Labor-Management Steward-Supervisor Training

The Bureau of Mediation Labor-Management Steward-Supervisor Training program can be a step in cultivating a more orderly and constructive labor-management relationship.


The program helps employees and supervisors from the shop floor to middle managers and union stewards, improve communication, understand contracts, cope with conflict, resolve grievances, and fulfill their roles in a constructive manner. The program promotes an understanding that conflicts in the workplace are common but how you deal with conflicts can make all the difference.

The full program has about seven modular sessions, each two-to-three 3 hours in length. It can be adjusted and modified to fit what employers and unions need in a specific workplace. You can use this program alone or with other programs like the Labor-Management Committee or Interest-Based Bargaining programs.

Modules of the Training Include Topics such as:

  • Training Introduction - Scope, and Goals
  • Another Way – “Breaking through the Win / Lose or Us Versus Them Mentality”
  • Effective Communication
  • Coping With Conflict and Problem Solving
  • Basic Contract Interpretation
  • The Grievance Process
  • Understanding “Just Cause”
  • An Introduction to Grievance Mediation