Quarterly Hour Reporting

Beginning with the second (2nd) quarter of 2024, quarterly hour reports for cosmetology students in schools are required to be submitted through the PALS account associated with the school the student was attending. An email was sent at the beginning of April to alert schools to the pending change and included instructions for submitting the hours in PALS.  Please note: cosmetology apprentice hours are still to be reported on paper forms.

Eyelash Extensions

The limited license category of esthetics includes the application of cosmetic preparations (make-up), as well as dyeing and perming eyelashes.  Lash extensions and the application thereof are sufficiently analogous in composition and application to traditional false eyelashes and other "lash work" such that lash extensions fall into the category of esthetics and can be applied by licensed estheticians or licensed cosmetologists.

Lavatory Decision

Over the past two years the State Board of Cosmetology (Board) has been involved in discussions and litigation, regarding the Board’s authority to require a lavatory and the Board’s issuance of variances to that requirement. On August 14, 2017, the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania issued an opinion in the case of Eleven Eleven Pennsylvania, LLC v. State Board of Cosmetology, declaring that Board regulation section 7.79, 49 Pa. Code § 7.79, is preempted by section 104(d) of the Pennsylvania Construction Code Act, 35 P.S. § 7210.104(d)(1), to the extent it requires a lavatory within the square footage of the salon. The Board has been permanently restrained from enforcing the preempted language of the lavatory regulation.

As a result of this decision, the Board will no longer be considering lavatories, or their location, when reviewing applications for salon licensure. Applications will be updated in the near future to reflect this change. Additionally, the Board will begin the process of promulgating a regulation to address the decision of the Commonwealth Court.

Mobile Salons

Mobile salons are not licensed or regulated in the state of Pennsylvania and are therefore prohibited.  Information regarding activities performed outside of a cosmetology or limited practice salon can be found under the Pennsylvania State Board of Cosmetology Regulations for “Activities Outside A Salon” §7.81 – 7.83.

Policy on Student Absenteeism

When applying for licensure of any salon, the salon CANNOT be open/operating prior to inspection. Inspection will be scheduled after successful review of a completed application. We will NOT schedule an inspection until all discrepancies are resolved.

​50 State Comparison Report: A Comparison of State Occupational Licensure Requirement and Processes

Act 6 of 2018 Notice to All Licensees, Registrants, Certificate Holders & Permit Holders (PDF)

Notice - Act 65 Of 2023 Expungement Provisions (PDF)​

Elder Abuse Prevention Guides

Elder Financial Abuse (PDF)