAntietam SD2325
2BerksBerks County IU 144141
2BerksBoyertown Area SD6466
2BerksBrandywine Heights Area SD2829
2BerksConrad Weiser Area SD1820
2BerksDaniel Boone Area SD5256
2BerksExeter Township SD9393
2BerksFleetwood Area SD3535
2BerksGovernor Mifflin SD102104
2BerksHamburg Area SD2020
2BerksKutztown Area SD2324
2BerksMuhlenberg SD6367
2BerksOley Valley SD1515
2BerksReading SD887903
2BerksSchuylkill Valley SD1516
2BerksTulpehocken Area SD2323
2BerksTwin Valley SD5555
2BerksWilson SD7779
2BerksWyomissing Area SD2121
2Chester21st Century Cyber CS2122
2ChesterAchievement House CS3738
2ChesterAvon Grove CS1515
2ChesterAvon Grove SD202216
2ChesterChester Co Family Academy CS**
2ChesterChester County IU 24**
2ChesterCoatesville Area SD241247
2ChesterCollegium CS9497
2ChesterDowningtown Area SD148152
2ChesterGreat Valley SD2627
2ChesterInsight PA Cyber CS198213
2ChesterKennett Consolidated SD231236
2ChesterOctorara Area SD2223
2ChesterOwen J Roberts SD3535
2ChesterOxford Area SD107112
2ChesterPennsylvania Leadership CS128129
2ChesterPhoenixville Area SD7272
2ChesterRenaissance Academy CS1415
2ChesterTredyffrin-Easttown SD4141
2ChesterUnionville-Chadds Ford SD2626
2ChesterWest Chester Area SD109110
2DauphinCapital Area School for the Arts CS**
2DauphinCentral Dauphin SD201205
2DauphinCommonwealth Charter Academy CS238253
2DauphinDauphin County Technical School3838
2DauphinDerry Township SD3335
2DauphinHalifax Area SD1520
2DauphinHarrisburg City SD442459
2DauphinInfinity CS**
2DauphinLower Dauphin SD6467
2DauphinMiddletown Area SD4444
2DauphinMillersburg Area SD**
2DauphinPennsylvania STEAM Academy CS**
2DauphinPremier Arts and Science CS**
2DauphinReach Cyber CS215222
2DauphinSteelton-Highspire SD102107
2DauphinSusquehanna Township SD5353
2DauphinSylvan Heights Science CS**
2DauphinUpper Dauphin Area SD2630
2LancasterCocalico SD5959
2LancasterColumbia Borough SD111120
2LancasterConestoga Valley SD151159
2LancasterDonegal SD7676
2LancasterEastern Lancaster County SD8183
2LancasterElizabethtown Area SD5757
2LancasterEphrata Area SD6873
2LancasterHempfield SD126130
2LancasterLa Academia Partnership CS**
2LancasterLampeter-Strasburg SD6262
2LancasterLancaster SD735760
2LancasterLancaster-Lebanon IU 137878
2LancasterManheim Central SD6062
2LancasterManheim Township SD124128
2LancasterPenn Manor SD126127
2LancasterPequea Valley SD7575
2LancasterSolanco SD8082
2LancasterWarwick SD5457
2LebanonAnnville-Cleona SD2323
2LebanonCornwall-Lebanon SD2727
2LebanonEastern Lebanon County SD5556
2LebanonLebanon SD440448
2LebanonNorthern Lebanon SD5455
2LebanonPalmyra Area SD6162
2SchuylkillBlue Mountain SD1616
2SchuylkillGillingham CS1111
2SchuylkillMahanoy Area SD4445
2SchuylkillMinersville Area SD**
2SchuylkillNorth Schuylkill SD7679
2SchuylkillPine Grove Area SD2929
2SchuylkillPottsville Area SD3952
2SchuylkillSaint Clair Area SD1212
2SchuylkillSchuylkill Haven Area SD1212
2SchuylkillSchuylkill IU 29**
2SchuylkillShenandoah Valley SD4647
2SchuylkillTamaqua Area SD**
2SchuylkillTri-Valley SD**
2SchuylkillWilliams Valley SD1316
2Region 2 Shelters1,4671,479
2Region 2 Non-LEA Early Intervention1212
2Region 2 Non-LEA Prekindergarten4444
Region 29,5659,835
3AdamsBermudian Springs SD1515
3AdamsConewago Valley SD6164
3AdamsFairfield Area SD1314
3AdamsGettysburg Area SD6971
3AdamsGettysburg Montessori CS**
3AdamsLincoln IU 12**
3AdamsLittlestown Area SD1414
3AdamsUpper Adams SD1415
3AdamsVida CS**
3CumberlandBig Spring SD3639
3CumberlandCamp Hill SD**
3CumberlandCapital Area IU 15**
3CumberlandCarlisle Area SD127130
3CumberlandCumberland Valley SD138141
3CumberlandEast Pennsboro Area SD4040
3CumberlandMechanicsburg Area SD5050
3CumberlandShippensburg Area SD121130
3CumberlandSouth Middleton SD5758
3FranklinChambersburg Area SD183193
3FranklinFannett-Metal SD2222
3FranklinGreencastle-Antrim SD3434
3FranklinTuscarora SD6162
3FranklinWaynesboro Area SD4953
3HuntingdonHuntingdon Area SD1717
3HuntingdonJuniata Valley SD**
3HuntingdonMount Union Area SD**
3HuntingdonNew Day CS1919
3HuntingdonSouthern Huntingdon County SD**
3HuntingdonStone Valley Community CS**
3JuniataJuniata County SD5862
3MifflinMifflin County SD104106
3MifflinTuscarora IU 113333
3PerryGreenwood SD**
3PerryNewport SD1818
3PerrySusquenita SD2226
3PerryWest Perry SD7171
3YorkCentral York SD8291
3YorkCrispus Attucks CS**
3YorkDallastown Area SD3842
3YorkDover Area SD6364
3YorkEastern York SD2830
3YorkHanover Public SD4245
3YorkLincoln CS4647
3YorkNortheastern York SD5256
3YorkNorthern York County SD2628
3YorkRed Lion Area SD101103
3YorkSouth Eastern SD5153
3YorkSouth Western SD6263
3YorkSouthern York County SD3035
3YorkSpring Grove Area SD5760
3YorkWest Shore SD7076
3YorkWest York Area SD4949
3YorkYork Academy Regional CS3033
3YorkYork City SD559569
3YorkYork Co School of Technology2121
3YorkYork Suburban SD6365
3Region 3 Shelters258261
3Region 3 Non-LEA Early Intervention**
3 Region 3 Non-LEA Prekindergarten**
Region 33,2123,326
4AlleghenyAllegheny IU 38888
4AlleghenyAllegheny Valley SD*11
4AlleghenyAvonworth SD**
4AlleghenyBaldwin-Whitehall SD2122
4AlleghenyBethel Park SD**
4AlleghenyBrentwood Borough SD**
4AlleghenyCarlynton SD3638
4AlleghenyCatalyst Academy CS**
4AlleghenyChartiers Valley SD2729
4AlleghenyCity CHS1111
4AlleghenyClairton City SD3232
4AlleghenyCornell SD**
4AlleghenyDeer Lakes SD**
4AlleghenyDuquesne City SD2728
4AlleghenyEast Allegheny SD3437
4AlleghenyElizabeth Forward SD1515
4AlleghenyEnvironmental CS at Frick Park1111
4AlleghenyFox Chapel Area SD**
4AlleghenyGateway SD5557
4AlleghenyHampton Township SD**
4AlleghenyHighlands SD6671
4AlleghenyKeystone Oaks SD**
4AlleghenyLife Male STEAM Academy CS**
4AlleghenyManchester Academic CS**
4AlleghenyMcKeesport Area SD131137
4AlleghenyMontour SD1414
4AlleghenyMoon Area SD2525
4AlleghenyMt Lebanon SD**
4AlleghenyNorth Allegheny SD3232
4AlleghenyNorth Hills SD3333
4AlleghenyNorthgate SD3131
4AlleghenyPassport Academy CS**
4AlleghenyPenn Hills CS of Entrepreneurship**
4AlleghenyPenn Hills SD3439
4AlleghenyPennsylvania Distance Learning CS4347
4AlleghenyPine-Richland SD2323
4AlleghenyPittsburgh SD662772
4AlleghenyPlum Borough SD1819
4AlleghenyPropel CS-Braddock Hills**
4AlleghenyPropel CS-East**
4AlleghenyPropel CS-Hazelwood**
4AlleghenyPropel CS-Homestead2527
4AlleghenyPropel CS-McKeesport*12
4AlleghenyPropel CS-Montour1112
4AlleghenyPropel CS-Northside**
4AlleghenyPropel CS-Pitcairn**
4AlleghenyProvident CS**
4AlleghenyQuaker Valley SD**
4AlleghenyRiverview SD**
4AlleghenyShaler Area SD8992
4AlleghenySouth Allegheny SD5961
4AlleghenySouth Fayette Township SD1414
4AlleghenySouth Park SD**
4AlleghenySpectrum CS**
4AlleghenySteel Valley SD3131
4AlleghenySto-Rox SD6365
4AlleghenyThe New Academy CS*11
4AlleghenyUpper Saint Clair SD**
4AlleghenyUrban Academy of Greater Pittsburgh CS**
4AlleghenyUrban Pathways 6-12 CS**
4AlleghenyUrban Pathways K-5 College CS1818
4AlleghenyWest Allegheny SD1212
4AlleghenyWest Jefferson Hills SD1516
4AlleghenyWest Mifflin Area SD2222
4AlleghenyWestinghouse Arts Academy CS**
4AlleghenyWilkinsburg Borough SD2021
4AlleghenyWoodland Hills SD135141
4AlleghenyYoung Scholars of Greater Allegheny CS**
4AlleghenyYoung Scholars of Western Pennsylvania CS**
4BeaverAliquippa SD2224
4BeaverAmbridge Area SD9297
4BeaverBaden Academy CS**
4BeaverBeaver Area SD**
4BeaverBig Beaver Falls Area SD**
4BeaverBeaver Valley IU 276566
4BeaverBlackhawk SD**
4BeaverCentral Valley SD2424
4BeaverFreedom Area SD2525
4BeaverHopewell Area SD**
4BeaverLincoln Park Performing Arts CS**
4BeaverMidland Borough SD**
4BeaverNew Brighton Area SD5354
4BeaverPennsylvania Cyber CS337363
4BeaverRiverside Beaver County SD1313
4BeaverRochester Area SD1919
4BeaverSouth Side Area SD1212
4BeaverWestern Beaver County SD**
4BedfordBedford Area SD7780
4BedfordChestnut Ridge SD1414
4BedfordEverett Area SD1717
4BedfordHOPE for Hyndman CS**
4BedfordNorthern Bedford County SD**
4BedfordTussey Mountain SD**
4FayetteAlbert Gallatin Area SD2626
4FayetteBrownsville Area SD**
4FayetteConnellsville Area CTC**
4FayetteConnellsville Area SD98103
4FayetteFrazier SD2222
4FayetteLaurel Highlands SD1618
4FayetteUniontown Area SD2324
4FultonCentral Fulton SD**
4FultonForbes Road SD*11
4FultonSouthern Fulton SD**
4GreeneCarmichaels Area SD**
4GreeneCentral Greene SD1111
4GreeneJefferson-Morgan SD**
4GreeneSoutheastern Greene SD**
4GreeneWest Greene SD**
4SomersetBerlin Brothersvalley SD*13
4SomersetConemaugh Township Area SD**
4SomersetMeyersdale Area SD**
4SomersetNorth Star SD**
4SomersetRockwood Area SD**
4SomersetSalisbury-Elk Lick SD**
4SomersetShade-Central City SD**
4SomersetShanksville-Stonycreek SD**
4SomersetSomerset Area SD1920
4SomersetTurkeyfoot Valley Area SD1111
4SomersetWindber Area SD**
4WashingtonAvella Area SD**
4WashingtonBentworth SD3232
4WashingtonBethlehem-Center SD**
4WashingtonBurgettstown Area SD1316
4WashingtonCalifornia Area SD**
4WashingtonCanon-McMillan SD3535
4WashingtonCharleroi SD2324
4WashingtonChartiers-Houston SD**
4WashingtonFort Cherry SD1414
4WashingtonIntermediate Unit 1**
4WashingtonMcGuffey SD2426
4WashingtonPeters Township SD**
4WashingtonRinggold SD2626
4WashingtonTrinity Area SD5050
4WashingtonWashington SD7071
4WestmorelandBelle Vernon Area SD**
4WestmorelandBurrell SD**
4WestmorelandDerry Area SD1516
4WestmorelandDr Robert Ketterer CS Inc**
4WestmorelandFranklin Regional SD**
4WestmorelandGreater Latrobe SD**
4WestmorelandGreensburg Salem SD5354
4WestmorelandHempfield Area SD3436
4WestmorelandJeannette City SD**
4WestmorelandKiski Area SD1617
4WestmorelandLigonier Valley SD1112
4WestmorelandMonessen City SD1314
4WestmorelandMount Pleasant Area SD2727
4WestmorelandNew Kensington-Arnold SD1717
4WestmorelandNorwin SD1515
4WestmorelandPenn-Trafford SD**
4WestmorelandSouthmoreland SD**
4WestmorelandWestmoreland IU 7**
4WestmorelandYough SD5555
4Region 4 Shelters1,2401,247
4Region 4 Non-LEA Early Intervention**
4 Region 4 Non-LEA Early Prekindergarten**
Region 45,1625,417
5ButlerButler Area SD194200
5ButlerKarns City Area SD2021
5ButlerMars Area SD**
5ButlerMoniteau SD3235
5ButlerSeneca Valley SD9393
5ButlerSlippery Rock Area SD1819
5ButlerSouth Butler County SD5858
5ClarionAllegheny-Clarion Valley SD2223
5ClarionClarion Area SD1618
5ClarionClarion-Limestone Area SD2222
5ClarionKeystone SD1313
5ClarionNorth Clarion County SD**
5ClarionRedbank Valley SD2626
5ClarionRiverview IU 6**
5ClarionUnion SD**
5CrawfordConneaut SD8283
5CrawfordCrawford Central SD3541
5CrawfordPenncrest SD6572
5ErieCorry Area SD4849
5ErieErie City SD240247
5ErieErie Rise Leadership Academy CS3738
5ErieFairview SD1313
5ErieFort LeBoeuf SD2121
5ErieGeneral McLane SD**
5ErieGirard SD3033
5ErieHarbor Creek SD**
5ErieIroquois SD2929
5ErieMillcreek Township SD4041
5ErieMontessori Regional CS**
5ErieNorth East SD3131
5ErieNorthwest Tri-County IU 51616
5ErieNorthwestern SD5757
5EriePerseus House CS of Excellence3535
5ErieRobert Benjamin Wiley Community CS2222
5ErieUnion City Area SD3939
5ErieWattsburg Area SD1314
5ForestForest Area SD5959
5LawrenceEllwood City Area SD2020
5LawrenceLaurel SD**
5LawrenceLawrence County Community Action**
5LawrenceLawrence County CTC**
5LawrenceMohawk Area SD1717
5LawrenceNeshannock Township SD**
5LawrenceNew Castle Area SD6465
5LawrenceShenango Area SD**
5LawrenceUnion Area SD**
5LawrenceWilmington Area SD**
5McKeanBradford Area SD4347
5McKeanKane Area SD3132
5McKeanOtto-Eldred SD2123
5McKeanPort Allegany SD2020
5McKeanSeneca Highlands IU 9**
5McKeanSmethport Area SD**
5MercerCommodore Perry SD1516
5MercerFarrell Area SD5454
5MercerGreenville Area SD1314
5MercerGrove City Area SD2020
5MercerHermitage SD3737
5MercerJamestown Area SD2626
5MercerKeystone Education Center CS1415
5MercerLakeview SD2020
5MercerMercer Area SD1515
5MercerMidwestern IU 41111
5MercerReynolds SD**
5MercerSharon City SD5661
5MercerSharpsville Area SD1111
5MercerWest Middlesex Area SD**
5VenangoCranberry Area SD1717
5VenangoFranklin Area SD3033
5VenangoOil City Area SD5556
5VenangoTitusville Area SD6162
5VenangoValley Grove SD3839
5WarrenTidioute Community CS1616
5WarrenWarren County SD6869
5Region 5 Shelters507511
5Region 5 Non-LEA Early Intervention**
5Region 5 Non-LEA Prekindergarten**
Region 52,8192,890
6ArmstrongApollo-Ridge SD1114
6ArmstrongArmstrong SD105107
6ArmstrongFreeport Area SD**
6ArmstrongLeechburg Area SD**
6ArmstrongLenape Tech**
6BlairAltoona Area SD165169
6BlairAppalachia IU 8**
6BlairBellwood-Antis SD1616
6BlairCentral PA Digital Learning Foundation CS**
6BlairClaysburg-Kimmel SD4242
6BlairHollidaysburg Area SD3838
6BlairSpring Cove SD4242
6BlairTyrone Area SD1719
6BlairWilliamsburg Community SD**
6CambriaBlacklick Valley SD1919
6CambriaCambria Heights SD**
6CambriaCentral Cambria SD2021
6CambriaConemaugh Valley SD**
6CambriaFerndale Area SD2121
6CambriaForest Hills SD1313
6CambriaGreater Johnstown SD7071
6CambriaNorthern Cambria SD2225
6CambriaPenn Cambria SD3334
6CambriaPortage Area SD2525
6CambriaRichland SD2323
6CambriaWestmont Hilltop SD**
6CameronCameron County SD2526
6CentreBald Eagle Area SD3434
6CentreBellefonte Area SD2020
6CentreCentre Learning Community CS**
6CentreNittany Valley CS**
6CentrePenns Valley Area SD1919
6CentreState College Area SD5556
6CentreYoung Scholars of Central PA CS1717
6ClearfieldCentral IU 10**
6ClearfieldClearfield Area SD2526
6ClearfieldCurwensville Area SD2323
6ClearfieldDubois Area SD97102
6ClearfieldGlendale SD**
6ClearfieldHarmony Area SD**
6ClearfieldMoshannon Valley SD**
6ClearfieldPhilipsburg-Osceola Area SD1921
6ClearfieldWest Branch Area SD**
6ClintonKeystone Central SD6873
6ClintonSugar Valley Rural CS**
6ElkJohnsonburg Area SD*14
6ElkRidgway Area SD5457
6ElkSaint Marys Area SD3536
6IndianaARIN IU 28**
6IndianaHomer-Center SD2426
6IndianaIndiana Area SD1717
6IndianaMarion Center Area SD1111
6IndianaPenns Manor Area SD1616
6IndianaPurchase Line SD1313
6IndianaRiver Valley SD1818
6IndianaUnited SD**
6JeffersonBrockway Area SD**
6JeffersonBrookville Area SD3639
6JeffersonJefferson County-DuBois AVTS**
6JeffersonPunxsutawney Area SD4749
6PotterAustin Area SD**
6PotterCoudersport Area SD1919
6PotterGaleton Area SD**
6PotterNorthern Potter SD**
6PotterOswayo Valley SD1112
6Region 6 Shelters102103
6Region 6 Non-LEA Early Intervention**
6Region 6 Non-LEA Prekindergarten185185
Region 61,8031,858
7BradfordAthens Area SD1919
7BradfordCanton Area SD2326
7BradfordNortheast Bradford SD**
7BradfordSayre Area SD**
7BradfordTowanda Area SD2424
7BradfordTroy Area SD4242
7BradfordWyalusing Area SD1923
7CarbonCarbon Career & Technical Institute**
7CarbonJim Thorpe Area SD**
7CarbonLehighton Area SD**
7CarbonPalmerton Area SD**
7CarbonPanther Valley SD1520
7CarbonWeatherly Area SD**
7ColumbiaBenton Area SD**
7ColumbiaBerwick Area SD3234
7ColumbiaBloomsburg Area SD2727
7ColumbiaCentral Columbia SD1212
7ColumbiaColumbia-Montour AVTS2323
7ColumbiaMillville Area SD2323
7ColumbiaSouthern Columbia Area SD**
7ColumbiaSUSQ-Cyber CS**
7LackawannaAbington Heights SD**
7LackawannaCarbondale Area SD2424
7LackawannaDunmore SD**
7LackawannaFell CS**
7LackawannaHoward Gardner Multiple Intelligence CS**
7LackawannaLakeland SD**
7LackawannaMid Valley SD2930
7LackawannaNorth Pocono SD**
7LackawannaNortheastern Educational IU 19**
7LackawannaOld Forge SD2222
7LackawannaRiverside SD1919
7LackawannaScranton SD185188
7LackawannaValley View SD**
7LuzerneBear Creek Community CS**
7LuzerneCrestwood SD**
7LuzerneDallas SD**
7LuzerneGreater Nanticoke Area SD3131
7LuzerneHanover Area SD3846
7LuzerneHazleton Area SD99101
7LuzerneLake-Lehman SD**
 LuzerneLuzerne IU 18**
7LuzerneNorthwest Area SD1313
7LuzernePittston Area SD2828
7LuzerneWest Side CTC**
7LuzerneWilkes-Barre Area SD280285
7LuzerneWyoming Area SD**
7LuzerneWyoming Valley West SD2123
7LycomingBLaST IU 17**
7LycomingEast Lycoming SD**
7LycomingJersey Shore Area SD1313
7LycomingLoyalsock Township SD1415
7LycomingMontgomery Area SD**
7LycomingMontoursville Area SD**
7LycomingMuncy SD**
7LycomingSouth Williamsport Area SD**
7LycomingWilliamsport Area SD185192
7MonroeEast Stroudsburg Area SD9599
7MonroeEvergreen Community CS**
7MonroePleasant Valley SD4447
7MonroePocono Mountain SD103104
7MonroeStroudsburg Area SD127132
7NorthumberlandLine Mountain SD1214
7NorthumberlandMilton Area SD2829
7NorthumberlandMount Carmel Area SD2121
7NorthumberlandShamokin Area SD3437
7NorthumberlandShikellamy SD9395
7NorthumberlandWarrior Run SD**
7MontourDanville Area SD1819
7PikeDelaware Valley SD5353
7PikeWallenpaupack Area SD3234
7SnyderMidd-West SD1919
7SnyderSelinsgrove Area SD2325
7SullivanSullivan County SD**
7SusquehannaBlue Ridge SD1111
7SusquehannaElk Lake SD1212
7SusquehannaForest City Regional SD**
7SusquehannaMontrose Area SD**
7SusquehannaMountain View SD**
7SusquehannaSusquehanna Community SD1818
7TiogaNorthern Tioga SD**
7TiogaSouthern Tioga SD**
7TiogaWellsboro Area SD1414
7UnionCentral Susquehanna IU 16**
7UnionLewisburg Area SD**
7UnionMifflinburg Area SD**
7WayneWayne Highlands SD1111
7WayneWestern Wayne SD3434
7WyomingLackawanna Trail SD**
7WyomingTunkhannock Area SD2325
7Region 7 Shelters750756
7Region 7 Non-LEA Early Intervention1212
7Region 7 Non-LEA Prekindergarten5252
Region 73,1043,190
8BucksBensalem Township SD8284
8BucksBristol Borough SD2829
8BucksBristol Township SD131136
8BucksBucks County IU 221414
8BucksBucks County Montessori CS**
8BucksBucks County Technical High School1617
8BucksCentennial SD3639
8BucksCenter for Student Learning CS at Pennsbury**
8BucksCentral Bucks SD7676
8BucksCouncil Rock SD4848
8BucksMorrisville Borough SD2830
8BucksNeshaminy SD4242
8BucksNew Hope-Solebury SD**
8BucksPalisades SD1314
8BucksPennridge SD5257
8BucksPennsbury SD5858
8BucksQuakertown Community SD5455
8BucksSchool Lane CS**
8DelawareChester Charter Scholars Academy CS2727
8DelawareChester Community CS475492
8DelawareChester-Upland SD3238
8DelawareChichester SD4546
8DelawareDelaware County IU 252929
8DelawareGarnet Valley SD1313
8DelawareHaverford Township SD3232
8DelawareInterboro SD5353
8DelawareMarple Newtown SD1111
8DelawarePenn-Delco SD**
8DelawareRadnor Township SD2323
8DelawareRidley SD3030
8DelawareRose Tree Media SD5253
8DelawareSoutheast Delco SD2121
8DelawareSpringfield SD1718
8DelawareUpper Darby SD411419
8DelawareVision Academy CS**
8DelawareWallingford-Swarthmore SD2929
8DelawareWidener Partnership CS**
8DelawareWilliam Penn SD98100
8LehighAllentown City SD532538
8LehighArts Academy CS**
8LehighArts Academy Elementary CS1313
8LehighCarbon-Lehigh IU 21**
8LehighCatasauqua Area SD2020
8LehighCircle of Seasons CS**
8LehighEast Penn SD5861
8LehighExecutive Education Academy CS**
8LehighInnovative Arts Academy CS**
8LehighLincoln Leadership Academy CS**
8LehighNorthern Lehigh SD2934
8LehighNorthwestern Lehigh SD**
8LehighParkland SD5761
8LehighRoberto Clemente CS**
8LehighSalisbury Township SD2122
8LehighSeven Generations CS**
8LehighSouthern Lehigh SD1415
8LehighWhitehall-Coplay SD2727
8MontgomeryAbington SD3236
8MontgomeryAgora Cyber CS203219
8MontgomeryCheltenham SD3636
8MontgomeryColonial SD4242
8MontgomeryHatboro-Horsham SD4647
8MontgomeryJenkintown SD**
8MontgomeryLower Merion SD2222
8MontgomeryLower Moreland Township SD**
8MontgomeryMethacton SD1314
8MontgomeryMontgomery County IU 231919
8MontgomeryNorristown Area SD158162
8MontgomeryNorth Penn SD6970
8MontgomeryPennsylvania Virtual CS3637
8MontgomeryPerkiomen Valley SD4848
8MontgomeryPottsgrove SD7578
8MontgomeryPottstown SD135137
8MontgomerySouderton Area SD5555
8MontgomerySouderton CS Collaborative**
8MontgomerySpringfield Township SD1111
8MontgomerySpring-Ford Area SD9196
8MontgomeryUpper Dublin SD9595
8MontgomeryUpper Merion Area SD162163
8MontgomeryUpper Moreland Township SD2727
8MontgomeryUpper Perkiomen SD2829
8MontgomeryWissahickon SD3232
8NorthamptonBangor Area SD1819
8NorthamptonBethlehem Area SD288296
8NorthamptonColonial IU 20**
8NorthamptonEaston Area SD157162
8NorthamptonEaston Arts Academy Elementary CS**
8NorthamptonLehigh Valley Academy Regional CS1212
8NorthamptonLehigh Valley Charter High School for the Arts**
8NorthamptonLehigh Valley Dual Language CS**
8NorthamptonNazareth Area SD**
8NorthamptonNorthampton Area SD4851
8NorthamptonPen Argyl Area SD1213
8NorthamptonSaucon Valley SD**
8NorthamptonWilson Area SD**
8Region 8 Shelters1,0251,037
8Region 8 Non-LEA Early Intervention**
8 Region 8 Non-LEA Prekindergarten**
Region 85,9556,103


