
Out-of-State Educators

Please review the out-of-state certification routes outlined below and select the option that best applies to you to obtain information on Pennsylvania certification requirements, how to apply for certification, etc.:

I have a valid National Board for Professional Teaching Standards or National Association of School Psychologists Credential comparable to a Pennsylvania certificate in subject and grade level scope

  • Identify the comparable Pennsylvania certificate for which you will be applying (see Types of Certificates). Special Note: PDE no longer issues the Special Education PK-8 or 7-12 certification areas. PDE began issuing the Special Education PreK-12 certificate 1/1/22. Refer to CSPG 61 (Grade-Level Scope of Certificates section) for more information.
  • Obtain all official transcripts (both bachelors and beyond). If submitting transcripts electronically, do not submit your transcript request until you have submitted your application in TIMS. A bachelor's or higher degree from a regionally/nationally accredited college/university is a base requirement for certification.
  • Obtain a photocopy of your professional level state certificate comparable to the PA certificate you are seeking.
  • Obtain a photocopy of your national credential.
  • The certification tests are not required under this route to certification. The required tests will still be requested in your TIMS application as the determination to waive the tests is not made by TIMS. It is determined by the certification specialist at the time the application is evaluated.
  • Complete and submit the application in TIMS.
    • All applicants for initial certification in PA must apply for a Level I credential type. If approved under this route, a Level II will be granted at the time the application is approved.
    • After completing the payment selection and successfully SUBMITTING your application in TIMS, you will be provided a link to the application cover sheet. First upload all applicable documents possible. Follow directions for submitting transcripts. If documents cannot be uploaded or sent electronically, include the cover sheet with the documents and mail to the address indicated on the cover sheet.
    • All certification requirements including testing should be met for any other subject areas applied for before submitting the required documentation for review.
    • Electronic payment (see Application Fees) accepted in TIMS.

I have an active/valid professional level out-of-state certificate with two (2) years of successful experience in the area for which I am applying (instructional, educational specialist, and supervisory certification areas only)

  • Identify the comparable Pennsylvania certificate for which you will be applying (see Types of Certificates).  Special Note:  PDE no longer issues the Special Education PK-8 or 7-12 certification areas. PDE began issuing the Special Education PK-12 certificate 1/1/22.  Refer to CSPG 61 (Grade-Level Scope of Certificates section) for more information.
  • Obtain all official transcripts (both bachelors and beyond). If submitting transcripts electronically, do not submit your transcript request until you have submitted your application in TIMS. A bachelor's or higher degree from a regionally/nationally accredited college/university is a base requirement for certification.
  • Obtain a photocopy of your current and valid professional level state certificate comparable to the PA certificate you are seeking.
  • Obtain proof of two (2) full years of experience in the area for which you are applying by having the Verification of Experience Form PD​E338V​ (PDF) completed by your current/previous employers. One form is required for each non-PA PK-12 employer and any PA employer not found in TIMS but indicated in the application.
  • Confirm that the required content area test scores(s) have been reported to PDE directly from the test administrator – ETS, ACTFL or ES Pearson. For test information, refer to the Certification Test and Score Requirements (Excel) spreadsheet.
    • All applicants must take the PA required content test(s) and meet the PA passing score(s) unless applying for Instructional (teacher) certification AND providing proof that all of the following conditions are met within the preparing state:
      • Hold a current and valid professional level state certificate that is comparable in both content and grade scope to the PA certificate for which you are applying;
      • Completed a college/university educator preparation program approved for certification in the state in which the certificate is held; the program must include student teaching (verify with Education Preparation Program Verification Form, PDE338A);
      • Passed related content tests required by the certifying state (verify with Education Preparation Program Verification Form, PDE338A); and
      • Submit verification that satisfactory service for your two most recent years of experience are on the certifying state's certificate and in the subject area for which you are applying ​(verify with Verification of Experience Form PDE338V​).
    • All other applicants must take the PA required content test(s) and meet the PA qualifying score(s). The passing score(s) must be met under this route. The GPA method of scoring is not acceptable. The Fundamental Subjects test is not required under this route to certification. Waived tests may still be requested in your TIMS application as the determination to waive test requirements is not made by TIMS. It is determined by the certification specialist at the time the application is evaluated.
  • Complete and submit the application in TIMS.
    • All applicants for initial certification in PA must apply for a Level I credential type.
    • After completing the payment selection and successfully SUBMITTING your application in TIMS, you will be provided a link to the application cover sheet. First upload all applicable documents possible. Follow directions for submitting transcripts. If documents cannot be uploaded or sent electronically, include the cover sheet with the documents and mail to the address indicated on the cover sheet.
    • All certification requirements including testing should be met for all subject areas applied for before submitting the required documentation for review.
    • Electronic payment (see Application Fees) accepted in TIMS.


