Department of Military and Veteran Affairs

Apply to be a Cadet in the Keystone State Challenge Academy

Apply now to be considered for the 22-week residential program at Fort Indiantown Gap in Annville, PA (Lebanon County).


By applying to the KSCA, you're taking an important step toward a brighter future. We are excited to see Pennsylvania’s teens get on the path to success. Start your application now to make sure you meet the requirements for the upcoming session. 


You may qualify for admission if you are: 

  • Between 16 and 18 years old on the first day of the program. If you're 15, you can apply with the Director's approval, but you can't take the GED®. Cadets turning 19 during the program can still join.
  • At risk of not finishing high school, or not currently attending school and have not earned a high school diploma or equivalent certificate.
  • A U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident of Pennsylvania.
  • Not facing criminal charges or convicted of a felony (or any crime that would be a felony if an adult), and not on parole or probation for serious offenses.
  • Willing to avoid using drugs, alcohol, or tobacco.
  • Physically and mentally able to fully participate, with reasonable accommodations if needed.
  • Able to communicate with staff to stay safe during the program.

Check to see if you are eligible here

How to apply

The application process includes:

  • A completed application.
  • Supporting documents from your home school district.
  • An orientation and interview with you and your parent or guardian.

How cadets benefit from the program

  • A structured environment that helps you focus on school, emotional health, and fitness.
  • The 22-week program is a chance to improve your future and become an adult.
  • Safe, secure, and supportive learning environment to improve academic performance.
  • Coaches and mentors help you learn study skills, life skills, and career readiness.
  • You may earn basic career certifications in food service and safety.
  • Provides tools and self-discipline to succeed as a productive adult.
  • Helps plan your next steps, like further education or finding a job.
  • You’ll improve intellectually, physically, and mentally.
  • You’ll live and learn in newly renovated buildings, with a gym, dining hall, and medical office.