PA Minimum Wage Law

The Pennsylvania Minimum Wage Act establishes a fixed Minimum Wage and Overtime Rate for employees in Pennsylvania. It also sets forth requirements for employers regarding record retention. In addition, the Act provides penalties for noncompliance, establishes duties for the Department of Labor & Industry, and establishes the Minimum Wage Advisory Board.

About the Pennsylvania Minimum Wage Act

L&I investigates all complaints of suspected violations of the PA Minimum Wage Act, which establishes a minimum wage, overtime rate and employer compliance duties.

Examples of Minimum Wage Act Violations:

  • Employees being paid less than $7.25/hour
  • Tipped workers making less than $2.83/hour
  • Employers taking tip credits from tipped workers who make less than $135 in tips per month
  • Employees not being paid 1.5 times their regular rate after 40 hours worked in a workweek
  • Employers who do not maintain accurate records of employee earnings
  • Employers who deduct credit card or other payment processing fees from an employee's tips

Minimum Wage Act Mandatory Postings

Download mandatory workplace posters that must be placed in every Pennsylvania business governed by the Minimum Wage Act below.

Employer Applications for Sub-Minimum Wage

Contact the Bureau of Labor Law Compliance

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Please call our main line and select the prevailing wage option at 1-800-932-0665.

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