
Licensees regulated by the State Board of Veterinary Medicine are NOT required to complete the child abuse continuing education requirements outlined in Act 31 of 2014.  This law DOES NOT apply to the State Board of Veterinary Medicine and its licensees.  However, you must still meet and be in compliance with all Board specific continuing education requirements.  Veterinarians must complete 30 hours (See regulations 31.15 & 31.16) and Veterinary Technicians must complete 16 hours (See regulations 31.36 & 31.40) of Board approved continuing education during the 24 months preceding renewal.  Child abuse continuing education courses/credits will not be accepted to meet the Board’s continuing education requirements outlined above.

Attention Veterinarians:  Vaccination Clinics (PDF)


Special Notice – All Continuing Education On-Line 7/26/2024

Department of Health: Final Order temporarily scheduling Xylazine as a Schedule III Controlled Substance (PDF)

Anti-Terrorism Advisory Council Conference 2019 (PDF)

Attention Veterinarians:  Handling of Stray Dogs and Kennel Licensing Requirements (PDF)

Act 6 of 2018 Reporting of Sanctions and Criminal Proceedings, Suspension and Civil Penalties (PDF)

Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Renewal Change

Letter to Veteran's Administration Hospitals Regarding License Verifications (PDF)

Veterinary Medical Recordkeeping

Certified Veterinary Technician Specialists

APHIS Approved Supplemental Training (PDF)

Elder Abuse Prevention Guides

Elder Financial Abuse (PDF)