For the 2020-21 program year, education and community agencies identified 32,666 children and youth experiencing homelessness served by Pennsylvania's Education for Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness (ECYEH) Program (unique, unduplicated count). The population includes children under the age of five and youth enrolled in prekindergarten through grade 12.

The 'where attributed' (unique) count is based on where the child or youth was identified as homeless and attributed to the local education agency (LEA) (i.e., school district (SD), comprehensive career and technical center (CTC), charter school (CS), cyber charter school, intermediate unit (IU)) or entity (i.e., shelter, non-LEA Early Intervention, prekindergarten program, non-LEA private school/institution). Attribution is based on the LEA that the child or youth was identified by or enrolled in the longest. The unique count is used for state education agency (SEA) EDFacts reporting to the U.S. Department of Education.

The 'where identified' (duplicate) count includes anywhere the child or youth was identified as homeless; children or youth may be identified in more than one LEA or by more than one entity. Children and youth identified by multiple entities are only reported with their LEA(s), as applicable. Children and youth reported with a non-LEA were only identified by that entity. The duplicate count is used for LEA EDFacts reporting.

Counts of 10 or fewer are denoted with an asterisk and included in total counts. Non-LEA entities are grouped by type and reported at the regional level. Non-LEA entity and total counts should not be interpreted as necessarily representing all children and youth experiencing homelessness. Non-LEA entities report only if they receive direct or indirect services from the ECYEH Program.