I completed an approved preparation program outside of Pennsylvania

  • For candidates who completed an approved program outside of PA but do not currently hold an active/valid professional level out-of-state certificate.
  • For candidates who completed an approved program outside of PA who currently hold a professional level out-of-state certificate but do not have two (2) years of experience in the area for which they are applying.

  1. Verify that your state is part of the National Association Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC) Interstate Agreement. If your state is not a party to the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement, your certification program will be evaluated against PA certification program guidelines.
  2. Identify the comparable Pennsylvania certificate for which you will be applying (see Types of Certificates).  Special note:  PDE no longer issues the Special Education PK-8 or 7-12 certification areas.  PDE began issuing the Special Education PK-12 certificate 1/1/22.  Refer to CSPG 61 (Grade-Level Scope of Certificates section) for more information. 
  3. Obtain all official transcripts (both bachelors and beyond). If submitting transcripts electronically, do not submit your transcript request until you have submitted your application in TIMS. A bachelor's degree from a nationally accredited college/university is a base requirement for certification. These will be used to verify:
    • Bachelor's degree conferral
    • 3.0 cumulative degree GPA
    • Program completion and/or required coursework for certification
    • Student teaching/internship/practicum or field experience
  4. Obtain a photocopy of your current and valid state certificate comparable to the PA certificate you are seeking if available.
    • For School Speech and Language Pathologist certification or School Social Worker certification, also submit a photocopy of your ASHA and/or PA Department of State license if applicable.
  5. Obtain a completed Education Preparation Program Verification Form, PDE338A​ (PDF) as proof of completion of an educator preparation program approved for certification in the state in which the program was completed.
  6. Confirm that the required tests have been completed and reported to PDE directly from the test administrator. Fundamental Subjects (for all subject areas PK-12) and the content area test(s)]. For current test information, refer to Test Requirements. You must take the PA required tests and meet the PA qualifying score. No other tests can be substituted or exceptions made.
  7. Complete and submit the application in TIMS.
    • All applicants for initial certification in PA must apply for a Level I credential type.
    • After completing the payment selection and successfully SUBMITTING your application in TIMS, you will be provided a link to the application cover sheet. First upload all applicable documents possible. Follow directions for submitting transcripts. If documents cannot be uploaded or sent electronically, include the cover sheet with the documents and mail to the address indicated on the cover sheet.
    • All certification requirements including testing should be met for all subject areas applied for before submitting the required documentation for review.
    • Electronic payment (see Application ​Fees) accepted in TIMS.

I was educated outside of the United States

Individuals educated in a country other than the United States (U.S.) may be eligible for public school educator certification in Pennsylvania provided they meet all of the following:

  1. Earned a degree that is the equivalent of a U.S. baccalaureate degree or higher;
  2. Completed an educator certification program that meets Pennsylvania General and Subject Specific Program Framework Guidelines;
  3. Obtained satisfactory scores on the Pennsylvania certification assessment(s);
  4. Demonstrated proficiency in speaking the English language if required (see English Proficiency information below);
  5. Meets all other requirements.


When applying for certification, you must: be a citizen of the U.S. or legally authorized to work in the U.S.  A permanent resident immigrant visa holder is legally authorized to work in the U.S.


