Special Notice Regarding Continuing Education for Renewal Cycle June 1, 2024-May 31, 2026

At the July 10, 2024, meeting of the Real Estate Commission, pursuant to 49 PA Code §35.384(b), the Commission voted to impose a continuing education requirement for the 2024-2026 renewal period. The requirement is that a minimum of 5 (five) hours of the required 14 hours of continuing education must be taken in the following topics: 2-hours in Fair Housing and 3-Hours in Agency Relationship. 

New licensees who are renewing for the first time are exempt from this one-time requirement, and are still required to complete the mandatory courses for new licensees pursuant to 49 PA Code §35.384(b)

Mandatory Topic Special Notice 2024-2026 (PDF)

Examination Notification

Beginning April 1, 2023, PSI Exams will no longer be registering or administering testing to Pennsylvania candidates for the Real Estate sales and broker examinations. New examination candidates will be required to register and test with Pearson Vue. Beginning Monday, March 20, 2023, any candidate who needs to take an exam will go to https://home.pearsonvue.com/pa/realestate to review the updated candidate handbook and access the new registration website. For assistance with examinations and exam registration, please call 1-888-511-5352.

New York State Reciprocity Notification

Effective immediately, the Pennsylvania Real Estate Commission will no longer issue licenses by reciprocity based on an applicant holding an active license in the state of New York. Those with active reciprocal licenses issued through NYS licensure will be permitted to maintain that license as long as they remain in compliance with the Reciprocity regulations. Please review the law and regulations and consult with a private attorney if you require advice on how to be in compliance.



Elder Abuse Prevention Guides

Elder Financial Abuse (PDF)