RegionCountyLEA/Reporting EntityWhere AttributedWhere Identified
1PhiladelphiaAd Prima CS**
1PhiladelphiaAlliance for Progress CS2222
1PhiladelphiaAntonia Pantoja Community CS**
1PhiladelphiaASPIRA Bilingual Cyber CS**
1PhiladelphiaBelmont CS9999
1PhiladelphiaBoys Latin of Philadelphia CS**
1PhiladelphiaChristopher Columbus CS**
1PhiladelphiaCommunity Academy of Philadelphia CS3232
1PhiladelphiaDeep Roots CS**
1PhiladelphiaDiscovery CS**
1PhiladelphiaEsperanza Academy CS**
1PhiladelphiaEsperanza Cyber CS4242
1PhiladelphiaEugenio Maria De Hostos CS**
1PhiladelphiaFirst Philadelphia Preparatory CS1818
1PhiladelphiaFolk Arts-Cultural Treasures CS**
1PhiladelphiaFranklin Towne Charter Elementary School**
1PhiladelphiaFranklin Towne CHS**
1PhiladelphiaFrederick Douglass Mastery CS2626
1PhiladelphiaFreire CS**
1PhiladelphiaGlobal Leadership Academy CS**
1PhiladelphiaGlobal Leadership Academy CS Southwest a**
1PhiladelphiaGreen Woods CS**
1PhiladelphiaHarambee Institute of Science and Techno**
1PhiladelphiaImhotep Institute CHS**
1PhiladelphiaIndependence CS**
1PhiladelphiaIndependence CS West**
1PhiladelphiaInquiry CS**
1PhiladelphiaJohn B Stetson CS6666
1PhiladelphiaKeystone Academy CS1616
1PhiladelphiaKIPP DuBois CS**
1PhiladelphiaKIPP North Philadelphia CS1717
1PhiladelphiaKIPP Philadelphia CS2121
1PhiladelphiaKIPP West Philadelphia CS1616
1PhiladelphiaLaboratory CS**
1PhiladelphiaLindley Academy CS at Birney4547
1PhiladelphiaMariana Bracetti Academy CS5656
1PhiladelphiaMaritime Academy CS**
1PhiladelphiaMAST Community CS1212
1PhiladelphiaMaST Community CS II1515
1PhiladelphiaMaST Community CS III**
1PhiladelphiaMastery CHS-Lenfest Campus1515
1PhiladelphiaMastery CS John Wister Elementary4647
1PhiladelphiaMastery CS-Cleveland Elementary2121
1PhiladelphiaMastery CS-Clymer Elementary3838
1PhiladelphiaMastery CS-Francis D. Pastorius Elementa**
1PhiladelphiaMastery CS-Gratz Campus6262
1PhiladelphiaMastery CS-Hardy Williams1111
1PhiladelphiaMastery CS-Harrity Campus3535
1PhiladelphiaMastery CS-Mann Campus1212
1PhiladelphiaMastery CS-Pickett Campus2222
1PhiladelphiaMastery CS-Shoemaker Campus**
1PhiladelphiaMastery CS-Smedley Campus2222
1PhiladelphiaMastery CS-Thomas Campus2525
1PhiladelphiaMastery Prep Elementary CS**
1PhiladelphiaMath Civics and Sciences CS**
1PhiladelphiaMemphis Street Academy CS @ JP Jones1111
1PhiladelphiaMulticultural Academy CS**
1PhiladelphiaNew Foundations CS1212
1PhiladelphiaNorthwood Academy CS**
1PhiladelphiaOlney Charter High School2727
1PhiladelphiaPan American Academy CS2828
1PhiladelphiaPeople for People CS**
1PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia Academy CS**
1PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia City SD2,1402,170
1PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia Electrical & Tech CHS1616
1PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia Hebrew Public CS**
1PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia Montessori CS**
1PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia Performing Arts CS1414
1PhiladelphiaPreparatory CS of Mathematics Science Te**
1PhiladelphiaRichard Allen Preparatory CS**
1PhiladelphiaRussell Byers CS**
1PhiladelphiaSankofa Freedom Academy CS**
1PhiladelphiaSouthwest Leadership Academy CS**
1PhiladelphiaTacony Academy CS**
1PhiladelphiaTECH Freire CS1515
1PhiladelphiaThe Philadelphia CS for Arts and Science2424
1PhiladelphiaUniversal Alcorn CS**
1PhiladelphiaUniversal Audenried CS2626
1PhiladelphiaUniversal Bluford CS2121
1PhiladelphiaUniversal Creighton CS**
1PhiladelphiaUniversal Daroff CS1616
1PhiladelphiaUniversal Institute CS1212
1PhiladelphiaUniversal Vare CS**
1PhiladelphiaWest Oak Lane CS1111
1PhiladelphiaWest Phila. Achievement CES**
1PhiladelphiaWissahickon CS**
1PhiladelphiaYoung Scholars CS**
1PhiladelphiaYouth Build Phila CS2020
1 Region 1 Shelters1,7821,792
1 Region 1 Non-LEA Early Intervention8888
Region 1 5,2565,299
2BerksAntietam SD2323
2BerksBerks County IU 14106106
2BerksBoyertown Area SD7272
2BerksBrandywine Heights Area SD1617
2BerksConrad Weiser Area SD2426
2BerksDaniel Boone Area SD1314
2BerksExeter Township SD9394
2BerksFleetwood Area SD3333
2BerksGovernor Mifflin SD9697
2BerksHamburg Area SD1818
2BerksKutztown Area SD1717
2BerksMuhlenberg SD5050
2BerksOley Valley SD1415
2BerksReading SD676682
2BerksSchuylkill Valley SD**
2BerksTulpehocken Area SD1212
2BerksTwin Valley SD3535
2BerksWilson SD6569
2BerksWyomissing Area SD2525
2Chester21st Century Cyber CS3941
2ChesterAchievement House CS1919
2ChesterAvon Grove CS**
2ChesterAvon Grove SD174177
2ChesterChester Co Family Academy CS**
2ChesterChester County IU 24**
2ChesterCoatesville Area SD134140
2ChesterCollegium CS5758
2ChesterDowningtown Area SD5759
2ChesterGreat Valley SD2222
2ChesterInsight PA Cyber CS254258
2ChesterKennett Consolidated SD230237
2ChesterOctorara Area SD2629
2ChesterOwen J Roberts SD4851
2ChesterOxford Area SD99102
2ChesterPennsylvania Leadership CS9393
2ChesterPhoenixville Area SD8585
2ChesterRenaissance Academy CS1616
2ChesterTredyffrin-Easttown SD4747
2ChesterUnionville-Chadds Ford SD1212
2ChesterWest Chester Area SD146150
2DauphinCapital Area School for the Arts CS**
2DauphinCentral Dauphin SD156157
2DauphinCommonwealth Charter Academy CS151156
2DauphinDauphin County Technical School2427
2DauphinDerry Township SD3537
2DauphinHalifax Area SD*12
2DauphinHarrisburg City SD353356
2DauphinInfinity CS**
2DauphinLower Dauphin SD3030
2DauphinMiddletown Area SD4747
2DauphinMillersburg Area SD**
2DauphinPremier Arts and Science CS**
2DauphinReach Cyber CS139143
2DauphinSteelton-Highspire SD8080
2DauphinSusquehanna Township SD8184
2DauphinSylvan Heights Science CS**
2DauphinUpper Dauphin Area SD2626
2LancasterCocalico SD4547
2LancasterColumbia Borough SD107110
2LancasterConestoga Valley SD132136
2LancasterDonegal SD5960
2LancasterEastern Lancaster County SD6567
2LancasterElizabethtown Area SD5757
2LancasterEphrata Area SD8686
2LancasterHempfield SD9495
2LancasterLa Academia Partnership CS**
2LancasterLampeter-Strasburg SD3232
2LancasterLancaster SD795801
2LancasterLancaster-Lebanon IU 139090
2LancasterManheim Central SD4647
2LancasterManheim Township SD116123
2LancasterPenn Manor SD104106
2LancasterPequea Valley SD6869
2LancasterSolanco SD9596
2LancasterWarwick SD6769
2LebanonAnnville-Cleona SD3032
2LebanonCornwall-Lebanon SD2327
2LebanonEastern Lebanon County SD5557
2LebanonLebanon SD423427
2LebanonNorthern Lebanon SD3438
2LebanonPalmyra Area SD4245
2SchuylkillBlue Mountain SD1212
2SchuylkillGillingham Charter School*11
2SchuylkillMahanoy Area SD3535
2SchuylkillMinersville Area SD**
2SchuylkillNorth Schuylkill SD4648
2SchuylkillPine Grove Area SD2427
2SchuylkillPottsville Area SD6263
2SchuylkillSaint Clair Area SD1515
2SchuylkillSchuylkill Haven Area SD1313
2SchuylkillSchuylkill IU 29**
2SchuylkillShenandoah Valley SD2123
2SchuylkillTamaqua Area SD1819
2SchuylkillTri-Valley SD**
2SchuylkillWilliams Valley SD1415
2 Region 2 Shelters803808
2 Region 2 Non-LEA Early Intervention**
2 Region 2 Non-LEA Prekindergarten1818
Region 2 7,9078,057
3AdamsBermudian Springs SD1111
3AdamsConewago Valley SD5254
3AdamsFairfield Area SD1111
3AdamsGettysburg Area SD6061
3AdamsGettysburg Montessori CS**
3AdamsLincoln IU 12**
3AdamsLittlestown Area SD1620
3AdamsUpper Adams SD1515
3AdamsVida CS**
3CumberlandBig Spring SD3840
3CumberlandCamp Hill SD**
3CumberlandCapital Area IU 15**
3CumberlandCarlisle Area SD7475
3CumberlandCumberland Valley SD122127
3CumberlandEast Pennsboro Area SD5557
3CumberlandMechanicsburg Area SD3032
3CumberlandShippensburg Area SD118123
3CumberlandSouth Middleton SD2020
3FranklinChambersburg Area SD7884
3FranklinFannett-Metal SD1920
3FranklinGreencastle-Antrim SD2626
3FranklinTuscarora SD8282
3FranklinWaynesboro Area SD4346
3HuntingdonHuntingdon Area SD1819
3HuntingdonJuniata Valley SD**
3HuntingdonMount Union Area SD**
3HuntingdonNew Day CS**
3HuntingdonSouthern Huntingdon County SD**
3HuntingdonStone Valley Community CS**
3JuniataJuniata County SD6868
3MifflinMifflin County SD9198
3MifflinTuscarora IU 113434
3PerryGreenwood SD**
3PerryNewport SD1516
3PerrySusquenita SD1214
3PerryWest Perry SD6769
3YorkCentral York SD6668
3YorkCrispus Attucks CS**
3YorkDallastown Area SD4043
3YorkDover Area SD8894
3YorkEastern York SD4243
3YorkHanover Public SD4145
3YorkLincoln CS4141
3YorkNortheastern York SD6265
3YorkNorthern York County SD4850
3YorkRed Lion Area SD110111
3YorkSouth Eastern SD3435
3YorkSouth Western SD6061
3YorkSouthern York County SD3638
3YorkSpring Grove Area SD2525
3YorkWest Shore SD6870
3YorkWest York Area SD3135
3YorkYork Academy Regional CS2929
3YorkYork City SD449454
3YorkYork Co School of Technology3738
3YorkYork Suburban SD3636
3 Region 3 Shelters272274
3 Region 3 Non-LEA Early Intervention**
Region 3 2,8372,925
4AlleghenyAllegheny IU 34848
4AlleghenyAllegheny Valley SD**
4AlleghenyAvonworth SD**
4AlleghenyBaldwin-Whitehall SD3030
4AlleghenyBethel Park SD**
4AlleghenyBrentwood Borough SD**
4AlleghenyCarlynton SD1212
4AlleghenyCatalyst Academy CS**
4AlleghenyChartiers Valley SD3939
4AlleghenyCity CHS1717
4AlleghenyClairton City SD1415
4AlleghenyCornell SD**
4AlleghenyDeer Lakes SD**
4AlleghenyDuquesne City SD1112
4AlleghenyEast Allegheny SD3031
4AlleghenyElizabeth Forward SD**
4AlleghenyEnvironmental CS at Frick Park**
4AlleghenyFox Chapel Area SD**
4AlleghenyGateway SD3535
4AlleghenyHampton Township SD**
4AlleghenyHighlands SD7575
4AlleghenyKeystone Oaks SD**
4AlleghenyManchester Academic CS**
4AlleghenyMcKeesport Area SD7781
4AlleghenyMontour SD1517
4AlleghenyMoon Area SD3737
4AlleghenyMt Lebanon SD**
4AlleghenyNorth Allegheny SD2627
4AlleghenyNorth Hills SD3942
4AlleghenyNorthgate SD1515
4AlleghenyPassport Academy CS**
4AlleghenyPenn Hills CS of Entrepreneurship**
4AlleghenyPenn Hills SD1414
4AlleghenyPennsylvania Distance Learning CS3030
4AlleghenyPine-Richland SD2929
4AlleghenyPittsburgh SD397398
4AlleghenyPlum Borough SD2020
4AlleghenyPropel CS-Braddock Hills4141
4AlleghenyPropel CS-East**
4AlleghenyPropel CS-Hazelwood1718
4AlleghenyPropel CS-Homestead3737
4AlleghenyPropel CS-McKeesport**
4AlleghenyPropel CS-Montour2121
4AlleghenyPropel CS-Northside1515
4AlleghenyPropel CS-Pitcairn**
4AlleghenyProvident CS1111
4AlleghenyQuaker Valley SD**
4AlleghenyRiverview SD**
4AlleghenyShaler Area SD6367
4AlleghenySouth Allegheny SD2425
4AlleghenySouth Fayette Township SD**
4AlleghenySouth Park SD**
4AlleghenySpectrum CS**
4AlleghenySteel Valley SD2424
4AlleghenySto-Rox SD4747
4AlleghenyThe New Academy CS1112
4AlleghenyUpper Saint Clair SD**
4AlleghenyUrban Academy of Greater Pittsburgh CS**
4AlleghenyUrban Pathways 6-12 CS1717
4AlleghenyUrban Pathways K-5 College CS2121
4AlleghenyWest Allegheny SD1212
4AlleghenyWest Jefferson Hills SD1618
4AlleghenyWest Mifflin Area SD2124
4AlleghenyWestinghouse Arts Academy CS**
4AlleghenyWilkinsburg Borough SD2729
4AlleghenyWoodland Hills SD137140
4AlleghenyYoung Scholars of Greater Allegheny CS**
4AlleghenyYoung Scholars of Western Pennsylvania C**
4BeaverAliquippa SD**
4BeaverAmbridge Area SD115115
4BeaverBaden Academy CS**
4BeaverBeaver Area SD**
4BeaverBig Beaver Falls Area SD5454
4BeaverBlackhawk SD**
4BeaverCentral Valley SD1919
4BeaverFreedom Area SD2020
4BeaverHopewell Area SD**
4BeaverLincoln Park Performing Arts CS**
4BeaverMidland Borough SD**
4BeaverNew Brighton Area SD4445
4BeaverPennsylvania Cyber CS259269
4BeaverRiverside Beaver County SD1313
4BeaverRochester Area SD3434
4BeaverSouth Side Area SD**
4BeaverWestern Beaver County SD**
4BedfordBedford Area SD7474
4BedfordChestnut Ridge SD**
4BedfordEverett Area SD3232
4BedfordHOPE for Hyndman CS**
4BedfordNorthern Bedford County SD**
4BedfordTussey Mountain SD**
4FayetteAlbert Gallatin Area SD2526
4FayetteBrownsville Area SD2021
4FayetteConnellsville Area CTC**
4FayetteConnellsville Area SD7373
4FayetteFrazier SD1718
4FayetteLaurel Highlands SD2425
4FayetteUniontown Area SD2626
4FultonCentral Fulton SD**