  • World language instructional certificate
  • Letter of Eligibility (LOE)
  • Commission Qualification Letter (CQL)

Application Process

Complete an application for a Pennsylvania certificate online via the Teacher Information Management System (TIMS) and submit the following:

  1. Foreign Evaluation Report - All foreign transcripts must be evaluated by a professional credential evaluation agency accredited by the Association of International Credential Evaluators, Inc. (AI​CE); National Association of Credential Evaluation Services​​ (N​ACES); or an agency approved by another U.S. state department of education in order to obtain the approving state's educator credential. This evaluation must show the U.S. equivalent of foreign degrees plus a course-by-course evaluation showing semester hour college credit and cumulative GPA.

    The original or notarized photocopy of the foreign evaluation report must be submitted with photocopies of the foreign credentials.

    Please contact us if you wish to utilize the services of an agency that is not a member of AICE or NACES to make sure it is recognized. Pennsylvania does not endorse or recommend any individual credential evaluation service.

  2. Transcripts - Official transcripts for any coursework completed in the U.S.

  3. PDE 338A Form - Only required if you completed an educator certification program in the U.S.

  4. PDE 338V Form - Required for each employer indicated in the application but only c​onsidered if you have an active, professional level certificate from another U.S. state and two (2) years of successful classroom teaching experience.

  5. Test Scores - Official scores must be received directly (electronically) from the test vendor. See Certification Testing for further information on the tests required.

  6. Citizenship - Unless applying for a world language, applicants must be either a U.S. citizen or legally authorized to work in the U.S.  A permanent resident immigrant visa holder is legally authorized to work in the U.S. 

  7. English Proficiency Test - Non-U.S. citizen applicants educated solely in a foreign country where the primary and official language is not English must demonstrate proficiency in understanding and speaking the English language. An advanced-mid score is required on the American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Languages​ (ACTFL) English Language, Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI or OPIc). You may register for this test via the ACTFL website.

I hold or completed a program for administrative, supervisory, or superintendent credentials

  1. Verify that your state is part of the National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC) Interstate Agreement. If your state is not a party to the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement, your certification program will be evaluated against PA certification program guidelines.
  2. Identify the comparable Pennsylvania certificate for which you will be applying (see Types of Certificates).
  3. Obtain all official transcripts (bachelor's and beyond). If submitting transcripts electronically, do not submit your transcript request until you have submitted your application in TIMS. A bachelor's degree from a regionally and/or nationally accredited college/university is a base requirement for certification. Transcripts will be used to verify:
    • Bachelor's degree conferral
    • Graduate-level certification program completion
    • 3.0 program GPA
    • Practicum or field experience
  4. Obtain a copy of your state certificate/license comparable to the PA certificate you are seeking if held.
  5. Obtain a completed Education Preparation Program Verification Form, PDE338A (PDF) as proof of completion of a state-approved, graduate level certification preparation program.
  6. Obtain proof of the required experience by having the Verification of Experience Form PDE338V (PDF) completed by your current/previous employers. Submit one form​ for each employer indicated in the application. Pennsylvania public school experience will be verified electronically through TIMS, PA’s online certification application system.
  7. Confirm that the required content area test score has been reported to PDE directly from the test administrator. For test information, refer to the Certification Test and Score Requirements spreadsheet. A test taken for another state can be accepted ONLY if it is the exact test required in PA. You must meet the PA qualifying score.
  8. Complete and submit the application in TIMS.
  9. All applicants must apply for the appropriate credential type:
    All Supervisory – Supervisory (76) 
    Principal PK-12 - Administrative I (75)
    Career and Technical Administrative Director – Administrative (78)
    Superintendent, IU Executive Director - Letter of Eligibility (90) 
    Superintendent (Alternative) – Commission Qualification Letter (96)
  10. After completing the payment selection and successfully SUBMITTING your application in TIMS, you will be provided a link to the application cover sheet. First, upload all applicable documents possible. Follow directions for submitting transcripts. If documents cannot be uploaded or sent electronically, include the cover sheet with the documents and mail to the address indicated on the cover sheet.
  11. All certification requirements including testing should be met for all subject areas applied for before submitting the required documentation for review.
  12. Electronic payment (see Application​ Fees) accepted in TIMS.