Professional Members:

Kuncelman, Steven (Chair)
6/7/2022-12/8/2024 USQ for Six Months
1st Term

Goulet, Andrew S. 
10/9/24  12/8/27 USQ for Six Months
3rd Term

Mitchell, Daniel (Vice Chair)
4/20/21 - 12/8/24 USQ for Six Months
1st Term

Schmoyer, Brian M.
4/20/21 - 12/8/24 USQ for Six Months
2nd Term


Public Members:

Bailey, Esq. Elizabeth
6/29/23-12/8/26 USQ for Six Months
1st Term

Vacant, Positon open


Claggett, Arion R.
Acting Commissioner of the Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs


USQ=Until Successor Qualifies 

QUORUM REQUIREMENTS - A majority of the members of the board. 

BPOA Commissioner
4 Professional Members
2 Public Members

1 Commissioner