4FultonForbes Road SD**
4FultonSouthern Fulton SD**
4GreeneCarmichaels Area SD1515
4GreeneCentral Greene SD1111
4GreeneJefferson-Morgan SD**
4GreeneSoutheastern Greene SD**
4GreeneWest Greene SD**
4SomersetBerlin Brothersvalley SD**
4SomersetConemaugh Township Area SD**
4SomersetMeyersdale Area SD1616
4SomersetNorth Star SD1212
4SomersetRockwood Area SD**
4SomersetSalisbury-Elk Lick SD**
4SomersetShade-Central City SD**
4SomersetShanksville-Stonycreek SD**
4SomersetSomerset Area SD**
4SomersetTurkeyfoot Valley Area SD1919
4SomersetWindber Area SD**
4WashingtonAvella Area SD**
4WashingtonBentworth SD2626
4WashingtonBethlehem-Center SD**
4WashingtonBurgettstown Area SD**
4WashingtonCalifornia Area SD*12
4WashingtonCanon-McMillan SD2829
4WashingtonCharleroi SD1212
4WashingtonChartiers-Houston SD**
4WashingtonFort Cherry SD**
4WashingtonIntermediate Unit 1**
4WashingtonMcGuffey SD1313
4WashingtonPeters Township SD**
4WashingtonRinggold SD2828
4WashingtonTrinity Area SD4344
4WashingtonWashington SD1111
4WestmorelandBelle Vernon Area SD1414
4WestmorelandBurrell SD2020
4WestmorelandDerry Area SD1818
4WestmorelandDr Robert Ketterer CS Inc**
4WestmorelandFranklin Regional SD**
4WestmorelandGreater Latrobe SD1212
4WestmorelandGreensburg Salem SD3940
4WestmorelandHempfield Area SD2525
4WestmorelandJeannette City SD**
4WestmorelandKiski Area SD2021
4WestmorelandLigonier Valley SD**
4WestmorelandMonessen City SD1818
4WestmorelandMount Pleasant Area SD1414
4WestmorelandNew Kensington-Arnold SD2222
4WestmorelandNorwin SD**
4WestmorelandPenn-Trafford SD**
4WestmorelandSouthmoreland SD1212
4WestmorelandYough SD2727
4 Region 4 Shelters1,4701,477
4 Region 4 Non-LEA Early Intervention**
Region 4 4,7134,777
5ButlerButler Area SD163164
5ButlerKarns City Area SD**
5ButlerMars Area SD**
5ButlerMoniteau SD2629
5ButlerSeneca Valley SD8585
5ButlerSlippery Rock Area SD**
5ButlerSouth Butler County SD7373
5ClarionAllegheny-Clarion Valley SD1111
5ClarionClarion Area SD2526
5ClarionClarion-Limestone Area SD**
5ClarionKeystone SD**
5ClarionNorth Clarion County SD**
5ClarionRedbank Valley SD1616
5ClarionUnion SD1212
5CrawfordConneaut SD8284
5CrawfordCrawford Central SD3131
5CrawfordPenncrest SD3839
5ErieCorry Area SD3738
5ErieErie City SD136142
5ErieErie Rise Leadership Academy CS3333
5ErieFairview SD*12
5ErieFort LeBoeuf SD2424
5ErieGeneral McLane SD**
5ErieGirard SD5556
5ErieHarbor Creek SD**
5ErieIroquois SD2121
5ErieMillcreek Township SD4243
5ErieMontessori Regional CS**
5ErieNorth East SD2020
5ErieNorthwest Tri-County IU 51515
5ErieNorthwestern SD3636
5EriePerseus House CS of Excellence2424
5ErieRobert Benjamin Wiley Community CS2424
5ErieUnion City Area SD3233
5ErieWattsburg Area SD1313
5ForestForest Area SD4647
5LawrenceEllwood City Area SD1414
5LawrenceLaurel SD**
5LawrenceLawrence County CTC**
5LawrenceMohawk Area SD1516
5LawrenceNeshannock Township SD**
5LawrenceNew Castle Area SD4343
5LawrenceShenango Area SD**
5LawrenceUnion Area SD**
5LawrenceWilmington Area SD1112
5McKeanBradford Area SD6364
5McKeanKane Area SD3233
5McKeanOtto-Eldred SD2020
5McKeanPort Allegany SD1415
5McKeanSeneca Highlands IU 9**
5McKeanSmethport Area SD1617
5MercerCommodore Perry SD1515
5MercerFarrell Area SD3638
5MercerGreenville Area SD3636
5MercerGrove City Area SD*11
5MercerHermitage SD2525
5MercerJamestown Area SD2930
5MercerKeystone Education Center CS**
5MercerLakeview SD2223
5MercerMercer Area SD1313
5MercerMidwestern IU 4**
5MercerReynolds SD**
5MercerSharon City SD4043
5MercerSharpsville Area SD**
5MercerWest Middlesex Area SD1314
5VenangoCranberry Area SD1515
5VenangoFranklin Area SD2526
5VenangoOil City Area SD3333
5VenangoTitusville Area SD5863
5VenangoValley Grove SD3939
5WarrenTidioute Community CS**
5WarrenWarren County SD6768
5 Region 5 Shelters477477
5 Region 5 Non-LEA Early Intervention1515
5 Region 5 Non-LEA Prekindergarten**
Region 5 2,4162,461
6ArmstrongApollo-Ridge SD1515
6ArmstrongArmstrong SD8787
6ArmstrongFreeport Area SD**
6ArmstrongLeechburg Area SD**
6ArmstrongLenape Tech1212
6BlairAltoona Area SD173176
6BlairAppalachia IU 8**
6BlairBellwood-Antis SD2222
6BlairCentral PA Digital Learning Foundation C**
6BlairClaysburg-Kimmel SD2933
6BlairHollidaysburg Area SD2628
6BlairSpring Cove SD3739
6BlairTyrone Area SD3434
6BlairWilliamsburg Community SD**
6CambriaBlacklick Valley SD1415
6CambriaCambria Heights SD**
6CambriaCentral Cambria SD1818
6CambriaConemaugh Valley SD1414
6CambriaFerndale Area SD1414
6CambriaForest Hills SD**
6CambriaGreater Johnstown SD6060
6CambriaNorthern Cambria SD1818
6CambriaPenn Cambria SD2728
6CambriaPortage Area SD**
6CambriaRichland SD1818
6CambriaWestmont Hilltop SD**
6CameronCameron County SD2323
6CentreBald Eagle Area SD2326
6CentreBellefonte Area SD2022
6CentreCentre Learning Community CS**
6CentreNittany Valley CS**
6CentrePenns Valley Area SD1313
6CentreState College Area SD5353
6CentreYoung Scholars of Central PA CS**
6ClearfieldCentral IU 10**
6ClearfieldClearfield Area SD5858
6ClearfieldCurwensville Area SD**
6ClearfieldDubois Area SD7678
6ClearfieldGlendale SD1515
6ClearfieldHarmony Area SD**
6ClearfieldMoshannon Valley SD**
6ClearfieldPhilipsburg-Osceola Area SD2121
6ClearfieldWest Branch Area SD**
6ClintonKeystone Central SD7174
6ClintonSugar Valley Rural CS**
6ElkJohnsonburg Area SD1212
6ElkRidgway Area SD3030
6ElkSaint Marys Area SD1415
6IndianaARIN IU 28**
6IndianaBlairsville-Saltsburg SD1718
6IndianaHomer-Center SD1414
6IndianaIndiana Area SD*11
6IndianaMarion Center Area SD2020
6IndianaPenns Manor Area SD1414
6IndianaPurchase Line SD**
6IndianaUnited SD**
6JeffersonBrockway Area SD**
6JeffersonBrookville Area SD2225
6JeffersonJefferson County-DuBois AVTS*11
6JeffersonPunxsutawney Area SD4848
6PotterAustin Area SD**
6PotterCoudersport Area SD2021
6PotterGaleton Area SD**
6PotterNorthern Potter SD*11
6PotterOswayo Valley SD1111
6 Region 6 Shelters115115
6 Region 6 Non-LEA Early Intervention**
6 Region 6 Non-LEA Prekindergarten237237
Region 6 1,6861,725
7BradfordAthens Area SD**
7BradfordCanton Area SD3232
7BradfordNortheast Bradford SD1212
7BradfordSayre Area SD**
7BradfordTowanda Area SD**
7BradfordTroy Area SD3434
7BradfordWyalusing Area SD1717
7CarbonCarbon Career & Technical Institute**
7CarbonJim Thorpe Area SD1921
7CarbonLehighton Area SD**
7CarbonPalmerton Area SD1717
7CarbonPanther Valley SD**
7CarbonWeatherly Area SD**
7ColumbiaBenton Area SD**
7ColumbiaBerwick Area SD2020
7ColumbiaBloomsburg Area SD3333
7ColumbiaCentral Columbia SD**
7ColumbiaColumbia-Montour AVTS1516
7ColumbiaMillville Area SD2525
7ColumbiaSouthern Columbia Area SD**
7ColumbiaSUSQ-Cyber CS1414
7LackawannaAbington Heights SD**
7LackawannaCarbondale Area SD**
7LackawannaDunmore SD**
7LackawannaFell CS**
7LackawannaHoward Gardner Multiple Intelligence CS**
7LackawannaLakeland SD**
7LackawannaMid Valley SD2526
7LackawannaNorth Pocono SD**
7LackawannaOld Forge SD1616
7LackawannaRiverside SD1414
7LackawannaScranton SD126130
7LackawannaValley View SD**
7LuzerneBear Creek Community CS**
7LuzerneCrestwood SD**
7LuzerneDallas SD**
7LuzerneGreater Nanticoke Area SD1212
7LuzerneHanover Area SD3636
7LuzerneHazleton Area SD4343
7LuzerneLake-Lehman SD**
7LuzerneNorthwest Area SD2121
7LuzernePittston Area SD1212
7LuzerneWest Side CTC**
7LuzerneWilkes-Barre Area SD169170
7LuzerneWyoming Area SD**
7LuzerneWyoming Valley West SD1616
7LycomingEast Lycoming SD**
7LycomingJersey Shore Area SD**
7LycomingLoyalsock Township SD1213
7LycomingMontgomery Area SD**
7LycomingMontoursville Area SD**
7LycomingMuncy SD**
7LycomingSouth Williamsport Area SD**
7LycomingWilliamsport Area SD146147
7MonroeEast Stroudsburg Area SD5959
7MonroeEvergreen Community CS**
7MonroePleasant Valley SD3232
7MonroePocono Mountain SD6566
7MonroeStroudsburg Area SD9192
7NorthumberlandLine Mountain SD2020
7NorthumberlandMilton Area SD2828
7NorthumberlandMount Carmel Area SD**
7NorthumberlandShamokin Area SD3737
7NorthumberlandShikellamy SD6666
7NorthumberlandWarrior Run SD**
7MontourDanville Area SD1214
7PikeDelaware Valley SD4748
7PikeWallenpaupack Area SD4849
7SnyderMidd-West SD1212
7SnyderSelinsgrove Area SD3639
7SullivanSullivan County SD**
7SusquehannaBlue Ridge SD**
7SusquehannaElk Lake SD**
7SusquehannaForest City Regional SD**
7SusquehannaMontrose Area SD**
7SusquehannaMountain View SD**
7SusquehannaSusquehanna Community SD1112
7TiogaNorthern Tioga SD**
7TiogaSouthern Tioga SD1617
7TiogaWellsboro Area SD1415
7UnionCentral Susquehanna IU 16**
7UnionLewisburg Area SD**
7UnionMifflinburg Area SD**
7WayneWayne Highlands SD1313
7WayneWestern Wayne SD1515
7WyomingLackawanna Trail SD**
7WyomingTunkhannock Area SD1111
7 Region 7 Shelters769769
7 Region 7 Non-LEA Early Intervention**
7 Region 7 Non-LEA Prekindergarten347347
Region 7 2,8182,843
8BucksBensalem Township SD6870
8BucksBristol Borough SD2020
8BucksBristol Township SD9999
8BucksBucks County IU 221919
8BucksBucks County Montessori CS**
8BucksBucks County Technical High School1919
8BucksCentennial SD3333
8BucksCenter for Student Learning CS at Pennsb**
8BucksCentral Bucks SD7171
8BucksCouncil Rock SD1818
8BucksMorrisville Borough SD2828
8BucksNeshaminy SD4041
8BucksNew Hope-Solebury SD1414
8BucksPalisades SD1111
8BucksPennridge SD5050
8BucksPennsbury SD4344
8BucksQuakertown Community SD3233
8BucksSchool Lane CS**
8DelawareChester Charter Scholars Academy CS**
8DelawareChester Community CS434438
8DelawareChester-Upland SD1515
8DelawareChichester SD5051
8DelawareDelaware County IU 252727
8DelawareGarnet Valley SD1414
8DelawareHaverford Township SD1414
8DelawareInterboro SD4444
8DelawareMarple Newtown SD**
8DelawarePenn-Delco SD1617
8DelawareRadnor Township SD3030
8DelawareRidley SD4647
8DelawareRose Tree Media SD2225
8DelawareSoutheast Delco SD2021
8DelawareSpringfield SD1313
8DelawareUpper Darby SD276282
8DelawareVision Academy CS**
8DelawareWallingford-Swarthmore SD**
8DelawareWidener Partnership CS1111
8DelawareWilliam Penn SD123123
8LehighAllentown City SD158160
8LehighArts Academy CS**
8LehighArts Academy Elementary CS2020
8LehighCarbon-Lehigh IU 21**
8LehighCatasauqua Area SD2424
8LehighCircle of Seasons CS**
8LehighEast Penn SD6365
8LehighExecutive Education Academy CS**
8LehighInnovative Arts Academy CS**
8LehighLincoln Leadership Academy CS**
8LehighNorthern Lehigh SD3638
8LehighNorthwestern Lehigh SD**
8LehighParkland SD3939
8LehighRoberto Clemente CS**
8LehighSalisbury Township SD2525
8LehighSeven Generations CS**
8LehighSouthern Lehigh SD2020
8LehighWhitehall-Coplay SD1616
8MontgomeryAbington SD4750
8MontgomeryAgora Cyber CS193195
8MontgomeryCheltenham SD3939
8MontgomeryColonial SD1415
8MontgomeryHatboro-Horsham SD4040
8MontgomeryJenkintown SD**
8MontgomeryLower Merion SD2222
8MontgomeryLower Moreland Township SD**
8MontgomeryMethacton SD**
8MontgomeryMontgomery County IU 23**
8MontgomeryNorristown Area SD159164
8MontgomeryNorth Penn SD107109
8MontgomeryPennsylvania Virtual CS1313
8MontgomeryPerkiomen Valley SD2121
8MontgomeryPottsgrove SD6666
8MontgomeryPottstown SD103105
8MontgomerySouderton Area SD4343
8MontgomerySouderton CS Collaborative**
8MontgomerySpringfield Township SD2325
8MontgomerySpring-Ford Area SD7880
8MontgomeryUpper Dublin SD2627
8MontgomeryUpper Merion Area SD6364
8MontgomeryUpper Moreland Township SD2525
8MontgomeryUpper Perkiomen SD2222
8MontgomeryWissahickon SD2424
8NorthamptonBangor Area SD2929
8NorthamptonBethlehem Area SD237239
8NorthamptonColonial IU 20**
8NorthamptonEaston Area SD134134
8NorthamptonEaston Arts Academy Elementary CS**
8NorthamptonLehigh Valley Academy Regional CS2626
8NorthamptonLehigh Valley Charter High School for th**
8NorthamptonLehigh Valley Dual Language CS**
8NorthamptonNazareth Area SD**
8NorthamptonNorthampton Area SD4040
8NorthamptonPen Argyl Area SD**
8NorthamptonSaucon Valley SD**
8NorthamptonWilson Area SD**
8 Region 8 Shelters1,1851,204
8 Region 8 Non-LEA Early Intervention**
 Region 8 5,0335,107
 Pennsylvania 32,66633,194

