Professional Members:

Holgerson, Frank
6/5/24 - 6/5/27 USQ for Six Months
1st Term
Nurseryman Seat

Klavon, Dina, RLA (Secretary)
6/29/23 - 6/29/26 USQ for Six Months
3rd Term
Landscape Architect Seat​

Morgan, David, RLA (Chair)
10/9/24 - 10/9/27  USQ for Six Months
4th Term
Landscape Architect Seat​

Rauso, Richard
10/19/21 - 10/19/24 USQ for Six Months
3rd Term
Landscape Architect Seat

West, Patrick RLA, ASLA 
02/09/22-02/09/25 USQ for Six Months
3rd Term
Landscape Architect Seat

Vacant, Position Open​

Landscape Architect Seat


Public Members:

Vacant, Position Open

Vacant, Position Open



Claggett, Arion R.
Acting Commissioner of the Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs

Mauser, Brett (Consumer Protection)
Office of Attorney General


USQ=Until Successor Qualifies  

QUORUM REQUIREMENTS - Five members of the board. 

4 Landscape Architects 
1 Landscape Nurseryman 
2 Public Members 
1 Consumer Protection 
1 Commissioner