Continuing Education and Professional Development

PA Inspired Leadership (PIL) Program

The Pennsylvania Inspired Leadership (PIL) Program is a statewide, standards-based continuing professional education program for school and system leaders. This comprehensive program is focused on developing the capacity of leaders to improve student achievement.

PIL courses, offered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE), per 24 P.S. § 11-1109 (f) provide PIL induction programming and continuing education credit/hours required for certified administrators serving in PIL-covered positions in Commonwealth schools to fulfill the Act 45 of 2007 requirements.

The Principal Induction Program component addresses the three core PA leadership standards, and the Continuing Professional Education Program addresses the three core and six corollary PA leadership standards in the Framework for Principal Preparation Program Guidelines (PDF).

PA Inspired Le​​adership (PIL) Course Registration

PIL Online Registration

PIL courses are available on the Department of Education's SAS Portal. Participants who do not have a SAS account must first register for one by visiting PDE SAS. Educators must have their PPIDs in their profiles to receive credit hours for the courses.  

To register for and view the courses, participants must log into the SAS PD Center. For more information on PIL and PIL courses, please visit the Pennsylvania Inspired Leadershi​p (PIL) SAS site.​​

PIL Continuing Education Course Schedule and Descriptions

(formerly known as Act 13, Leading by Design, and Blended Courses) – Schedule and Course Descriptions can be found under the Professional Development tab.

PIL Induction Program

  • This program is for educators who are currently serving as a building assistant/vice principals or a building principal and will need to complete induction to move from an Administrative Level I certificate to an Administrative Level II certificate.
  • Registration for Induction Courses can be found on the SAS PD Center.
  • The induction program will be one year in length and participants will earn 80 hours at the end of the year.
  • If you completed NCEE (NISL) Course 1, please sign up for the entire series of the new PIL Induction Program. This will satisfy the Induction Program Requirement to convert an Administrative Level I Certificate to an Administrative Level II Certificate.
  • If you started NCEE (NISL) Course 2 but didn’t finish it, please complete the bridging form. PDE will assist you and ensure you sign up for the appropriate sessions. You will receive hours from Course 2 and hours from the new PIL Induction Program.

Approved, ​​Non-PIL Courses

In addition to the PIL Program course schedules, a listing of approved programs and courses offered by other entities that meet the requirements of Act 45 can be found at Approved non-PIL continuing education courses; PDE updates this site on a regular basis.

Safe Schools Mandated Trainings

Act 55 of 2022 amended Section 1310-B of the PA Public School Code of 1949 to establish new requirements for school safety and security training for all school employees in Pennsylvania. The new requirement is three hours of instruction annually and requires the training provided meet certain standards as adopted by the School Safety and Security Committee (SSSC) housed within the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD). Amendments in Act 55 also established requirements for mandatory training for School Safety and Security Coordinators.

On September 28, 2022, the SSSC approved training standards for School Safety and Security Training for all school employees and the training criteria for School Safety and Security Coordinators. If you are seeking Act 45 credit for any of the above-mentioned training, please click the link below.​​ If you have already received Act 48 credit for this training you will need to reach out to the training provider to have them remove that credit. Educator’s cannot receive credit twice for the same training. As a reminder all Act 45 credits are applied to an educators Act 48 continuing education requirements.​​

ACT 45 Credit for Sc​hool Safety Trainings