For the 2020-21 program year, education and community agencies identified 32,666 children and youth experiencing homelessness served by Pennsylvania's Education for Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness (ECYEH) Program (unique, unduplicated count). The population includes children under the age of five and youth enrolled in prekindergarten through grade 12.

The 'where attributed' (unique) count is based on where the child or youth was identified as homeless and attributed to the local education agency (LEA) (i.e., school district, comprehensive career and technical center (CTC), charter school (CS), cyber charter school, intermediate unit (IU)) or entity (i.e., shelter, non-LEA Early Intervention, prekindergarten program, non-LEA private school/institution). Attribution is based on the LEA that the child or youth was identified by or enrolled in the longest. The unique count is used for state education agency (SEA) EDFacts reporting.

The 'where identified' (duplicate) count includes anywhere the child or youth was identified as homeless; children or youth may be identified in more than one LEA or by more than one entity. Children and youth identified by multiple entities are only reported with their LEA(s), as applicable. Children and youth reported with a non-LEA were only identified by that entity. The duplicate count is used for LEA EDFacts reporting.

Counts of 10 or fewer are indicated by an asterisk (*). Counts noted with an asterisk are included in total counts. These counts should not be interpreted as necessarily representing all children and youth experiencing homelessness. Non-LEA entities report only if they receive direct or indirect services from the ECYEH Program.

RegionCountyWhere AttributedWhere Identified
1Region 1 Totals5,2565,299
2Region 2 Totals7,9078,057
3Region 3 Totals2,8372,925
4Region 4 Totals4,7134,777
5Region 5 Totals2,4162,461
6Region 6 Totals1,6861,725
7Region 7 Totals2,8182,843
8Region 8 Totals5,0335,107
 STATE TOTALS32,66633,194

Unique and Duplicate Counts by Entity

For the 2019-20 program year, education and community agencies identified 37,930 children and youth experiencing homelessness served by Pennsylvania's Education for Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness (ECYEH) Program (unique, unduplicated count). The population includes children under the age of five and youth enrolled in prekindergarten through grade 12. 

The 'where attributed' (unique) count is based on where the child or youth was identified as homeless and attributed to the local education agency (LEA) (i.e., school district, comprehensive technical school, or charter/cyber charter school) or entity (i.e., shelter, non-LEA Early Intervention, prekindergarten program, non-LEA private school/institution).  Attribution is based on the LEA that the child or youth was identified by or enrolled in the longest.  The unique count is used for state education agency (SEA) EDFacts reporting to the U.S. Department of Education.

The 'where identified' (duplicate) count includes anywhere the child or youth was identified as homeless; children or youth may be identified in more than one LEA or by more than one entity.  Children and youth identified by multiple entities are only reported with their LEA(s), as applicable.  Children and youth reported with a non-LEA were only identified by that entity.  The duplicate count is used for LEA EDFacts reporting.

Counts of 10 or fewer are denoted with an asterisk and included in total counts.  Non-LEA entities are grouped by type and reported at the regional level.  Non-LEA entity and total counts, should not be interpreted as necessarily representing all children and youth experiencing homelessness.  Non-LEA entities report only if they receive direct or indirect services from the ECYEH Program.

