Industries which experience at least five percent year-over-year employment growth accompanied by an employment gain of at least 25 are considered growing IOI. Similarly, the criteria for declining IOI are at least a five percent year-over-year employment decline accompanied by a decrease in employment of at least 25. When the industry sustains four consecutive quarters of over-the-year employment growth or decline per quarter, then it is termed a Long-Term-Growth (LTG) or Long-Term-Decline (LTD) industry.
Industries of Interest is generated from the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) dataset. Data in this dashboard are not comparable to any other Quarterly Census of Employment Wages data or report. Non-economic coding changes (e.g., correcting an employer’s location and/or NAICS designation) could impact the employment level of sub-state areas or falsely identify an industry as an IOI when it isn’t, or not identifying it as one when in fact it is.
We suggest viewing the dashboard using the "full screen" button located in the bottom right-hand corner. The button is a diagonal arrow with two arrow heads.
The Industries of Interest are also available in an Excel Report.