Provide a continuum of evidence-based academic, behavioral, social, and emotional supports aligned with student needs.

Scaffolded Supports: Overview of Comprehensive Scaffolded Support Systems - Academics; Social-Emotional

The 2021-2022 school year promises to be an opportunity to accelerate learning for ALL Pennsylvania students. At the foundational core, using universal practices for all ensures equity and inclusion through a multi-leveled approach. Data will shape the narrative of determining the provision of universal, strategic and intensive services to ensure students are provided access and opportunity to thrive. In this session, learn about a broad continuum to accelerate learning through universal, targeted, and intensive supports for all learners.

Scaffolded Supports: Class-wide Supports

In this session, learn about an approach where support is provided class wide when 50% or more of students in a class are missing an important pre-requisite skill. Considerations for providing intervention to an entire class of students needing to develop necessary pre-requisite skills will be highlighted.

Scaffolded Supports: Strategic and Intensive Supports

Every student has unique strengths and needs. In this session, learn about strategies to support small groups of students with a similar category of identified academic or behavioral need as well as considerations for designing intervention for individual students with intensive needs.

Scaffolded Supports: Additional Accelerated Opportunities

In this session, learn about opportunities outside of the typical school day where strategies to accelerate learning can be provided to students. High-dosage tutoring and acceleration academies will be highlighted.

Scaffolded Supports: Supporting Students with Significant Learning and Behavioral Needs

In this session, learn about effective instructional and behavioral approaches to support students with disabilities who experience significant learning and behavioral needs.

Scaffolded Supports: Supporting Gifted Learners

In this session, learn about not only academic supports, but also social-emotional considerations important for supporting gifted learners.

Scaffolded Supports: Foundational Supports – Universal Design

Scaffolding supports and ensuring access for all students begins with core instruction. In this session, learn about key considerations for ensuring foundational supports are equitable, as well as how to embed a universal design for learning approach to ensure access and opportunity for all students.

Scaffolded Supports: Universal/Core Landscape – Explicit Instruction

Scaffolding supports and ensuring access for all students begins with core instruction. In this session, learn how explicit instruction embedded at the universal level can help accelerate learning for all students.