RegionCountyLEA/Reporting EntityWhere AttributedWhere Identified
1PhiladelphiaAd Prima CS**
1PhiladelphiaAlliance for Progress CS**
1PhiladelphiaAntonia Pantoja Community Charter School**
1PhiladelphiaASPIRA Bilingual Cyber Charter School**
1PhiladelphiaBelmont Charter School8082
1PhiladelphiaBoys Latin of Philadelphia CS**
1PhiladelphiaCharter High School for Architecture and**
1PhiladelphiaCommunity Academy of Philadelphia CS3030
1PhiladelphiaDeep Roots Charter School**
1PhiladelphiaDiscovery Charter School**
1PhiladelphiaEsperanza Academy Charter School**
1PhiladelphiaEsperanza Cyber CS3940
1PhiladelphiaFirst Philadelphia Preparatory Charter S1111
1PhiladelphiaFolk Arts-Cultural Treasures CS**
1PhiladelphiaFranklin Towne Charter Elementary School**
1PhiladelphiaFranklin Towne CHS**
1PhiladelphiaFrederick Douglass Mastery Charter School2628
1PhiladelphiaFreire CS1313
1PhiladelphiaGlobal Leadership Academy CS**
1PhiladelphiaGlobal Leadership Academy CS Southwest a**
1PhiladelphiaImhotep Institute CHS**
1PhiladelphiaIndependence CS1111
1PhiladelphiaIndependence CS West**
1PhiladelphiaInquiry Charter School**
1PhiladelphiaJohn B Stetson Charter School5758
1PhiladelphiaKeystone Academy Charter School**
1PhiladelphiaKIPP DuBois Charter School**
1PhiladelphiaKIPP North Philadelphia CS1818
1PhiladelphiaKIPP Philadelphia Charter School2121
1PhiladelphiaKIPP West Philadelphia CS1414
1PhiladelphiaKIPP West Philadelphia Preparatory Chart**
1PhiladelphiaLaboratory CS**
1PhiladelphiaLindley Academy CS at Birney4545
1PhiladelphiaMariana Bracetti Academy CS4343
1PhiladelphiaMaritime Academy Charter School**
1PhiladelphiaMAST Community CS**
1PhiladelphiaMaST Community CS II**
1PhiladelphiaMaST Community CS III1313
1PhiladelphiaMastery CHS - Lenfest Campus1313
1PhiladelphiaMastery CS - Cleveland Elementary2830
1PhiladelphiaMastery CS - Francis D. Pastorius Elemen**
1PhiladelphiaMastery CS - Hardy Williams1414
1PhiladelphiaMastery CS John Wister Elementary3637
1PhiladelphiaMastery CS-Clymer Elementary3839
1PhiladelphiaMastery CS-Gratz Campus4446
1PhiladelphiaMastery CS-Harrity Campus3737
1PhiladelphiaMastery CS-Mann Campus**
1PhiladelphiaMastery CS-Pickett Campus1616
1PhiladelphiaMastery CS-Shoemaker Campus1818
1PhiladelphiaMastery CS-Smedley Campus1414
1PhiladelphiaMastery CS-Thomas Campus3031
1PhiladelphiaMastery Prep Elementary CS**
1PhiladelphiaMath Civics and Sciences CS**
1PhiladelphiaMemphis Street Academy CS @ JP Jones1919
1PhiladelphiaMulticultural Academy CS**
1PhiladelphiaNew Foundations CS1919
1PhiladelphiaNorthwood Academy CS**
1PhiladelphiaOlney Charter High School4042
1PhiladelphiaPan American Academy CS3535
1PhiladelphiaPeople for People CS**
1PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia City SD4,3904,498
1PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia Electrical & Tech CHS1212
1PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia Hebrew Public CS**
1PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia Montessori CS**
1PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia Performing Arts CS**
1PhiladelphiaPreparatory CS of Mathematics Science Tech**
1PhiladelphiaRichard Allen Preparatory CS**
1PhiladelphiaRussell Byers CS**
1PhiladelphiaSankofa Freedom Academy Charter School**
1PhiladelphiaSouthwest Leadership Academy CS**
1PhiladelphiaTECH Freire CS**
1PhiladelphiaThe Philadelphia CS for Arts and Science2525
1PhiladelphiaUniversal Alcorn CS**
1PhiladelphiaUniversal Audenried Charter School3637
1PhiladelphiaUniversal Bluford Charter School2226
1PhiladelphiaUniversal Creighton Charter School**
1PhiladelphiaUniversal Daroff Charter School2022
1PhiladelphiaUniversal Institute CS1313
1PhiladelphiaUniversal Vare Charter School**
1PhiladelphiaWest Oak Lane CS**
1PhiladelphiaWest Phila. Achievement CES**
1PhiladelphiaWissahickon CS**
1PhiladelphiaYoung Scholars CS**
1PhiladelphiaYouth Build Phila CS3333
1 Region 1 Shelters2,1332,140
1 Region 1 Non-LEA Early Intervention150150
Region 1 7,8818,020
2BerksAntietam SD2021
2BerksBerks County IU 148686
2BerksBoyertown Area SD5252
2BerksBrandywine Heights Area SD2124
2BerksConrad Weiser Area SD1718
2BerksDaniel Boone Area SD2222
2BerksExeter Township SD107110
2BerksFleetwood Area SD2930
2BerksGovernor Mifflin SD7071
2BerksHamburg Area SD1214
2BerksI-LEAD Charter School5858
2BerksKutztown Area SD2226
2BerksMuhlenberg SD5052
2BerksOley Valley SD1919
2BerksReading SD733748
2BerksSchuylkill Valley SD1616
2BerksTulpehocken Area SD**
2BerksTwin Valley SD3434
2BerksWilson SD4848
2BerksWyomissing Area SD2223
2Chester21st Century Cyber CS3032
2ChesterAchievement House CS1212
2ChesterAvon Grove CS**
2ChesterAvon Grove SD157160
2ChesterChester Co Family Academy CS**
2ChesterChester County IU 24**
2ChesterCoatesville Area SD115119
2ChesterCollegium CS3636
2ChesterDowningtown Area SD3737
2ChesterGreat Valley SD1919
2ChesterInsight PA Cyber CS137154
2ChesterKennett Consolidated SD248263
2ChesterOctorara Area SD2830
2ChesterOwen J Roberts SD1113
2ChesterOxford Area SD112116
2ChesterPennsylvania Leadership Charter School8588
2ChesterPhoenixville Area SD6162
2ChesterRenaissance Academy CS2424
2ChesterTredyffrin-Easttown SD3333
2ChesterUnionville-Chadds Ford SD**
2ChesterWest Chester Area SD117119
2DauphinCapital Area School for the Arts Charter**
2DauphinCentral Dauphin SD235239
2DauphinCommonwealth Charter Academy CS135135
2DauphinDauphin County Technical School4545
2DauphinDerry Township SD2829
2DauphinHalifax Area SD1414
2DauphinHarrisburg City SD541555
2DauphinLower Dauphin SD2526
2DauphinMiddletown Area SD3637
2DauphinMillersburg Area SD**
2DauphinPremier Arts and Science Charter School**
2DauphinReach Cyber CS4748
2DauphinSteelton-Highspire SD5961
2DauphinSusquehanna Township SD7071
2DauphinSylvan Heights Science CS**
2DauphinUpper Dauphin Area SD2626
2LancasterCocalico SD4345
2LancasterColumbia Borough SD95102
2LancasterConestoga Valley SD144148
2LancasterDonegal SD4751
2LancasterEastern Lancaster County SD7072
2LancasterElizabethtown Area SD6666
2LancasterEphrata Area SD7474
2LancasterHempfield SD9797
2LancasterLa Academia Partnership Charter School*11
2LancasterLampeter-Strasburg SD4244
2LancasterLancaster SD717730
2LancasterLancaster-Lebanon IU 133737
2LancasterManheim Central SD4244
2LancasterManheim Township SD128130
2LancasterPenn Manor SD118119
2LancasterPequea Valley SD4852
2LancasterSolanco SD117122
2LancasterWarwick SD5353
2LebanonAnnville-Cleona SD3131
2LebanonCornwall-Lebanon SD3233
2LebanonEastern Lebanon County SD5353
2LebanonLebanon SD518542
2LebanonNorthern Lebanon SD2223
2LebanonPalmyra Area SD4444
2SchuylkillBlue Mountain SD1618
2SchuylkillGillingham Charter School**
2SchuylkillMahanoy Area SD3642
2SchuylkillMinersville Area SD1212
2SchuylkillNorth Schuylkill SD5254
2SchuylkillPine Grove Area SD1818
2SchuylkillPottsville Area SD7073
2SchuylkillSaint Clair Area SD**
2SchuylkillSchuylkill Haven Area SD1717
2SchuylkillSchuylkill IU 29**
2SchuylkillShenandoah Valley SD2626
2SchuylkillTamaqua Area SD3030
2SchuylkillTri-Valley SD**
2SchuylkillWilliams Valley SD1415
2 Region 2 Shelters1,6431,662
2 Region 2 Non-LEA Early Intervention1818
2 Region 2 Non-LEA Prekindergarten**
Region 2 8,6258,850
3AdamsBermudian Springs SD**
3AdamsConewago Valley SD5354
3AdamsFairfield Area SD**
3AdamsGettysburg Area SD9192
3AdamsGettysburg Montessori Charter School**
3AdamsLincoln IU 12**
3AdamsLittlestown Area SD3131
3AdamsUpper Adams SD1314
3AdamsVida Charter School1111
3CumberlandBig Spring SD1818
3CumberlandCamp Hill SD**
3CumberlandCapital Area IU 15**
3CumberlandCarlisle Area SD92100
3CumberlandCumberland Valley SD9199
3CumberlandEast Pennsboro Area SD8890
3CumberlandMechanicsburg Area SD3737
3CumberlandShippensburg Area SD99104
3CumberlandSouth Middleton SD2125
3FranklinChambersburg Area SD130132
3FranklinFannett-Metal SD1515
3FranklinGreencastle-Antrim SD2222
3FranklinTuscarora SD5254
3FranklinWaynesboro Area SD3435
3HuntingdonHuntingdon Area SD2021
3HuntingdonJuniata Valley SD**
3HuntingdonNew Day Charter School**
3HuntingdonSouthern Huntingdon County SD**
3JuniataJuniata County SD6469
3MifflinMifflin County SD118126
3MifflinTuscarora IU 112424
3PerryGreenwood SD**
3PerryNewport SD1414
3PerrySusquenita SD1219
3PerryWest Perry SD6060
3YorkCentral York SD7878
3YorkCrispus Attucks CS**
3YorkDallastown Area SD5151
3YorkDover Area SD8284
3YorkEastern York SD6468
3YorkHanover Public SD3334
3YorkLincoln CS3536
3YorkNortheastern York SD6772
3YorkNorthern York County SD3334
3YorkRed Lion Area SD103103
3YorkSouth Eastern SD3939
3YorkSouth Western SD7172
3YorkSouthern York County SD2629
3YorkSpring Grove Area SD3838
3YorkWest Shore SD6673
3YorkWest York Area SD4649
3YorkYork Academy Regional Charter School2424
3YorkYork City SD721739
3YorkYork Co School of Technology3234
3YorkYork Suburban SD4849
3 Region 3 Shelters405414
3 Region 3 Non-LEA Early Intervention**
Region 3 3,3303,445
4AlleghenyAllegheny IU 32828
4AlleghenyAllegheny Valley SD**
4AlleghenyAvonworth SD**
4AlleghenyBaldwin-Whitehall SD4040
4AlleghenyBrentwood Borough SD**
4AlleghenyCarlynton SD2222
4AlleghenyChartiers Valley SD2222
4AlleghenyCity CHS1515
4AlleghenyClairton City SD3346
4AlleghenyCornell SD**
4AlleghenyDeer Lakes SD1111
4AlleghenyDuquesne City SD3135
4AlleghenyEast Allegheny SD3739
4AlleghenyElizabeth Forward SD2122
4AlleghenyEnvironmental Charter School at Frick Park**
4AlleghenyFox Chapel Area SD**
4AlleghenyGateway SD3942
4AlleghenyHampton Township SD**
4AlleghenyHighlands SD102112
4AlleghenyKeystone Oaks SD2324
4AlleghenyManchester Academic CS**
4AlleghenyMcKeesport Area SD8386
4AlleghenyMontour SD1214
4AlleghenyMoon Area SD4646
4AlleghenyMt Lebanon SD1212
4AlleghenyNorth Allegheny SD2727
4AlleghenyNorth Hills SD2727
4AlleghenyNorthgate SD1718
4AlleghenyPassport Academy CS2929
4AlleghenyPenn Hills Charter School of Entrepreneurship1212
4AlleghenyPenn Hills SD3637
4AlleghenyPennsylvania Distance Learning CS1314
4AlleghenyPine-Richland SD2121
4AlleghenyPittsburgh SD804841
4AlleghenyPlum Borough SD2525
4AlleghenyPropel CS - Hazelwood2525
4AlleghenyPropel CS-Braddock Hills5864
4AlleghenyPropel CS-East**
4AlleghenyPropel CS-Homestead3838
4AlleghenyPropel CS-McKeesport1112
4AlleghenyPropel CS-Montour2525
4AlleghenyPropel CS-Northside1111
4AlleghenyPropel CS-Pitcairn2020
4AlleghenyProvident CS**
4AlleghenyQuaker Valley SD**
4AlleghenyRiverview SD**
4AlleghenyShaler Area SD5862
4AlleghenySouth Allegheny SD4142
4AlleghenySouth Fayette Township SD1717
4AlleghenySouth Park SD**
4AlleghenySpectrum CS**
4AlleghenySteel Valley SD1718
4AlleghenySto-Rox SD8088
4AlleghenyThe New Academy CS3030
4AlleghenyUpper Saint Clair SD2122
4AlleghenyUrban Academy of Greater Pittsburgh CS1212
4AlleghenyUrban Pathways 6-12 CS1616
4AlleghenyUrban Pathways K-5 College Charter School2424
4AlleghenyWest Allegheny SD**
4AlleghenyWest Jefferson Hills SD1415
4AlleghenyWest Mifflin Area SD3334
4AlleghenyWestinghouse Arts Academy CS**
4AlleghenyWilkinsburg Borough SD2830
4AlleghenyWoodland Hills SD142150
4AlleghenyYoung Scholars of McKeesport Charter School**
4AlleghenyYoung Scholars of Western Pennsylvania CS**
4BeaverAliquippa SD2121
4BeaverAmbridge Area SD102106
4BeaverBaden Academy CS1111
4BeaverBeaver Area SD**
4BeaverBig Beaver Falls Area SD5051
4BeaverBlackhawk SD**
4BeaverCentral Valley SD1818
4BeaverFreedom Area SD1719
4BeaverHopewell Area SD**
4BeaverNew Brighton Area SD4751
4BeaverPennsylvania Cyber CS307330
4BeaverRiverside Beaver County SD1818
4BeaverRochester Area SD3131
4BeaverSouth Side Area SD1111
4BeaverWestern Beaver County SD**
4BedfordBedford Area SD7273
4BedfordChestnut Ridge SD**
4BedfordEverett Area SD2727
