Uniform Construction Code

UCC Review & Advisory Council

The Uniform Construction Code (UCC) Review and Advisory Council were established by the Pennsylvania Construction Code Act (PCCA). The Council consists of 21 members, with appointments made by the Governor and the General Assembly.

About the Council

The members represent industry sectors that participate in the various aspects relating to the building - including building component design, construction, building code enforcement, and local government representation.

The Council is charged with making recommendations to the Governor, the General Assembly, and Labor & Industry regarding proposed changes to the PCCA. The Council is also charged with reviewing the most recent triennial building code updates published by the International Code Council (ICC). The PCCA requires the Council to submit a report to Labor & Industry's Secretary within a prescribed timeline, specifying the updates to be adopted as part of Pennsylvania’s UCC.

The council is required to review the applicable triennial code revisions to the following International Codes adopted as the UCC: 

  • International Building Code (IBC)
  • International Energy Conservation Code (IECC)
  • International Existing Building Code (IEBC)
  • International Fire Code (IFC)
  • International Fuel Gas Code (IFGC)
  • International Mechanical Code (IMC)
  • ICC Performance Code for Buildings and Facilities (ICCPC)
  • International Plumbing Code (IPC)
  • International Residential Code for One- and Two-Family Dwellings (IRC)
  • International Wildland-Urban Interface Code (IWUIC)

Council Members

Public input is encouraged, and the general public (individual citizens, trade and other associations, etc.) may request the Council to address a particular subject or issue related to the PA UCC as long as it is within the purview of the Council. This can be done by contacting the Council at the addresses listed below or by attending a scheduled meeting of the Council.

Term Expiration

Term expired June 30, 2020 

  • Marty Marra* – General Contractor, Non-residential (House Speaker appointment)
  • Karen Masino* – Construction Trades (House Minority Leader appointment)

Term expired June 30, 2021

  • Jerry Phelan* – Modular Housing
  • E. Mitchell Swann*– Licensed Mechanical Engineer, HVAC System

Term expires June 30, 2023

  • Richard Madzar – Commercial Building Owner
  • Vacant – 2nd/3rd Class City Official (Senate Minority Leader appointment)
  • Vacant – General Contractor, Residential (Senate President Pro Tempore appointment)

Term expires June 30, 2024

  • Elizabeth Baldwin – 1st Class City Official
  • Edward Fegley – Building Code Official
  • John Kampmeyer – Mechanical Engineer
  • Dr. Walter Schneider III –Structural Engineer
  • Amrinder Singh – UCC Building Inspector/Plans Examiner
  • Michael Thompson – Licensed Architect, Commercial Design/Construction
  • Matthew Wojaczyk – UCC Residential Building Inspector

Term expires June 30, 2025 

  • Charles Coltharp – Architect
  • Craig Glotfelty – Manufactured Housing
  • James Lucas – 2nd Class Township Public Official
  • Kevin Maynard – Licensed Electrical Engineer
  • Larry Mellott – Residential Contractor
  • Brian Trimble – Borough Public Official
  • William Yeagley – UCC Fire Inspector

*Please note that all position-holders may continue to serve until a qualified successor is named.

Contact the Council

Requests for the Council may be e-mailed to ra-uccrac@pa.gov or mailed to:

Bureau of Occupational & Industrial Safety
PA Department of Labor & Industry
651 Boas Street, Room 1613
Harrisburg, PA 17121

Please Note: Any email sent to the above address must relate to Council business. Any other UCC questions and issues should be directed to the Department by calling 717-787-3806 and selecting option 1. For information and to request public records relating to the Council, visit  The Office of Open Records.