10-Day Hold Requests

Effective immediately, all 10-Day Hold of Human Remain Requests will go directly to the Board Office via EMAIL. Once received, the Board Office staff will assign the request to a Professional Board Member for review. Upon the review and determination of the request by the Professional Board Member, you will be notified via EMAIL of their decision.

If the request is APPROVED, you will receive notification via EMAIL by the Board Office staff. Nothing else will be required. Board Office staff will upload the request and approval to the Funeral Establishment’s PALS file.

If the request is DENIED, you will receive notification via EMAIL with notes as to why the request was rejected.

We are currently working with our Application Developers to create an online processing system. Until the online processing system has been created, please follow the instructions above. The form may be found here.


  • Email the request to the Board Office resource account at st-funeral@pa.gov
  • Your request will be assigned to a Professional Board Member for review
  • Upon approval of your request, nothing else will be required
  • Effective immediately, please do not send your requests directly to a Professional Board Member. All requests will be assigned through the Board Office staff


On October 6, 2014, the United States Supreme Court denied the plaintiffs’ petition for writ of certiorari in the matter of Ernest F. Heffner, et al v. Donald J. Murphy, et al and concluded several years of litigation during which a federal district court injunction precluded the State Board of Funeral Directors from enforcing certain provisions of the Funeral Directors Law. The decision now permits the use of trade names in the funeral directing profession within the Commonwealth, therefore it is no longer necessary for the Board to pre-approve the use of names. Establishments desiring to incorporate must submit an Articles of Incorporation application to the Corporation Bureau. Upon approval of the Articles, funeral establishments must submit to the Board office the required application, fee and approval of their Articles of Incorporation. Applications can be downloaded from the Board’s website.


Act 31 of 2014 Mandated Child Abuse Recognition and Reporting

​50 State Comparison Report: A Comparison of State Occupational Licensure Requirement and Processes

Act 6 of 2018 Notice to All Licensees, Registrants, Certificate Holders & Permit Holders (PDF)

Notice - Act 65 Of 2023 Expungement Provisions (PDF)​

Act 53: Information for Individuals with Criminal Convictions


Elder Abuse Prevention Guides

Elder Financial Abuse (PDF)