4BedfordHOPE for Hyndman CS**
4BedfordNorthern Bedford County SD**
4BedfordTussey Mountain SD**
4FayetteAlbert Gallatin Area SD2020
4FayetteBrownsville Area SD1516
4FayetteConnellsville Area Career & Technical Center**
4FayetteConnellsville Area SD5657
4FayetteFrazier SD1515
4FayetteLaurel Highlands SD4545
4FayetteUniontown Area SD3434
4FultonForbes Road SD**
4FultonSouthern Fulton SD**
4GreeneCarmichaels Area SD1315
4GreeneCentral Greene SD**
4GreeneJefferson-Morgan SD**
4GreeneWest Greene SD**
4SomersetBerlin Brothersvalley SD**
4SomersetConemaugh Township Area SD**
4SomersetMeyersdale Area SD**
4SomersetNorth Star SD1414
4SomersetRockwood Area SD**
4SomersetSalisbury-Elk Lick SD**
4SomersetSomerset Area SD3232
4SomersetTurkeyfoot Valley Area SD**
4SomersetWindber Area SD**
4WashingtonAvella Area SD**
4WashingtonBentworth SD2021
4WashingtonBethlehem-Center SD**
4WashingtonBurgettstown Area SD**
4WashingtonCalifornia Area SD**
4WashingtonCanon-McMillan SD2424
4WashingtonCharleroi SD2020
4WashingtonChartiers-Houston SD**
4WashingtonFort Cherry SD1515
4WashingtonIntermediate Unit 1**
4WashingtonMcGuffey SD2627
4WashingtonPeters Township SD**
4WashingtonRinggold SD3434
4WashingtonTrinity Area SD3333
4WashingtonWashington SD106110
4WestmorelandBelle Vernon Area SD2122
4WestmorelandBurrell SD2626
4WestmorelandDerry Area SD1721
4WestmorelandDr Robert Ketterer CS Inc**
4WestmorelandFranklin Regional SD1515
4WestmorelandGreater Latrobe SD1517
4WestmorelandGreensburg Salem SD4653
4WestmorelandHempfield Area SD3233
4WestmorelandJeannette City SD*11
4WestmorelandKiski Area SD1518
4WestmorelandLigonier Valley SD2929
4WestmorelandMonessen City SD**
4WestmorelandMount Pleasant Area SD1717
4WestmorelandNew Kensington-Arnold SD4040
4WestmorelandNorwin SD1111
4WestmorelandPenn-Trafford SD1717
4WestmorelandSouthmoreland SD1112
4WestmorelandYough SD3131
4 Region 4 Shelters1,5221,528
4 Region 4 Non-LEA Early Intervention2020
Region 4 5,6925,895
5ButlerButler Area SD136138
5ButlerKarns City Area SD**
5ButlerMars Area SD**
5ButlerMoniteau SD2020
5ButlerSeneca Valley SD9496
5ButlerSlippery Rock Area SD1111
5ButlerSouth Butler County SD5959
5ClarionAllegheny-Clarion Valley SD1314
5ClarionClarion Area SD**
5ClarionClarion-Limestone Area SD1114
5ClarionKeystone SD1316
5ClarionNorth Clarion County SD**
5ClarionRedbank Valley SD2425
5ClarionUnion SD2525
5CrawfordConneaut SD128132
5CrawfordCrawford Central SD3133
5CrawfordPenncrest SD1820
5ErieCorry Area SD4242
5ErieErie City SD190193
5ErieErie Rise Leadership Academy Charter School2626
5ErieFairview SD1515
5ErieFort LeBoeuf SD1718
5ErieGeneral McLane SD**
5ErieGirard SD5762
5ErieHarbor Creek SD**
5ErieIroquois SD2323
5ErieMillcreek Township SD3334
5ErieNorth East SD1414
5ErieNorthwest Tri-County IU 51919
5ErieNorthwestern SD2930
5EriePerseus House CS of Excellence2626
5ErieRobert Benjamin Wiley Community CS3636
5ErieUnion City Area SD2020
5ErieWattsburg Area SD**
5ForestForest Area SD5253
5LawrenceEllwood City Area SD2020
5LawrenceLaurel SD**
5LawrenceLawrence County CTC**
5LawrenceMohawk Area SD1718
5LawrenceNeshannock Township SD**
5LawrenceNew Castle Area SD6062
5LawrenceShenango Area SD**
5LawrenceUnion Area SD**
5LawrenceWilmington Area SD1414
5McKeanBradford Area SD5556
5McKeanKane Area SD4040
5McKeanOtto-Eldred SD4242
5McKeanPort Allegany SD2929
5McKeanSeneca Highlands IU 9**
5McKeanSmethport Area SD2222
5MercerCommodore Perry SD1818
5MercerFarrell Area SD3030
5MercerGreenville Area SD2223
5MercerGrove City Area SD1111
5MercerHermitage SD1212
5MercerJamestown Area SD3335
5MercerKeystone Education Center CS**
5MercerLakeview SD2929
5MercerMercer Area SD1415
5MercerMidwestern IU 4**
5MercerReynolds SD**
5MercerSharon City SD3233
5MercerSharpsville Area SD1515
5MercerWest Middlesex Area SD**
5VenangoCranberry Area SD1920
5VenangoFranklin Area SD3940
5VenangoOil City Area SD2324
5VenangoTitusville Area SD6673
5VenangoValley Grove SD3940
5WarrenTidioute Community CS1818
5WarrenWarren County SD7878
5 Region 5 Shelters744748
5 Region 5 Non-LEA Early Intervention2020
Region 5 2,8362,896
6ArmstrongApollo-Ridge SD**
6ArmstrongArmstrong SD107107
6ArmstrongFreeport Area SD**
6ArmstrongLeechburg Area SD**
6ArmstrongLenape Tech**
6BlairAltoona Area SD221222
6BlairAppalachia IU 8**
6BlairBellwood-Antis SD1923
6BlairCentral PA Digital Learning Foundation C1212
6BlairClaysburg-Kimmel SD2324
6BlairHollidaysburg Area SD7277
6BlairSpring Cove SD3838
6BlairTyrone Area SD4141
6CambriaBlacklick Valley SD2223
6CambriaCambria Heights SD1213
6CambriaCentral Cambria SD3636
6CambriaConemaugh Valley SD**
6CambriaFerndale Area SD**
6CambriaForest Hills SD**
6CambriaGreater Johnstown SD4043
6CambriaNorthern Cambria SD1923
6CambriaPenn Cambria SD2021
6CambriaPortage Area SD**
6CambriaRichland SD1616
6CambriaWestmont Hilltop SD**
6CameronCameron County SD1414
6CentreBald Eagle Area SD3335
6CentreBellefonte Area SD1919
6CentrePenns Valley Area SD**
6CentreState College Area SD6767
6CentreYoung Scholars of Central PA CS**
6ClearfieldClearfield Area SD2729
6ClearfieldCurwensville Area SD**
6ClearfieldDubois Area SD9293
6ClearfieldGlendale SD**
6ClearfieldHarmony Area SD**
6ClearfieldMoshannon Valley SD1818
6ClearfieldPhilipsburg-Osceola Area SD1919
6ClearfieldWest Branch Area SD**
6ClintonKeystone Central SD6767
6ClintonSugar Valley Rural CS**
6ElkJohnsonburg Area SD**
6ElkRidgway Area SD2530
6ElkSaint Marys Area SD1919
6IndianaARIN IU 28**
6IndianaBlairsville-Saltsburg SD1818
6IndianaHomer-Center SD1415
6IndianaIndiana Area SD2731
6IndianaMarion Center Area SD**
6IndianaPenns Manor Area SD1818
6IndianaPurchase Line SD1616
6IndianaUnited SD**
6JeffersonBrockway Area SD1717
6JeffersonBrookville Area SD1718
6JeffersonJefferson County-DuBois AVTS**
6JeffersonPunxsutawney Area SD2830
6PotterAustin Area SD**
6PotterCoudersport Area SD1919
6PotterGaleton Area SD**
6PotterNorthern Potter SD**
6PotterOswayo Valley SD*12
6 Region 6 Shelters315317
6 Region 6 Non-LEA Early Intervention**
6 Region 6 Non-LEA Prekindergarten144144
Region 6 1,8901,938
7BradfordAthens Area SD2020
7BradfordCanton Area SD2526
7BradfordNortheast Bradford SD**
7BradfordSayre Area SD**
7BradfordTowanda Area SD2626
7BradfordTroy Area SD3333
7BradfordWyalusing Area SD2222
7CarbonCarbon Career & Technical Institute**
7CarbonJim Thorpe Area SD1616
7CarbonLehighton Area SD1818
7CarbonPalmerton Area SD1313
7CarbonPanther Valley SD1414
7CarbonWeatherly Area SD1518
7ColumbiaBerwick Area SD4950
7ColumbiaBloomsburg Area SD3842
7ColumbiaCentral Columbia SD1315
7ColumbiaColumbia-Montour AVTS2830
7ColumbiaMillville Area SD2626
7ColumbiaSouthern Columbia Area SD2526
7ColumbiaSUSQ-Cyber CS**
7LackawannaAbington Heights SD**
7LackawannaCarbondale Area SD1616
7LackawannaLakeland SD**
7LackawannaMid Valley SD2224
7LackawannaNorth Pocono SD**
7LackawannaOld Forge SD**
7LackawannaRiverside SD**
7LackawannaScranton SD244247
7LackawannaValley View SD**
7LuzerneCrestwood SD1414
7LuzerneDallas SD**
7LuzerneGreater Nanticoke Area SD2727
7LuzerneHanover Area SD1919
7LuzerneHazleton Area SD8181
7LuzerneLake-Lehman SD**
7LuzerneNorthwest Area SD**
7LuzernePittston Area SD1717
7LuzerneWest Side CTC**
7LuzerneWilkes-Barre Area SD168174
7LuzerneWyoming Area SD**
7LuzerneWyoming Valley West SD**
7LycomingEast Lycoming SD**
7LycomingJersey Shore Area SD1111
7LycomingLoyalsock Township SD**
7LycomingMontgomery Area SD**
7LycomingMontoursville Area SD**
7LycomingMuncy SD**
7LycomingWilliamsport Area SD215219
7MonroeEast Stroudsburg Area SD107107
7MonroePleasant Valley SD5659
7MonroePocono Mountain SD8994
7MonroeStroudsburg Area SD8282
7MontourDanville Area SD2324
7NorthumberlandLine Mountain SD**
7NorthumberlandMilton Area SD2222
7NorthumberlandMount Carmel Area SD**
7NorthumberlandShamokin Area SD3232
7NorthumberlandShikellamy SD4349
7NorthumberlandWarrior Run SD**
7PikeWallenpaupack Area SD4141
7PikeDelaware Valley SD3838
7SnyderMidd-West SD1919
7SnyderSelinsgrove Area SD2525
7SusquehannaBlue Ridge SD1515
7SusquehannaElk Lake SD**
7SusquehannaForest City Regional SD**
7SusquehannaMontrose Area SD**
7SusquehannaMountain View SD2122
7SusquehannaSusquehanna Community SD**
7TiogaNorthern Tioga SD**
7TiogaSouthern Tioga SD2020
7TiogaWellsboro Area SD**
7UnionLewisburg Area SD1111
7UnionMifflinburg Area SD1111
7UnionCentral Susquehanna IU 16**
7WayneWayne Highlands SD1313
7WayneWestern Wayne SD2424
7WyomingTunkhannock Area SD**
7WyomingLackawanna Trail SD**
7 Region 7 Shelters450454
7 Region 7 Non-LEA Early Intervention2121
7 Region 7 Non-LEA Prekindergarten3434
Region 7 2,5802,636
8BucksBensalem Township SD114118
8BucksBristol Borough SD3232
8BucksBristol Township SD156161
8BucksBucks County IU 222323
8BucksBucks County Technical High School1111
8BucksCentennial SD4747
8BucksCenter for Student Learning CS at Pennsbury**
8BucksCentral Bucks SD8081
8BucksCouncil Rock SD2021
8BucksMorrisville Borough SD3737
8BucksNeshaminy SD5151
8BucksNew Hope-Solebury SD1414
8BucksPalisades SD**
8BucksPennridge SD4949
8BucksPennsbury SD3637
8BucksQuakertown Community SD2226
8BucksSchool Lane CS**
8DelawareChester Community CS434464
8DelawareChester Charter Scholars Academy CS**
8DelawareChester-Upland SD1616
8DelawareChichester SD5052
8DelawareDelaware County IU 252828
8DelawareGarnet Valley SD1111
8DelawareHaverford Township SD**
8DelawareInterboro SD4040
8DelawareMarple Newtown SD**
8DelawarePenn-Delco SD3535
8DelawareRadnor Township SD3737
8DelawareRidley SD4242
8DelawareRose Tree Media SD4446
8DelawareSoutheast Delco SD**
8DelawareSpringfield SD1515
8DelawareUpper Darby SD289300
8DelawareVision Academy Charter School**
8DelawareWallingford-Swarthmore SD1212
8DelawareWidener Partnership CS**
8DelawareWilliam Penn SD114115
8LehighAllentown City SD615624
8LehighArts Academy CS**
8LehighArts Academy Elementary Charter School**
8LehighCarbon-Lehigh IU 21**
8LehighCatasauqua Area SD2930
8LehighEast Penn SD5656
8LehighExecutive Education Academy Charter School1414
8LehighInnovative Arts Academy CS**
8LehighNorthern Lehigh SD1821
8LehighNorthwestern Lehigh SD1919
8LehighParkland SD3838
8LehighRoberto Clemente CS**
8LehighSalisbury Township SD2020
8LehighSeven Generations Charter School**
8LehighSouthern Lehigh SD1414
8LehighWhitehall-Coplay SD3232
8MontgomeryAbington SD3333
8MontgomeryAgora Cyber CS236253
8MontgomeryCheltenham SD3737
8MontgomeryColonial SD**
8MontgomeryHatboro-Horsham SD3434
8MontgomeryJenkintown SD**
8MontgomeryLower Merion SD2727
8MontgomeryLower Moreland Township SD**
8MontgomeryMethacton SD**
8MontgomeryMontgomery County IU 231919
8MontgomeryNorristown Area SD175178
8MontgomeryNorth Penn SD8387
8MontgomeryPennsylvania Virtual CS1517
8MontgomeryPerkiomen Valley SD2425
8MontgomeryPottsgrove SD2929
8MontgomeryPottstown SD130133
8MontgomerySouderton Area SD3131
8MontgomerySpringfield Township SD2727
8MontgomerySpring-Ford Area SD7475
8MontgomeryUpper Dublin SD1818
8MontgomeryUpper Merion Area SD3636
8MontgomeryUpper Moreland Township SD2020
8MontgomeryUpper Perkiomen SD1919
8MontgomeryWissahickon SD2323
8NorthamptonBangor Area SD**
8NorthamptonBethlehem Area SD345351
8NorthamptonColonial IU 20**
8NorthamptonEaston Area SD145147
8NorthamptonEaston Arts Academy Elementary CS**
8NorthamptonLehigh Valley Academy Regional CS2223
8NorthamptonLehigh Valley Charter High School for the Arts**
8NorthamptonLehigh Valley Dual Language Charter School1414
8NorthamptonNazareth Area SD1818
8NorthamptonNorthampton Area SD5555
8NorthamptonPen Argyl Area SD**
8NorthamptonSaucon Valley SD**
8NorthamptonWilson Area SD**
8 Region 8 Shelters559565
8 Region 8 Non-LEA Early Intervention**
Region 8 5,0965,219
Pennsylvania 37,93038,899


