Labor-Management Committee

A Labor-Management Committee (LMC) helps improve workplaces and labor-management relationships by bringing employers and union workers together to have collaborative discussions, solve problems before they come to the bargaining table, address issues while they are still minor, and avoid the continuation of ongoing issues that can stress workplace relations. We help to establish a process of regularly scheduled meetings strictly focused on these goals.


The Labor-Management Committee (LMC) is a forum where employers and union workers work together to solve problems.  It includes a relatively equal number of employer and union members and can include a neutral chairperson or facilitator. The LMC decides what to talk about and can handle bigger and more complex issues as trust is cultivated through success of the process. The Pennsylvania Bureau of Mediation provides training to help employers and their union employees and representatives establish a LMC and can regularly fulfill the role of facilitator or chairperson if the parties so choose.

The LMC’s aren’t normally established to address just one problem.  A LMC process is ongoing with members attending each meeting.  For it to work well, both employers and workers need to support it, and commit the necessary time, resources, and priority to the process.