November 2020

Unique and Duplicate Counts by County

For the 2019-20 program year, education and community agencies identified 37,930 children and youth experiencing homelessness served by Pennsylvania's Education for Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness (ECYEH) Program (unique, unduplicated count). The population includes children under the age of five and youth enrolled in prekindergarten through grade 12. 

The 'where attributed' (unique) count is based on where the child or youth was identified as homeless and attributed to the local education agency (LEA) (i.e., school district, comprehensive technical school, or charter/cyber charter school) or entity (i.e., shelter, non-LEA Early Intervention, prekindergarten program, non-LEA private school/institution).  Attribution is based on the LEA that the child or youth was identified by or enrolled in the longest.  The unique count is used for state education agency (SEA) EDFacts reporting.

The 'where identified' (duplicate) count includes anywhere the child or youth was identified as homeless; children or youth may be identified in more than one LEA or by more than one entity.  Children and youth identified by multiple entities are only reported with their LEA(s), as applicable.  Children and youth reported with a non-LEA were only identified by that entity.  The duplicate count is used for LEA EDFacts reporting.

Counts of 10 or fewer are indicated by *.  These * counts are included in total counts.  These counts should not be interpreted as necessarily representing all children and youth experiencing homelessness.  Non-LEA entities report only if they receive direct or indirect services from the ECYEH Program.

RegionCountyWhere AttributedWhere Identified
1Region 1 Totals7,8818,020
2Region 2 Totals8,6258,850
3Region 3 Totals3,3303,445
4Region 4 Totals5,6925,895
5Region 5 Totals2,8362,896
6Region 6 Totals1,8901,938
7Region 7 Totals2,5802,636
8Region 8 Totals5,0965,219
 STATE TOTALS37,93038,899